Black Belly Summoner: Strong on the Evil Emperor

Chapter 956 Departure, Shangjingtian!

"The Niu Guo God has been cultivated!" Shi Potian brought the good news to Nalan Zhenyue and the others.

"Really? It's really cultivated, the time is just right!"

Niuguo God, one of the twelve gods, was bred. Its appearance is shrouded in a faint brilliance, but it can be seen at a glance that it is different.

The success of the cultivation of Niu Guo God made everyone a little excited, and it was considered to have solved a problem. As long as Shangguan Qianyu took it, there would be no problem, and this matter was handed over to Shi Potian.

As for Nalan Zhenyue and the others, they are about to set off towards Shangjingtian.

After a lapse of a month, Zhongjingtian had already stabilized, and they couldn't delay for too long.

The monk and the drunk old man decided to stay in Zhongjingtian for the time being, and then go up when they feel suitable. As for old man Jian and old man Shi, they still stayed in Zhongjingtian, Duoge was still by Elder Duomeng's side, Feng Shishi and Qianwei were still there. They didn't get married until they returned from Shangjingtian.

Nalan Zhenyue, Mo Zifei, Fatty Wenqing Nansheng, Xiaobai, Xiaojiu, Huohuo, Qianwei and the others set off towards Shangjingtian.

On the day of leaving, many people came to see them off, some they knew and some they didn't know, they all came to see them off.

Wave your hands, the journey of Zhongjingtian has ended, but a new journey has just begun.

What awaits them is still unknown.

Some of their little friends are still waiting for them up there.

"Woo, it's only been more than a year, it seems like it just started yesterday." The fat man sighed.

"Yeah, it seems like we just came up from Xiajingtian yesterday, and we don't know what happened to those partners in Xiajingtian." Wen Qing misses Wen Jing very much now.

"There are also little Guo Yu, Guo Zheng, the old monster, the old man Zi, Mi Luo, Qiqi and the others—"

Facing the sun, Nalan Zhenyue smiled slightly and narrowed her eyes when she heard Fatty's words, "Then let's quickly end this journey and get together quickly..."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" I will definitely become stronger and stronger!!!"

"I will definitely live on, persevere until the end, and then come back as a hero!" Qianwei said solemnly.

Jiang Wei also smiled, "I hope that ten years from now, or a hundred years from now, I will recall the present with everyone."

"I will work hard!" Xue Ling's nose turned red.

"Ji Yan, Su Mu, Jin Jin, here we come!!!" Wei Zikang shouted.

Nalan Zhenyue took Mo Zifei's hand with one hand, and raised the other hand, "Let's go, friends, rush forward! Sprinkle my blood, go forward bravely, set off, and go to heaven—"


"it is good!"

"Go ahead!"

Nan Sheng's loving smile became extraordinarily brilliant under the sun, their backs gradually elongated, and then turned into spots of light, which slowly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Shi Potian wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and sighed: "It will be successful, you..."

"Goodbye—" Old Jane waved her hand.

Every parting is for the next reunion.

Looking forward to the next meeting, the two of you at that time will definitely become even more dazzling.


We will all be here waiting for your return, a triumphant return.

Those bright smiles, those words, no matter how long it has been, will be the most beautiful memories......

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