Mo Zifei smiled lightly, and suddenly controlled the egg. The egg wanted to break free, but couldn't, and struggled vigorously towards Nalan Zhenyue.

Nalan Zhenyue's heart moved, she slapped Mo Zifei's hand off, and the relieved golden egg suddenly rushed into Nalan Zhenyue's arms, rubbing and rubbing vigorously!

And brother Zifei... just stared at the position of the golden egg for a moment, and it was a bit tasteful.

That position is his!

The fat man noticed it and burst out laughing, but immediately stood upside down, which was caused by Mo Zifei.

Huo Huo also wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare. If he laughed at Mo Zifei, he would have to be like Fatty.

Nalan Zhenyue sent the egg to Xiaobai's body again, but the egg was so sticky to her that she refused to settle down, but kept circling around Nalan Zhenyue.

Mo Zifei's eyes could make two holes in the egg.

Just at this moment, the three-eyed giant wolf and the god puppet came back. The god puppet still had a bunch of things hanging on its body, and then put them all on the ground. Nalan Zhenyue and the fat man were dumbfounded.

The three-eyed giant wolf is full of food, hanging on its shoulders and carrying it on its back.

Are these two big shopping trips?

Huohuo's eyes lit up, "Wow, so much food!"

Xiao Bai also slowly approached, and Xiao Jiu also got out from under the bed.

I saw those few were sitting around and started to eat.

Nalan Zhenyue ate too much in the morning, and now she has no appetite. The action of refining the medicine in her hand has not stopped, so Mo Zifei came over and looked through the things bought by the god puppet.

He was a little stunned, why did he buy all the fabrics?

Mo Zifei went to see the puppet.

The god puppet happened to look at Mo Zifei with its empty eyes.

Mo Zifei knew what he wanted to do in a while, picked out a piece of fabric, and then went out, and the puppet immediately followed.

The fat man looked at Mo Zifei's back, and said vaguely, "Where is he going???"

"Phuket Island." Don't know.

The mouths of these guys are full.

In less than a stick of incense, Mo Zifei brought the god puppet back, but when the god puppet appeared, even Nalan Zhenyue was stunned, and then burst out laughing.

Dare Mozi come back with a puppet made of clothes? ? ?

Nalan Zhenyue immediately understood that the god puppet was not "naked".

I saw that Mo Zifei had someone make a long robe for the god puppet, it was still a silver robe, but because the god puppet had no flesh on it, it couldn't hold it up, and it looked a little funny.

But the god puppet loved it so much that it picked up other cloth and rushed out. When it came back, it had newly made clothes in its hands.

Mo Zifei also specially bought a storage space for the god puppet, allowing the god puppet to put all the things he likes.

In one of the later times.Nalan Zhenyue inadvertently went to look at the storage space of the god puppet, and found that there was nothing but clothes in it, and the most were only clothes. beauty.

As for the three-eyed giant wolf, this guy loves food so much that he even pestered Mo Zifei to buy a storage space where all the food was stored.

At night, Nalan Zhenyue leaned on Mo Zifei's chest, looked at the beam of the bed and asked, "Why do I think you are more approachable?"

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