On the fourth day.

Hong Lian just arrived on the front foot, and a disciple came to report first on the back foot.

"Master Hong Lian, we found this!" A disciple handed the thing in his hand to Hong Lian.

Nalan Zhenyue and the others also shifted their gazes, and saw that Honglian was holding a map, made of leather, with some marks on the top of the map. Nalan Zhenyue didn't understand it, but Honglian's But his face immediately changed color, and he shouted: "Where did you find this???"

"Found dug up in the soil near the yard on the southwest side."

"Catch all the people living in the yard over there!" Hong Lian was furious, and even her hair flew up, like a magic hand with teeth and claws.

Immediately, seven or eight people were dragged out. These seven or eight people were very nervous, and they kept explaining that they didn't know, but Hong Lian suddenly exerted force on his hand, and the map was deformed by being grabbed, and the next second it was Turned into powder, his eyes were deep and his facial features were even distorted, but at this moment he suddenly pulled out the long sword from the disciple beside him.

Hong Lian's long hair fluttered even more fiercely, and at the same time, a ruthless and emotionless voice suddenly sounded, "If you want to blame, blame the spy, I would rather kill a thousand mistakes than let one go, I am absolutely No one will hurt him!"

The sound of blood spattering.

Those seven or eight people stared at Hong Lian with wide eyes at the same time, even Nalan Zhenyue was stunned.

Hong Lian still maintained her strike posture, but the atmosphere at the scene was very strange, and no one dared to show their anger.

"Bang bang bang bang—" There were several sounds of falling to the ground, and the seven or eight people all sealed their throats with their swords.

The eyes of the other imprisoned disciples showed terrified expressions, and their bodies were trembling uncontrollably.

Only Nalan Zhenyue and Bage were calmer.

Hong Lian dropped the long sword in her hand, turned around and looked at them coldly, "Don't think about getting away with it, the thing I hate the most in my life is someone trying to hurt him, if you let me know who among you is a spy, not only If you die, I will let all your relatives be buried with you."

Hong Lian's voice was very weak, but what she said sent chills down the spine.

Although Nalan Zhenyue could see that Honglian was not an ordinary character, she didn't expect him to be so cruel and merciless, and she was not an ordinary protector.

From the bottom of his eyes, she saw an almost obsessive maintenance, this Hong Lian...

There are fewer people in the place of detention almost every day. From dozens of people at the beginning, there are only a dozen or so left now. Those people have not come back. Nalan Zhenyue knows that they are dead.

As Hong Lian said, he would rather kill a thousand mistakes than let one go.

I haven't seen Hong Lian for a few more days, and Manager Jun came to see Nalan Zhenyue once, and told her not to worry, and would pick her up after a few days.

Nalan Zhenyue should be thankful that Steward Jun treated her so well. If it wasn't for Steward Jun, Hong Lian would probably have attacked her long ago according to her personality.

Looking outside from the window of the prison, the moonlight is as soft as water flowing down from the sky, and the stars are twinkling. It is almost the fifteenth day of the full moon.

Tomorrow is the fifteenth day of the full moon.

"The moon is almost full." Ba Ge said with a sudden sigh.

Nalan Zhenyue didn't speak, but just looked at the moon, her heart became more and more restless.

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