Those who drove away all the guests, wantonly destroyed its elixir hall, medicinal materials and potions, and even all the people inside were beaten to death, even Jun Xiaofei and several children of the Jun family who were in the elixir hall is also like this.

Not only that, Boss Tian was also implicated and dying.

At that time, Elder Jun rushed to Fenglei Villa after hearing the news of Heifeng and Nalan Zhenyue's falling out, but when he didn't want to rush there, Heifeng happened to take someone to the Spiritual Medicine Hall, so he missed it for a while.

Mr. Jun had just arrived at the villa, and someone rushed to the villa immediately, and told Mr. Jun and Nalan Zhenyue the news.

Mr. Jun was completely dumbfounded when he heard this, did Heifeng break the jar or do something? ? ?

Without saying a word, Mr. Jun rushed towards Fenglei City, but faster than him was Nalan Zhenyue! ! !

It flew out like a gust of wind, even faster than Mr. Jun.

"Let's rush over too!!!" Feng Tianming said immediately.

"Wait for me, old man!" It was the ancestor of Fenglei Villa who appeared with a cane.

"I'm going too!" Lei Xiaoying said.

A group of people followed behind Nalan Zhenyue.

At this time, Fenglei City was in a bit of a mess. Everyone in the Black Wind Mansion was ready. After smashing the Spirit Medicine Hall and killing some people, they were preparing to leave the city and rush towards the Nishi Mansion in the West City.

People on the street have already run back to their homes to hide!

When Nalan Zhenyue arrived, Heifeng and the others had already left the city. Her speed was very fast, really fast. Just by taking a look, the anger in her heart burned like a flame.

If she had known earlier, Hei Feng would have been killed on the spot!

Someone poked his head out of the window to see Nalan Zhenyue, and at the same time saw this scene, spreading from her footsteps, strange red lights, like complicated lines, also like some This kind of formation is general, and it spreads a little bit, and spreads out of the city, and the range is getting bigger and bigger.

In the entire direction close to the city gate, the ground is covered with that burst of red light.

It formed a weird shape!

When Lei Tianming, the ancestor and Mr. Jun arrived, they happened to see such a scene.

At the same time scary, this is a formation!

That's right, this is a formation, but this formation is too dangerous.

"What a strong bloody aura!!!"

Nalan Zhenyue who was in Shishifu Mansion that day used the killing array to kill many people, but the forces in Fenglei City and the Yin Tower had never seen it up close, so they didn't know that Nalan Zhenyue It was the person who made a big fuss at ShiDefianfu that day.

But even so, this moment was enough to surprise them.

Such a formation is really rare!

Such a strong aura of blood and light, many people must have died in this formation, that Feng Qing was only 17 years old, how many people did she kill?

Next thing they know.

I have seen a tough one, but I have never seen such a tough one!

Outside the city, all Heifeng's team fell into that formation.

"Grandpa, look—"

Nalan Zhenyue's speed is so fast, the formation is still spreading under her feet, if someone wants to escape, her formation will continue to spread, and no one can escape! ! !

"What a boy! You chased him out, you will definitely die today!!!" Hei Feng was also furious, completely furious.

He really never thought that he would have such a day! ! !

Being hunted down! ?

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