Of course Xu Ling had a reason for saying such a thing, he had already sensed the prelude to the coming storm.

Not only Xu Ling, but the boss of the Hundred Ghosts Sect also felt it, so he showed such an expression.

The seventh prince's angry beard almost stood on end, but at this moment, his brows were slightly furrowed.

The muffled thunder in the sky became louder and louder, and the clouds were so low that it looked terrible as if they would collapse in the next second.

Everyone panicked, their faces became paler and paler, but there were only two of you, you Nalan Zhenyue and the Mistress of the Red Immortal Palace, while Jun Shaoqing and Bei Tangxun were still a little worried.

After all, it is Tianwei!


When the deafening sound of the first thunder and lightning came, not only the Seventh Prince, Xu Ling and others were almost frightened.

Not ordinary lightning.

Even if it didn't hit you, the fear brought by the power of the sky made your soul tremble.

The old fox, the Seventh Prince, suddenly smiled. Looking at Nalan Zhenyue from the corner of his eye, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Yellow-haired girl, I will make you pay a heavy price for your arrogance.

I want you to be buried with Ru'er! ! !

"Run away!"

"Run away!"

At this time, a martial artist suddenly shouted, then turned and ran.When you were standing in place, the lightning hadn't struck you yet, just waiting for the person to run away, those snake-like thunder and lightning came crashing down, immediately killing the person who was struck by the lightning, and he died immediately.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and all their footsteps stopped in the next second, and they didn't dare to move.

Those frightening lightning forces split all around, splitting into those black holes, and at the same time, the roaring and struggling sounds of demons resounded in my ears, which was creepy.

"Chichi, chirp, chirp!" Everyone was trembling, but Little Eggy cheered happily.

Although I don't know which language it speaks.

He didn't dare to move at all, not even a single step.


A disciple of Shengtian sent his legs weak because of fear, and he took a step back to support his body. It was also because of this action that a thunderbolt struck him head-on, and also affected the two people around him.

The spirit and soul are all destroyed, it is a martial artist who cultivates the soul, and he directly chops people to nothing.

Even if your soul cultivation is good, but under such heavenly power, you are like an ordinary person.

Nalan Zhenyue didn't know what she was thinking, her eyes rolled around.Jun Shaoqing was carrying Li Ruici on his back. In fact, he and Li Ruici did not know each other. It was entirely because of Nalan Zhenyue that he took extra care of Li Ruici.

The Seventh Prince suddenly looked at Nalan Zhenyue, his fingertips overflowed with brilliance, and then shot towards Nalan Zhenyue's heart like a sword blade. The shot was completely ruthless, if Nalan Zhenyue If Lan Zhenyue didn't avoid it, that is to say, she would die and be pierced through the heart.


If she avoided it.

Then she will be completely wiped out by the power of thunder and lightning, and nothing will be left, just like those warriors before.

Everyone's eyes widened, watching the old fox, the Seventh Prince, make a move.

A trace of cruelty flashed in the eyes of the owner of the Red Immortal Palace. Obviously, he was very displeased with this old fox's sneak attack.

The attack was about to hit Nalan Zhenyue's heart, and everyone's eyes widened, getting bigger and bigger, just at the critical moment.

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