The Buddha said: There are eight sufferings in life, birth, old age, sickness and death, parting from love, long-term resentment, unable to ask, unable to let go.

We will experience all kinds of suffering in this life. Some people say that life is unsatisfactory out of ten. Everyone is deeply trapped in the pain and cannot extricate themselves.

Death and not letting go.

They have encountered many difficulties along the way, shed blood, shed tears, walked on the tip of the knife, and endured many difficulties together.

They thought about what would happen if they died one day?

In fact, not afraid of death, the most fearful thing is not being able to be together, not being able to see those familiar faces, not being able to laugh together, this is the most fearful thing, the tears that Xi Le shed before death are afraid of these.

The time they have been together is not very long in the years they have lived, not even one-fifth, but it is the most unforgettable day in their life. They did not exist in the first ten years ago, but in the next few years Ten years, hundreds of years, they will be together, but who can stop such a thing from happening? ? ?

Xi Le's death dealt them a heavy blow.

From the lower realm to the middle realm, from the beginning to the present, even if they were crying, they would still laugh at the end.

Tears, there is no way to control them.

It really felt like a nightmare, and they wished it was just a nightmare. When they woke up from the dream, they could see Xi Le under the banyan tree, with his long silver hair still fluttering, and his exquisite With the most beautiful smile on his face, he would smile and call their names.

"Assistant, Fatty, Wenqing—"

Hope is a nightmare, wake up from this nightmare soon.

But why, after waking up, there were only tears on his face, and that figure was no longer visible?

Nalan Zhenyue didn't know how she fainted.

During the period when she passed out, the battle between Yingsu and Mo Zifei lasted for two full days and two nights. From Yuanyue City to other places, the entire Zhongjingtian was affected, and some places were even worse. It was devastated.

This battle simply gives people the illusion that the end of the world is coming. In this battle, you can't see how the two sides are fighting. You dare not even go out of the door or open the window.

This battle is still over. I don't know the outcome, I don't know who won, and I don't know who lost. I only know that in the three days after this battle, almost everyone in the middle of the world has died. Dare to walk around.

The streets were quiet.

There was no sound.

Very quiet.

Nalan Zhenyue woke up on the fifth day after the battle. She slept for five full days, and the first person she saw when she opened her eyes was Mo Zifei.

Nalan Zhenyue was in a trance for a moment.

Seeing her wake up, Mo Zifei gently stroked her hair, with pity and tenderness in his eyes.

The long black hair fell on her cheeks, feeling cold to the touch.

Nalan Zhenyue suddenly stretched out her hand to touch Mo Zifei's long hair, and it wrapped around her fingers.

Neither of them spoke.

Nalan Zhenyue seldom cried, even if her whole body was covered with blood, she would grit her teeth and stand up, but now, looking at Mo Zifei, her tears fell down.

She knew that she couldn't cry anymore, she had to think about her other companions, but seeing Mo Zifei, she couldn't help it.

Hillary is dead.


ps: The seventh update today, when I wrote these few pictures, I also felt very uncomfortable. This person is getting old, and his body feels uncomfortable when he writes something sad. I typed out these characters word by word, so I wrote When I was in Xile, I felt really uncomfortable.

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