In those fragmentary pictures, Xi Le was covered in blood, and Nalan Zhenyue was holding Xi Le. The sadness made him wake up from his dream.

Nan Sheng didn't want Nalan Zhenyue to think so much, but his dreams would happen in all likelihood.


Nalan Zhenyue was completely stunned by Nan Sheng's words.

Xi Le lying in her arms covered in blood?

Both of them were silent for a while, and Nalan Zhenyue's face was not very good-looking. She also had a dream before, and she dreamed of Xi Le's voice.

Could it be that it is really like what Nan Sheng said?

Not only Xueling, Xile may also encounter a huge crisis.

Nan Sheng's mind was in a mess, and he wanted to say something, but he still couldn't say anything.

Finally went back.

After Nan Sheng returned, Nalan Zhenyue looked at the candles on the table, which were shaking slightly with the wind outside the window.

She was still a little lost.

She has many companions, and wherever she goes, there will always be like-minded friends. They experience together, run together, laugh together, and suffer together, but they have never seen any of them die!

Nalan Zhenyue is hard to imagine.

It's really hard to imagine.

Xue Ling is also missing now, and Xi Le is the same. What does that sentence in that letter mean?

The answer, what is the answer?

Is it about Xueling or Xile?

She still had to go to Yuanyue City, no matter if there was a pit in front of her or not, no matter how dangerous it was, she had to go and lie down.

On the second day, Nalan Zhenyue told everyone about her decision. Everyone was silent at first, but they all followed her in the end. What is waiting for her in Yuecheng, if we are together, but they have come all the way and have experienced so many things together, how can they be separated?

So, in the end, we decided to go to Yuanyue City together! ! !

Said to leave immediately, and the matter of Shangguan Qianyu was handed over to Shi Potian, Huaxing Jiao and the drunk old man, the monk stayed in the first district, and the others followed Nalan Zhenyue to Yuanyue City.

Although it didn't last a year, it was more than half a year. When I returned to Yuanyue City again, it turned out to be such a situation.

In today's Zhongjingtian, the threat from the Dark Realm has decreased a lot. Even Nalan Zhenyue and the others have not encountered any danger when they are on their way, but the real danger is at the destination.

They rushed to Yuanyue City at about six or seven o'clock in the evening, from yesterday afternoon to this evening.

I still remember the first time I entered Yuanyue City, at night, she took Fatty, Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin to Yunxiao Arena.

From their current position, Yunxiao Arena looks like a brave man standing straight into the sky.

That is the symbol of Full Moon City.

A group of people entered Yuanyue City, and there were law enforcement officers guarding the city gate, so they didn't even look at them more, and they didn't show any strange expressions, as if they knew they would come.

So weird.

It's really weird.

There were people on the street looking at Nalan Zhenyue and the others. The group did not change their appearance, and the common people recognized them.

When these people saw Nalan Zhenyue and the others, they hurried away, as if they thought something would happen soon and they didn't want to be affected.

Nalan Zhenyue and Nan Sheng frowned at the same time, Gu Xiaoxiao felt that it was too weird, which made her a little scared for no reason.

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