Black Belly Summoner: Strong on the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1022 How about I marry you?



"It really worked!"

The old ancestor almost threw away his crutches and jumped up.

Countless thunder and lightning crashed down, and the momentum was getting stronger and stronger. Quan Fubo and Jun always felt their scalps tingling, but Lei Tianming was very happy, it seemed that there had become a sea of ​​thunder.

The wind and thunder agent really succeeded.

Amidst more and more thunder and lightning, Lei Tianming did not feel the pain and suffering like before. On the contrary, his body was filled with an electric power, which was very comfortable! ! !

Lei Xiaoying's eyes lit up, "You are amazing!"

These words were said to Nalan Zhenyue, but what Lei Xiaoying said in the next second made several people stunned.

"I'll marry you, okay???"

Lei Tianming in Leihai also heard this, stumbled and fell to the ground, very embarrassed.

The ancestor was also stunned.

Only Lei Xiaoying was the most excited, grabbed Nalan Zhenyue's hand, and said bouncingly: "I'll marry you! I want to marry you!!!"

Nalan Zhenyue's hand trembled, it was really a hand tremor, the aura suddenly stagnated, and the next second, a purple thunderbolt suddenly struck down from the middle of the clouds, the ancestors, Quan Fubo and Mr. Jun His eyes widened suddenly, and Lei Tianming was about to stand up when he was struck by the purple lightning and passed out completely.


Nalan Zhenyue was also dumbfounded.

How did Zi Lei come out? ? ?

Quiet, quiet, very quiet.

Nalan Zhenyue didn't know how Zi Lei would come out, she just——

Of course she knew the power of Zilei, but it almost knocked her out of her mind back then, but why is there Zilei? ? ?

The power of this kind of purple thunder is much stronger than the power of lightning she controls, but logically speaking, it is impossible for her to use it!


The ancestor hurriedly brought Lei Tianming out, and at the same time looked at Nalan Zhenyue in disbelief, "What kind of thunder was that just now?"

Jun Lao murmured, "It seems to be purple."

Lei Xiaoying blinked her eyes, "It's purple."

There was nothing wrong with those lightning strikes on Lei Tianming's body, but there was only that purple thunder, which directly knocked Lei Tianming unconscious.

What if—

Nalan Zhenyue rubbed the back of her head, "Actually, I don't really know why this kind of purple thunder is called out."

"Zi Lei???"

"I entered the Yin Forest of the Ghost Realm for a while, and I was struck by purple thunder in it. Well, how should I put it, this kind of lightning is not something I can control. Of course, I also suffered great pain when I was struck. Almost died."

When the old ancestor heard this, his eyeballs almost fell out of shock.

Of course he knew how powerful the purple thunder was, but he didn't expect that Nalan Zhenyue would also be hacked.

"So what happened in the end?"

"In the end, of course I was still alive, but I was reborn from Nirvana!" She shrugged her shoulders without hiding anything.

The old ancestor was even more shocked, Nirvana was reborn.

The ancestor suddenly threw Lei Tianming to the ground, and then touched Nalan Zhenyue's hand bone. At that moment, he exclaimed: "What a strong body, so strong, really strong."

Saying three powerful in a row is enough to show how shocked the ancestors are at this moment.

Nalan Zhenyue curled her lips into a smile, and the concealed aura suddenly came out, with a sense of long and distant vicissitudes.

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