"Emperor Feng is a shameless old man. He was raised by his elder brother when he was a child. His elder brother is also an honest person. These two brothers are completely virtuous people."

"Yes, yes, I have seen his elder brother, he is simple, he looks like an honest farmer, I really don't know why there is a Phoenix Emperor in their corner!"

This chatter was endless, and Nalan Zhenyue's heart sank when she heard it.

It may not be possible to know everything from ancient books, but from these people's mouths, a little bit of sesame mung bean is clear.

Emperor Feng, Emperor Feng is still Emperor Feng!

Emperor Feng has the greatest influence among these people, and most of the people buried here were killed by Emperor Feng. The hatred in those years has long since diminished. Now they are also a pile of loess, only a trace of spiritual imprint has not been erased. But I don't know when it will disappear, I don't have the energy to hate that Fengdi, I just lament the years, lament the things I wanted to do but didn't do when I was young.

The light of the colorful killing array was still there, Nalan Zhenyue glanced at it, heard them chattering in their ears, sighed and said suddenly: "Emperor Feng is still alive."




Silence all day!

The words that were about to be said also came to an abrupt end.


"He's still alive?"


Within a few minutes, miscellaneous voices suddenly sounded.

All are unbelievable.

It's like a huge wave suddenly broke out on the calm sea, that kind of impact makes my heart tremble.

"That dog day once gathered twelve magic medicines!!!"

"But it won't live until now!"

Nalan Zhenyue said: "As you can imagine, he has great ambitions. He wants to transcend the rules of heaven and earth and step into the realm of gods!"

Quiet quiet.

The person who kept making Nalan Zhenyue look for his head said, "If it were him, it wouldn't be strange, that madman has always been like this."

Emperor Feng always did things that ordinary people dare not do, and he made great military achievements.

But, he's still alive, he's still alive.

"How is he now???"

"Is that lunatic stronger now! My God, this continent is about to end!"

Nalan Zhenyue did not speak, but picked up the dagger on the ground, walked to a grave, and said, "What are you trying to carve?"

She concentrated on doing her own thing and stopped talking, just helping those who didn't know when the spiritual imprint would be heard.

When it was time to rest, she went to observe near the colorful killing formation. The formation was maintained all the time, and she couldn't get close to it. When she felt that she understood a little bit, she took out the engraved diagram of the formation.

But when she took out the formation to engrave the picture, a voice suddenly called out: "Tajing?"

Nalan Zhenyue was taken aback.

The one who spoke, unfortunately, was very familiar with the Yin-Yang Pagoda, and asked Nalan Zhenyue how the current Yin-Yang Pagoda was doing, and Nalan Zhenyue also told him that the current Yin-Yang Pagoda had separated.

After hearing this, he was speechless.

Don't know what to think.

Nalan Zhenyue seems to have become a small worker in the grave garden. As long as it is a request from a person with a spiritual imprint, she will satisfy it, but the only thing is that she cannot be allowed to accompany them. grave.

She still has a lot to do.

No plan!

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