The former owner of the reincarnation mirror? ? ?

Nalan Zhenyue was stunned for a moment, did the Samsara Mirror have a former owner?

"Who is it?" She asked reflexively, but the answer from Yinta Soul shook her head, "I don't know, I haven't met him, but Yangta knows, he has seen him."

Nalan Zhenyue was silent, didn't say anything, just said nothing.

In her heart, she thinks this is a very crucial place, about the secret of the mirror of reincarnation, and the girl Mo Zifei mentioned that looks very similar to her, as well as those unsolved mysteries.

The Soul of the Yin Tower looked at Nalan Zhenyue with the kind of anticipation in his eyes, and Nalan Zhenyue suddenly raised his eyes after pondering for a moment and said: "Okay, I will help you, then let me start from Get out here."

The Soul of the Yin Tower was very happy, and said excitedly: "Okay, thank you!"

However, the Soul of the Yin Tower seemed to remember something again, and suddenly said: "Do you want to..."


"Do you want to go out after another trial period???" When he said this, the Soul of the Yin Tower was also very cautious, as if he was afraid that Nalan Zhenyue would go back and help her.

Afraid of offending the other party.

Nalan Zhenyue did not answer immediately after hearing the words of the Soul of the Yin Tower, but was thinking. She was considering the suggestion of the Soul of the Yin Tower. If she went out now, the Pharmacist Competition would not be able to keep up. Quite a few injuries, but apparently very effective.

Nalan Zhenyue still agreed to the suggestion of the soul of the Yin Tower. She has a lot of enemies in Shangjingtian. Fatty and them are all practicing, so she should sharpen herself.

In the blink of an eye, it was another half a month, and it had been more than a month since Nalan Zhenyue entered the Yin Tower.

In this more than a month, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Among the Five Immortals, there are Shengtian School, Fenglei Villa, Daughter Village, Yinzu, and Beast Village.

And Beast Village fought again with the Dark Realm that invaded Shangjingtian. Not only that, some people spread the news that the Yin Clan had something to do with the Dark Realm, and the Holy Heaven Sect had entanglements with the Yin Clan. During this more than a month, The Dark Realm and the Yin Clan fight against the Shengtian faction and the beast village.

The Yin clan is a killer clan, specializing in assassination and assassination. They are very talented in assassination, and the beast village is a force composed of a group of powerful beasts.

Beast Village is a relatively peculiar force in Shangjingtian, but its powerful force is also the most dreaded among so many forces in Shangjingtian.

Because there are not many strong beasts who can transform into human forms, but their species and groups are extremely large. If mysterious beasts are not counted, they are monster beasts and fierce beasts. Although these two races cannot They are subdivided into one, and they are not completely combined. If one day, fierce beasts and monsters reach an agreement to attack humans, it will be a big problem for the three realms of heaven and land.

However, it is also because there are relatively few beasts that can transform into human forms. If there are many, the situation will be even more different.

Because the power distribution of Shangjingtian has fluctuated, every force is now paying attention to the situation, and even the people of Shangjingtian feel that there is a wind of unrest blowing.

The pharmacist competition is still in full swing. In the western region, the list of the finals was announced three days ago. There are five people from the four major forces of Fenglei Villa, Winner, World-Defying Mansion, and the Yin Tower Force. Into the finals.

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