The four families are, the Mo family, the winner, the Jun family, and the Xia family.

These four families represent the big family of Shangjingtian, and they are also headed by the family.

Wuxianju does not mean that it has anything to do with immortals, but just a title, representing the five forces.

Shengtian School, Fenglei Villa, Daughter Village, Yinzu, Beast Village.

The six mercenary regiments are the six most famous mercenary regiments in Shangjingtian.

The above is the great power of Shangjingtian.

"I'll go, there are really enough forces!" The fat man was shocked.

Gu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, "These are some of the largest forces, there are even more second-rate forces, and small forces are everywhere."

Mo Zifei touched his chin, "I really didn't know there were so many powers."

Nalan Zhenyue rolled her eyes, I really don't know what he does every time he comes up?

"Wait, what about the enforcer???"

"Law enforcers, they are so good in the middle world, but they are just like this in the upper world. They are considered to be above the middle level..."

Moderate power over...


Gu Xiaoxiao's face darkened as he said, "But don't underestimate those law enforcement officers. Those law enforcement officers are very cunning. They like to cling to those big forces. They flatter and curry favor with big forces. They use the slogan of maintaining peace to weaken those law enforcement officers. Small forces, but...Although you have made some achievements in the Middle Heaven, it is far from enough for the Upper Heaven..."

Nalan Zhenyue's eyes lit up a long time ago.

The blood in the body began to boil.

Oh my god!

"The more difficult it is, the more pleasure you will have when you finally win, right?" Fatty laughed.

Gu Xiaoxiao squinted at the fat man, "I'm afraid that you, a fat man, will eventually become a thin man."

"That's just right, just right to lose weight!" Wen Qing said immediately.

Now I probably understand the power of Shangjingtian, and I am about to set off, but where are I going? ? ?

The law enforcers haven't noticed them coming up yet, and so has the Dark World, but they must be getting news soon, right?

"Gu Xiaoxiao, why don't we go to your house first???" Fatty said at this time.

Gu Xiaoxiao's gaze suddenly became complicated, but he didn't answer right away.

Nalan Zhenyue knocked the fat man from behind, "If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

"Me, what's wrong with me?"

Nalan Zhenyue said one more sentence lazily, but looked around.

The reason why Gu Xiaoxiao showed that kind of gaze was because if Nalan Zhenyue and the others were brought back, the trouble would be brought to Gu's house, and they would be implicated by them. People will not let go of the Gu family.

"By the way, what kind of power is the Dark Realm in Shangjingtian now?"

Gu Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment, "Shouldn't be weaker than the power of the Three Kings in Shangjingtian..." She couldn't tell for sure, because when she left Shangjingtian for Zhongjingtian, it was the last During the chaotic time, the invasion of the dark world was suppressed, but the dark world was not defeated under the suppression, but became more and more courageous as it fought.

The reputation of the three cold moons was made in that turmoil, but——

Died at the hands of Nalan Zhenyue.

Gu Xiaoxiao went to look at Nalan Zhenyue again, her eyes were a bit complicated, although she admired her very much, but it is really unknown how far she can go in this Shangjingtian.


It's time to enter the upper realm, and the splendor unfolds.Ask for support!Well, the seventh update today.

Recommendation: Almighty Summoner: The text of the useless little lady Lan Xi Hongchen, everyone can go to search and see, it is a good female strong text!

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