Black Belly Summoner: Strong on the Evil Emperor

Chapter 874 The entire Zhongjingtian was shocked!

Many years later, they are legends. In this legend, there is a girl named Nalan Zhenyue. She has the most gorgeous smile, the most vivid facial features, and a figure that people will never forget at a glance.

Of course, this is something.

Rat Flame God, Feng Tiancheng offered it without saying a word. Facing Nalan Zhenyue, this semi-god-level master who was about to be a true god-level master didn't know how to speak, because he really couldn't say it. After Zhenyue shot, he was completely shocked.

This is a 17-year-old girl. At this age, he was still struggling in the crowd back then, but she has already created several deeds that shocked Zhongjingtian.

In the end, Feng Tiancheng only said one sentence, "If there is anything that needs help, Feng will definitely come forward!!!"

Nalan Zhenyue smiled generously, "Okay, I'll just wait for your words!"

After she finished speaking, Feng Tiancheng was taken aback, but Fatty and the others burst out laughing.

Xiao Zhenyue's black-bellied nature remains unchanged.

It's not that there are no changes, but more and more.

Under such a battle, what if she turned Ba Suyue and the others around and leaped into the air at the end, the wrath of thunder was waiting for them!


The guests of the district lord's mansion and the enshrined Nalan Zhenyue all looked differently in their eyes. They were all glad that they didn't talk nonsense at that time. The person who talked nonsense before regretted it to the end of the world.

The turbulence of the night, the victory in the fourth district, was a brilliant point.

It was also because of this night that the sky in Zhongjing shook again.

The disappearance was spread as quickly as possible, but this was not reported by people in the fourth district, but by more than a dozen law enforcement officers waiting outside the fourth district.

Although he didn't participate in the battle, he saw it from afar.

I saw that horrifying scene.

I also saw that boy, no, girl, she is Nalan Zhenyue.

Nalan Zhenyue is not dead! ! !

The person who bloodbathed the forces in the first district of the Baili family is Nalan Zhenyue! ! !

Killed [-] law enforcement officers, as well as a group of masters from the dark world, together with Eleven Yaoyue, Twelve Meiyue, and Basuyue, all of them were killed!

The entire Zhongjingtian was a sensation.

But the people in the floating city and the dark world felt the seriousness of the matter, and the girl came back.

She's back for revenge!

She is back! ! !

When Bai Lizhi of Yuanyue City heard the news, he spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale.

She has come back! ! !

In just half a year, she had grown from a saint-level cultivation to a demigod-level cultivation. The young man who was suspicious at the beginning was really her, and she did it!

"I heard she's back!"

"I knew it a long time ago, Nalan Zhenyue, right? That 17-year-old girl, the girl who broke into the [-]th floor in the Yunxiao Arena of Yuanyue City in three hours, and the bloodbathed first district forces, and the first one who dared A person who opposes law enforcement in an open and honest manner!"

"How do you know so clearly???"

"Don't you know?"

"Uh, I know..."

"That's fine, I guess anyone with ears knows it!!!"

"It's terrible, it's terrible, this future is terrible!"

"There will be a lot of terrible things in the future, just look at it, Bai Lizhi is very nervous now, heh, he is usually defiant, that's what the so-called good and evil will be rewarded in the end!!!"

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