In the Yunxiao Arena competition, those who abstain from voting will be disqualified, but this time is different, mainly because Nalan Zhenyue is too famous, and the other is that many people are now waiting to see Nalan Zhenyue and San Leng month of battle.

It wasn't until twenty games later that the competition started to get intense.

Some people admired Nalan Zhenyue's record, and even invited them to fight like Yunxiao Arena, without any hostility, they just wanted to fight against the strong.

Even though he already knew that he would lose, he still hoped to fight against it, and maybe he would learn something from it.

"Nalan Zhenyue wins!!!"

"Nalan Zhenyue wins!!!"

"Nalan Zhenyue wins—"

In the next time, you can hear such a voice.

And Nalan Zhenyue sharpened her mind power in such battles. Her mind power has not been used for a long time, but because of the improvement of her mental power, her mind power is also constantly improving. This kind of battle can just be sharpened. Her thoughts.

Fatty watched the competitions and sighed in his heart. He thought that when they first entered Yunxiao Arena, every battle was so difficult, and the battle with Bailizhi's younger brother Bailishan was even more difficult for Fatty to watch. But now that I think about it, the changes are too great. In less than a year, there have been earth-shaking changes. Every one of them is chasing her footsteps. The chase, fortunately, is not too far away.

It is also because of the firmness in my heart that I have come to such a step.

In a year, ten years, decades, what will it be like at that time?

While looking forward to it, I was a little apprehensive.

"Nalan Zhenyue wins!"

No.30 layer.

Nalan Zhenyue broke her record.

"New record!!!"


"It took Nalan Zhenyue an hour and a half to enter the No.30 floor this time!"



"What a tough guy!!!"

Although the first 98 floors changed a bit, many people abstained, but they did not stop Nalan Zhenyue's footsteps, and she was fighting floor after floor, heading towards the [-]th floor! ! !


"Hehe, the blood in my body started to boil, and I wanted to fight with him. I haven't had this feeling of yearning for that kind of feeling in the past few days. Since tearing apart Shangjingtian, the so-called After being a genius, I haven't felt this way for a long time, I'm really looking forward to it!!!" San Lengyue's excited voice.

"I think you'd better be careful."

"Do you remember anything?"

"What do you remember?"

"I thought you remembered, hehe—"

"Oh. So what if you think about it, those are already in the past for me!"

"Yes, yes, it has been!"


"Grandpa, how is your health?" It was Doug.

Elder Duomeng's face was a little pale, but it was much better than before. He lay on the bed, slowly raised his eyes and said, "It's much better, isn't it her competition today? Go and have a look, don't worry about me .”

"Grandpa, I'd better take care of you first."

"Doge, I know you want to see it, go ahead and witness her growth, it's been so long, even though there was such a big turmoil in Zhongjingtian, haven't you seen it with your own eyes? Go and see!"

Doge pursed his lips slightly.

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