Black Belly Summoner: Strong on the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1250 Remember to pay me back next time!

A sneer formed at the corner of Nalan Zhenyue's mouth.

"Anyone who wants to kill me will go to hell earlier than me."


Wang Lian and Su Bai's expressions changed, how could they think that she would not eat hard and soft! ! !

How dare you say those words so arrogantly!

"You are causing trouble for us." Hong Lian's voice suddenly sounded.

She is not afraid, but it is their Red Fairy Palace who caused trouble.

Everyone has seen that she came in with the Palace Master. Nalan Zhenyue is not from the Conferred Soul Continent. If she finds a way to leave and walks away, it will be their Red Immortal Palace who will bear the consequences.

Meeting Honglian's gaze, Nalan Zhenyue grinned, "That's right, I forgot."

The corner of Honglian's mouth twitched, he really wanted to punch her.

"Chichi-gugu!" Eggy circled around Nalan Zhenyue.

Small appearance a little angry, but also a little proud inside.

It seemed to say that anyone who hurt Xiao Zhenyue should not be let go!

Nalan Zhenyue put Eggy on her shoulder, then touched her chin, "What should I do?"

Honglian's forehead was covered with black lines.

Wang Lian is smart, and immediately said: "As long as you let us go, you will never cause trouble for you, nor will you trouble the Red Immortal Palace!!!"

"And what about her?"

Wang Ru was covered by those ghost hands at this time, her eyes were terrified, and those sticky things covered her body.

Wang Lian just took a look and then looked away, "The feud between you and Wang Ru has existed for a long time, hasn't it? I just promise that I and my side will not attack you."

She didn't finish her sentence, but the meaning behind it was obvious.

Wang Ru's father is the prince of Yansheng, and although she is a princess, she is a junior, so she can't interfere with what the prince wants to do.

"So, I'm still at a disadvantage!?" Nalan Zhenyue thought for a while and said.

Wang Lian's face became even paler.

There were a few more black lines on Honglian's forehead, "Okay, I'll take care of the next thing, you don't need to interfere, aren't you looking for the god puppet? You're still wasting time here!"

Nalan Zhenyue shrugged her shoulders, turned around, and then turned around again, as if she said helplessly, "Okay, I'll give you a face, remember to pay it back next time!"



Eggy raised its wings, as if to say, if you dare not keep your word, you will use your wings to ruin your appearance next time.

Same as Wang Ru.

Wang Lian gritted her teeth, but she still breathed a sigh of relief.

Cousin turned his head mechanically, who the hell is that girl? ? ?

To let the Seventh Princess be embarrassed, not to mention, to--

Nalan Zhenyue really left. In fact, she was not afraid of anything, but she always wanted to think about the Red Fairy Palace.

As for Wang Ru, she asked for it.

Seeing her figure disappear from sight, Hong Lian couldn't help but let out a long breath.


Someone screamed.

Honglian looked and saw that Wang Ru's body was completely submerged.

He stepped forward and suddenly used his strength to grab Wang Ru from the dark thing, but Hong Lian's expression changed, there was nothing, nothing inside... Wang Ru disappeared! ! !

Those sticky things slowly spread out, but Wang Ru's body was gone.

Just gone! ?

Is it dead or gone? ? ?

Hong Lian was slightly stunned.

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