He took Xiaoxi to the grilled chicken shop opposite, and there was a place to rest, and several of them sat in the innermost.

The scale of the roast chicken shop is small, and the private room is also blocked by a door, but the business is very good, and a few people just happened to occupy a cubicle.

The drunk old man is very considerate, he went to buy some jugs of fine wine and some orange juice for Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin.

But Xiaoxi despised him, and he wanted to drink too, and the orange juice belonged to Xiaoxin.

"I said the grilled chicken in this shop is really good!" The drunk old man ate his mouth full of oil, and took another gulp of his wine.

Huohuo and Fatty ate happily, and they did not forget to nod their heads, "It's very good."

Xiaoxi sighed, "It feels like I haven't eaten any delicious food for a long time."

Nalan Zhenyue looked at several people with a smile, "Follow me from now on...Brother has meat to eat!"

Doge put down the chopsticks in his hand and asked, "Zhenyue, are you lucky, or do you have some research on aquamarine?" The drunk old man immediately looked up at Nalan Zhenyue.

"I've said it all, good luck! If you don't believe me, ask Xiao Xi, he told me about the aquamarine."

Xiao Xi was busy nodding and eating meat, and said, "These guys came from Xiajingtian."

"Lord Heaven?" The drunk old man sighed, "I didn't expect you to come from Lower Realm, it's really good."

Doge smiled and said, "I have never been to Xiajingtian."

"What is there to go to? Everyone is rushing to Zhongjingtian and Shangjingtian. Xiajingtian is too bad. There is nothing to think about." Xiaoxi said.

When he was talking, Xiaoxin secretly stole a chicken wing from him, but was discovered immediately, and everyone laughed.

"Zhenyue is so lucky!"

"Yes!" The drunk old man said very attentively, "How about we go and try again?"

The fat man despises the old man very much. See, I don't regret it!

Nalan Zhenyue smiled, "It's okay to try again, old man, didn't you have a game today?"

"Yunxiao Arena? We competed early this morning, and we will go to the second floor tomorrow, how about you?"

"Half a month's truce."

"Oh, it's about the same. Although your aptitude and endurance are very good, it's a pity that you don't know the secrets. Even if you have the power of thought, but the higher you go, the more powerful people will be able to know the secrets." The drunk old man thought for a while and said, but immediately Dun, "You just had a truce for half a month, isn't it time to start signing up again?"

"Well, half a month."

The drunk old man sized Nalan Zhenyue up and raised his eyebrows.

At this moment, Huo Huo asked: "Old man, your profound meaning is good, can you explain it?"


Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin had a meal and looked at the old man at the same time.

"Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi also know secrets, don't they?" The drunk old man pointed his finger at the two little guys.

Xiaoxi said contemptuously: "Absolution, brother, if I used to be brilliant, I would kill you in seconds, but I'm sorry, I only have one level of speed word abstruse now."

"Me too!" Xiaoxin said with a smile.

Xiaoxi Suzi's esoteric meaning is still so amazing!

The drunk old man's eyebrows twitched twice, as if hesitating a bit, when he raised his eyes, he saw Nalan Zhenyue's smile.

At this moment, Doge said: "Zhenyue, I don't know how to describe it when I explain it. I still have to rely on my own comprehension. Your comprehension is good, you should—"

"That's right, that's comprehension." The drunk old man said hastily.

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