The World Against King is dead.

Mrs. Fengyue also died.

The direct descendants of the Shi-Defying Mansion were almost wiped out.

At this moment, two figures suddenly shot up to the sky from the collapsed mansion against the world, their voices were mournful.

"There are still two?!!!" Someone was shocked.

"It's Le Suwen and Le Suyun!!!"

Le Suwen and Le Suyun were once famous powers in the Three Realms Tianlu, and they cannot be explained clearly in a few words. After they got old, they retired and concentrated on cultivating their own descendants. Cultivated by human hands.

Le Suyun is a girl who has never married. She and Le Suwen are twins.

After the two retired, slowly, many people have forgotten, but there are also many people who will never forget, especially the contemporary old-timers. has passed away! ! !

Didn't expect to be alive? ? ?

"Damn it! Why did it come out now???" People from other forces couldn't help but say.

Where did Le Suwen and Le Suyun miss?

But when Zilei alarmed them, the World-Defying King was already hopeless, and the two had been in seclusion for more than ten years, and even about the Hefenglei Villa, the World-Defying King didn't inform the two elders, just because the World-Defying King Too proud.

He was so proud that he thought that Fenglei Villa would be destroyed, but he didn't expect that even if he was a famous name in his life, he would be turned into a pile of dry bones and loess.

But more importantly, these two elders have been attacking higher levels in the past ten years. In order to prolong their own lives, and do not want to be disturbed by the elders of other forces, they publicized that they were dead. up! ! !

You know, if these two old monsters are promoted successfully, the World-Defying Mansion will soar into the sky, facing the heads of the other three forces in the west.

How important is the stake here!

One can imagine!

It is also because the World-Defying King is too underestimating the enemy. He thinks that he has fought for most of his life, has accumulated illustrious military exploits, and is invincible. A girl with such abilities, even if he dies, he won't understand! ! !

The reason why Ni Shifu fell into such a fate was because of Le Nianlan, but the person who caused such an ending was none other than Shi Ni Shi Wang himself! ! !

Le Suwen and Le Suwen are short in stature, their faces are covered with traces of time, their backs are bent, and when they see the current situation, they are even a little panicked.

These two old monsters who have experienced great storms can't accept it at all at this moment. They have been brilliant for two eras, but they ended up like this in the end! ! !

This makes them how to accept! ! !


The masters of other forces are also flashing back here, almost all of them have raised their cultivation to the extreme, and stay away from here, but some people are a bit late, under the huge impact, spitting blood, some people reacted, and found themselves His cultivation has dropped! ! !

Not only the masters of those forces who observed the fight, but also the two closest old monsters, that is, the masters brought by Fenglei Villa, and Jin Jin, they almost all fell to the ground limply, spitting out their mouths. The blood continued, and the eardrums were buzzing, as if he was about to go deaf.

Even the ancestors couldn't help spitting blood!

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