To become a beast king who hides the truth from the wilderness, one must possess too many things.

Strong strength, sense of responsibility, responsibility, persistence without admitting defeat, and...

But only after meeting Nalan Zhenyue and their companions, Xiaobai began to walk on the road of the strong. It had been confused, feared, and self-exiled. After that, everything started to change.

It has more qualifications than any fog beast since it was born, so why not cherish it?

So what if you're afraid?

As Zhenyue said, there are only things you can't think of, nothing you can't do, if you don't do it, you will never know if you can do it!

If you don't force yourself, you will never know how good you are, so Xiaobai did it, he did it, and in the cruel competition, he finally did it.

Seeing the firmness in Xiaobai's eyes, Nalan Zhenyue smiled, she was right.

"Xiaobai..." Huohuo rubbed against each other affectionately.

"Can I touch it?" Gu Xiaoxiao said suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Before anyone else could speak, Xiaobai hadn't spoken yet, and the huge fog beast immediately roared, very upset!

"You are a mother, don't touch it!"

The misty sky beast actually spoke, and it was still——

Still a relatively soft voice, is it a mother?

Wait, what did it just say?

Gu Xiaoxiao is a mother?

Could it be?

The fat man leaned over again with a shameless face, and blinked at Xiaobai, "Could this be your daughter-in-law?"

Gu Xiaoxiao was still a little embarrassed at first, but after hearing this, the feeling of embarrassment disappeared, and she became a little curious.

Nalan Zhenyue was also very interested.

When the foggy beast heard what the fat man said, it became a little shy, and kicked the fat man with its paw, "It's disgusting, don't tell the truth, okay?"

Everyone embarrassing——


Xiaobai glanced at the misty sky beast next to him, "I haven't agreed yet, so it doesn't count!"

When the other party heard this, he was immediately depressed.

But immediately growled like a dominatrix, "If you dare not marry me, I will let you find a female beast for the rest of your life!!!"


Can it still find a female beast after marrying it?

The Wutian Beast next to it is Xiaobai's consort chosen by the former Beastmaster. Its first name is Honghong, and its nickname is Honghong.

Honghong could sense the importance of Nalan Zhenyue to Xiaobai, and Gu Xiaoxiao, a female who came out of nowhere, would not let her touch Xiaobai!

Poor thing is Fatty, under Hong Hong's strength, his ribs were almost broken.

In fact, the main reason why the Great Wilderness is one of the top ten fierce places is that the lair of the fog beasts is there. They are a group of extremely ferocious monsters. They are smarter than many monsters and will not surrender easily. below humans.

Seeing today's situation, I understand, Xiaobai still means that this is only a part of it, and there are still many of the same kind who are lying.

It is conceivable that with so many fog beasts, each beast can drown a person with a sip of water.

Nan Sheng suddenly said: "Then how do they go back?"

Before Xiaobai could open his mouth, Honghong said: "We have reached the point where we can enter the wilderness, but I won't tell you!"


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