Farewell to old man Jane, the group of people went on the road to the first district like this, and there is no need to hide it anymore. Now that there are masters from the dark world and law enforcement officers blocking the road, they can use each other as stones to build roads !

"Are you back?" Shi Potian asked excitedly.

"It's almost there, already on the way!" The drunk old man thought for a while and said.

Shi Potian and the others were waiting for Nalan Zhenyue and the others to come back at the gate of the first district. Wei Zikang and the monk were also there. These two came back from delivering medicine. It's a pity that they didn't participate in what happened in the third district.

They all knew about the third district, that was amazing!

"Did you see Xue Ling???" Wei Zikang suddenly looked around and saw no Xue Ling.

The drunk old man said: "Just now she saw a sneaky person, so she went to follow him."

Wei Zikang frowned, "Is nothing wrong?"

"Amitabha, Miss Xueling is so tough, there should be no problem."

When Wei Zikang heard this, he couldn't help but chuckled, and his brows relaxed. Also, Xueling is no longer the Xueling she was at that time in Xiajingtian, and she has made rapid progress. Moreover, a certain power in her body has also been suppressed. She is comfortable with it, so there should be no problem.

Wei Zikang didn't think about it anymore, he just talked to the others and let him know when he saw Xueling.

Shi Potian and the others waited for more than two hours, and finally they arrived at Nalan Zhenyue and the others.

The entire First District is boiling, they are back!

finally come back!

After Nalan Zhenyue came back, she took a look at Shangguan Qianyu. The effect of Shuyanshen was very good. Shangguan Qianyu's situation was much better than before. In addition, the Niuguo God cultivated by Shi Potian had also broken ground and germinated.

All went well.

It's only been a year, but a lot has changed.

From the separation a year ago to the present, whether it is Wei Zikang or Fatty Qianwei, Wenqing and the others have undergone brand new changes, and so has Xiaobai.

Now, Kong Shanshan, Xi Le, Xiao Xi, Xiao Xin, Su Mu, Facial Paralysis, Yan Yue, Jin Jin, Leng Feng, these people are nowhere to be seen.

Kong Shanshan and Xi Le had appeared before, but they disappeared again. Su Mu and Fabian were with Xue Ling and Wei Zikang before, but they strayed into the tunnel leading to Shangjingtian, so they should be in the same place at this time. Shangjingtian, and Nalan Zhenyue and the others made such a big commotion in Zhongjingtian, if everyone else was in Zhongjingtian, they would join them, but there is no movement now, could it be that these Everyone is in heaven?

"Where is Xueling???" Nalan Zhenyue asked suddenly, but Xueling was nowhere to be seen!

"Xue Ling found a sneaky person lurking near the first district, and went to track them down. They should be back soon!" Wei Zikang replied.

Nalan Zhenyue thought about it a lot, thinking of other people, she just hoped that something would happen to them.

On that day, they can really all get together, and those partners in Xiajingtian, everyone will be safe and sound until the end.

And, Mo Zifei.

That bastard hasn't shown up yet?


What the hell are you doing?There was no movement at all?

The current Nalan Zhenyue didn't know what was going on with Mo Zifei, but Mo Yin, who knew, had been struggling for a long time, thinking whether to go out and find Nalan Zhenyue to help Mo Zifei.

It was thinking about it, but it was worried about leaving Mo Zifei here alone.

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