Already on track.

The things she planned are slowly on track, and she doesn't know what happened to Huohuo Fatty and Xiao Jiuwenqing.

as well as--

Mo Zifei.

She was waiting for that day to come, that day, she no longer worked so hard, she no longer worried that she would always be separated from him, waiting for that day to come.

At that time, I will be very happy.

she believes.

Because she is Nalan Zhenyue, and he is Mo Zifei.

During the few days in Fenglei Villa, Mr. Jun occasionally came to Nalan Zhenyue to discuss matters about the Spiritual Medicine Hall. As long as the medicines she sold were good, almost 80.00% of the people in Fenglei City went to the Spiritual Medicine Hall. For the purchase of the medicine hall, people start queuing up before dawn every day. Boss Tian is very busy, but because of the huge number of Fenglei City, there are not enough pre-sales every day. Mr. Jun means that it can be opened. It's the third store.

Nalan Zhenyue had already made up her mind, Quan Fubo also came from behind, found Nalan Zhenyue, left two shops for her, and asked her to choose which one was suitable, but Nalan Zhenyue didn't go Well, the two shops are going to be closed down, others opened one and opened one, she opened one and opened two in a row, which has an unstoppable momentum.

Recently, Quan Fubo has always been running between the villa and Fenglei City. When the jurisdiction is free, he goes to the villa to help Nalan Zhenyue with work. The work is actually what Nalan Zhenyue needs. Write to Quanfu Bo is good, Quan Fubo will go to the pharmacy to get it, and Nalan Zhenyue has never been out of the room, and has been staying in the room to study the wind and thunder medicine non-stop.

Five days passed in a flash.

Nalan Zhenyue pushed open the door, and the breeze blew in, carrying the fragrance of green grass, which was refreshing.

She looked outside, but there was no sign of Quan Fubo. Quan Fubo came here around noon. She asked him to go to the pharmacy to get some medicinal materials. Just one pass.

However, after Quan Fubo left, he never came back.

Nalan Zhenyue looked around, then closed the door, and went to the pharmacy herself,

There were quite a few people looking at her on the road, some looking at her, and some curious. Nalan Zhenyue didn't care, and continued to walk towards the pharmacy with a calm expression. Suddenly jumped out and stopped Nalan Zhenyue.

"Hello!" The girl is about fifteen or sixteen years old, but she is not tall, with a baby face and a pair of big eyes that look watery.

"The wind is clear."


But the girl shouted hello again, looking at Nalan Zhenyue with her big bright eyes, her appearance was extremely transparent.

Nalan Zhenyue raised her brows and eyes slightly, "What's your job, girl?"

"I heard that you are very arrogant, right???"


"My name is Lei Xiaoying! I'm my father's daughter." Seeing that Nalan Zhenyue was silent, Lei Xiaoying said again.

Nalan Zhenyue burst out laughing. She originally had an indifferent expression, but because of this smile, her facial features were very vivid, and her eyes were as bright as stars. Just one glance, she felt amazing. There is no doubt that Lei Xiao Sakura was also amazed by Nalan Zhenyue's smile.

Nalan Zhenyue's laughter subsided, "I am also my father's daughter."

Lei Xiaoying pouted, "You are really arrogant!"

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