"Oh no!"

"Everyone get out of here!!!"

Nalan Zhenyue was startled suddenly, there was a small formation under the position of the man, the formation suddenly glowed, and bursts of beams shot out, shooting out from his position in all directions, like shooting stars Sputtering, with a terrifying murderous intent, I heard bursts of screams.

She knew why he walked so fast, not to run away, but to activate the ultimate move that he had prepared long ago.

The light beam was as bright as a shooting star and as gorgeous as fireworks, lighting up the whole night!

Those people in black robes died terribly, and Ba Ge was also seriously injured. When the light beams disappeared, Hong Lian and the others appeared, and Jun Guanshi rushed towards Ba Ge, intending to subdue Ba Ge!

Bage was very elf, turned around and ran, regardless of the serious injury on his body.

Nalan Zhenyue suddenly felt that danger was approaching, and it was Honglian, galloping towards her.

Her heart sank suddenly, and she became very imposing, and she met Hong Lian head-on.

But it was also at this time.

A wild voice suddenly sounded, "Hahahahahahahaha——"

"It's finally here!"

"Finally let me wait!!!"

It's ventriloquist.

The voice was a bit strange, it was ventriloquist.

At this moment, both Honglian and Nalan Zhenyue paused, and the man's expression completely changed.

I saw that the person who came was covered in black robes from head to toe, she was ghastly and terrifying, she looked like a woman, she used ventriloquism, her face could not be seen, her appearance was accompanied by a wave of Powerful killing intent.

"It's you!"

"It's me, brother, long time no see."

Nalan Zhenyue, Hong Lian, and Bei Tangxun were all stunned by the sound of brother.

The woman suddenly stretched out her hand, which was covered with scars, but what was even more frightening was that she took off the black robe, and the exposed face was completely destroyed, and only one eye remained The eyes and the whole face looked more terrifying than the devil from hell.

"Brother, I will kill you with my own hands."

Nalan Zhenyue was stunned.

What is this scenario?

The woman's eyes suddenly fell on Hong Lian's body, and when she saw Hong Lian's appearance, her pupils seemed to shrink from time to time.

"Brother, why, why, you want to keep him, why!???"

The woman suddenly screamed.

"You planned this all?" the man said suddenly.

"Why did you keep him? Isn't he damned?"

Do you mean Honglian?

Honglian's expression was unpredictable.

"It's been so long, you should give up..." the man said.

The woman stared wide-eyed, "Brother, you are really damned!!!"

Nalan Zhenyue was still confused, but she also had a strong sense of crisis in her heart.

The man didn't speak. At this time, the woman suddenly moved, and suddenly stood in front of Hong Lian. Hong Lian's eyes suddenly widened. Before he could react, he was hit by the woman's palm, and the whole The body drew an arc in mid-air, and then fell hard to the ground.

Nalan Zhenyue was dumbfounded, Hong Lian was attacked before she even had time to react.

The atmosphere changed very subtly.

Because of the ultimate move that the man had prepared long ago, the enemies who pursued him were almost dead or injured, but suddenly a woman appeared, calling the man his brother, speaking inexplicable words, and directly attacking him. Honglian.

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