Someone in Fenglei City saw Nalan Zhenyue's attack, and also saw the bowl-sized thunder and lightning, but they didn't think of that. At that time, Lei Tianming and the ancestors of the villa were present, and Fenglei Villa was also cultivating the thunder attribute. He is also far away, so there is no doubt that Nalan Zhenyue is the person who was in Shishifu that day.

But looking at Nalan Zhenyue's eyes is even more different.

I thought this young man had some strength, whether it was potion or cultivation, but seeing people like her chasing and killing Heifeng, is it more than a shock that can be described?

Even if they didn't know that she was the person from the Shi-Defying Mansion back then, their strength at that time was enough to shock them!

Lei Tianming didn't even know how he got back to the villa, he was in a state of confusion, with a feeling of ignorance, but at the same time he seemed to be very clear, always, even he felt like he was in a dream.

The old ancestor sat down beside Lei Tianming with a smile on his face, with his hands resting on the crutches, his eyes almost disappeared from the smile.

"Do you know why I said that that day?"

Lei Tianming suddenly came to his senses, "Are you old ancestor???"

"Actually, when she came to the villa that day, she discovered by accident that there is something special about that girl. No matter how I look at it, I think she has a destiny with our Fenglei villa." The ancestor laughed.

that girl...

Yes! ! !

Feng Qing's real identity is...

Lei Tianming suddenly thought of something again.

"Old Ancestor, you said that if it was leaked out, wouldn't we have become mortal enemies with the Shi-Defying Mansion?"

"Why did you think of this? Our Fenglei Villa is still afraid that the Shi-Defying Mansion will fail?" The ancestor was upset.

Lei Tianming was ashamed. He wasn't afraid of the Shi-Defying Mansion, but for so many years, in the west region, he really didn't have any problems with the Shi-Defying Mansion. They have always coexisted peacefully. , Fenglei Villa, Winner, and Yin Tower have all coexisted for many years.

Only the people in the Yin Tower have a bit weird personality, but nothing major has really happened.

The old ancestor said slowly: "Let's help her open the spirit medicine hall, preferably all over the Shangjingtian. Now let's hide it for as long as we can. Before that, we Fenglei Villa, if you can protect her, protect her."

"Do you not hesitate to fight against the World-Defying Mansion?"

The old ancestor squinted at Lei Tianming, "What the hell is going on in your head? Didn't the forces of Shangjingtian always coexist peacefully like this? In the future, the invasion of the Dark Realm will destroy hundreds of us. Years of peace, this is just the beginning, nothing now doesn't mean it's over, you have to carefully weigh whether to wait for the opportunity in the troubled times, or take the initiative to seize the opportunity."

Lei Tianming was taken aback by the old ancestor's words, "But, old ancestor, our Fenglei Villa is no longer as good as it used to be..."

The old ancestor was furious, "It's because we are not as good as before, so we have to think clearly in advance!!!"


Lei Tianming thinks a lot, he is the head of the family, his choice is to determine the life and death of the entire Fenglei Villa, so he is more indecisive, but the ancestors have a longer-term view, in a word, it is better to take the initiative than to sit and wait for death.

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