The World-Defying King was struggling in Nalan Zhenyue's killing formation, and Nalan Zhenyue was resisting in the colorful killing formation of the World-Defying King. Both of them were suffering great pain.

The masters of the two sides also fought together again, blood, shock, and shouts intertwined! ! !

"You must persevere!!!" Xiaobai shouted, "You must not lose here!!!"

Absolutely not! ! !

"Ah—" As if burning in the eighteenth floor of hell, Nalan Zhenyue screamed in the sky, she was resisting, desperately resisting! ! !

Jin Jin's heart ached so much, she wished she could replace Nalan Zhenyue! ! !

"Don't be distracted, if you die, she will be even more sad!!!" Elder Jun said suddenly, blocking a sneak attack for Jin Jin.

"come on!!!"

"come on!!!"

The people on Nalan Zhenyue's side shouted while fighting bloody.

It's for Nalan Zhenyue! ! !

Come on!

"The World Against the King!!!"

"My lord!!!"


Now, whoever breaks free from the killing array first wins.

how to say!

Once who breaks free from the formation first, the other person will have the opportunity to attack first, and the other person will be even more dangerous.

At this time, it was extremely dangerous for Nalan Zhenyue, the cultivation base of King Ni Shi was already stronger than her, if King Ni Shi escaped from the killing array, then she would die!

Compared with the seven-colored killing formation, one is complete and the other is incomplete, but because of the relatively high cultivation level of the World-Defying King, he can use the incomplete formation to the extreme, but it is also because Nalan Zhenyue The formation was complete, and the World Against the King could not escape so easily.

In the lore-killing formation, but the World-Defying King let out a roar, and his formidable cultivation burst out immediately.

His strength was slowly breaking free from the lore killing formation, but he was not much better, his body was riddled with holes and blood was gurgling.

The blood on Nalan Zhenyue's body covered the ground she was standing on, and she wanted to break free——

Desperately want to break free.

"Junior!!!" The World-Defying King yelled violently, and at this moment, Elder Jun and the ancestors were all stunned.

The god puppet suddenly looked at the World-Defying King, the power of the lore-killing formation suddenly weakened, and the World-Defying King broke through the lore-killing formation, shooting up into the sky like a beam of light and shadow.

The old ancestor's face suddenly paled.

"Zhenyue!!!" Xiaobai roared, and at this time, the god puppet stepped into the colorful killing array, and the figure of the world-defying king suddenly appeared, hitting the god puppet in front of Nalan Zhenyue .

I heard the sound of bones cracking.

This is the first time I saw the puppet get hurt.

Regardless of the power of the seven-color killing formation, the god puppet blocked the World-Defying King again, and was injured...

It was at this time that the power of the colorful killing formation suddenly became stronger, Nalan Zhenyue opened her eyes wide, and pushed the god puppet out with all her strength.

The figure of the World-Defying King was really too fast, he entered his own killing formation without hindrance, and hit Nalan Zhenyue on the head with a single palm, the old man, the old ancestor, Xiao Bai, Jin Jin, almost everyone couldn't believe it , Nalan Zhenyue fell to the ground straight up! ! !

He fell straight to the ground.

Blood slowly flowed from the scalp to the cheeks, slowly sliding down...



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