Black Belly Summoner: Strong on the Evil Emperor

Chapter 969 Not as strong as my own kennel!

The woman has a tall bun, delicate and classic strands, and beautiful makeup on her face. She looks about 30 years old. Light makeup and heavy makeup are always suitable. This is the feeling, very temperamental, and also has a kind of pride as a member of a big family .


Le Nianlan embraced the woman, as if she had turned into a little girl in her mother's arms, a little satisfied, but also a little grievance about how long she had been traveling outside.

"It's fine if you're fine, it's fine if you're fine!"



"Ma'am!" Uncle Guan and Uncle Pu said at the same time.

"It's great that you're all there, aren't the others?"

Uncle Guan and Uncle Pu had some grief in their eyes, which was self-evident, and the woman didn't ask any more questions, just sighed slightly.

The woman's eyes slowly fell on Mo Zifei, and a sense of surprise flashed in her eyes, probably she had never seen a young man as beautiful as Mo Zifei.

"these are???"

"Mother, let's go in first, and I'll talk to you slowly!" Le Nianlan glanced at Mo Zifei, something flashed in his eyes, and then said to the woman.

The woman's eyes were a little shrewd, she glanced at Le Nianlan, nodded her head slightly, "Then invite a few more to come in!"

Although Nalan Zhenyue and the others have entered the West City, the magnificent and majestic Mansion Against the World, but!

But standing outside the main hall, waiting to be summoned.

Le Nianlan and Uncle Pu Guan have already entered, probably talking about the fragments of the mirror of reincarnation.

"A little uncomfortable!?" The fat man said suddenly.

When they arrived at Shi Ni Mansion, why did they look like someone who wanted to curry favor with King Ni Shi and wait until he summoned him? Anyway, that's how they felt.

The corners of Nalan Zhenyue's lips curled slightly, but she didn't speak.

Gu Xiaoxiao suddenly sighed: "This is the Palace of the World-Defying Palace. It is really too domineering and brilliant. When will our Gu family have such a day, how wonderful it will be."

The fat man was so upset looking at Gu Xiaoxiao, "No matter how good a golden nest or a silver nest is, it's not as good as my dog's nest!"

Gu Xiaoxiao gave Fatty a blank look.

Wen Qing suddenly asked: "Will the King of the World Rebellion be at the residence???"

"No, our lord is not at the house." It was Uncle Pu's voice.

He came out and stood in front of Nalan Zhenyue and the others.

Mo Zifei still had that indifferent expression, as if apart from Nalan Zhenyue, other things had nothing to do with him.

King Nishi is called the prince in Xicheng, but this is a Xicheng without an emperor, only the prince is the biggest. King Nishi has many children under his knees, but the most favored one is Le Nianlan's father, the husband of Mrs. Fengyue. The woman I saw was Mrs. Fengyue.

Needless to say, this World-Defying Mansion is as splendid and magnificent as a palace in Xiajingtian, but its area is not as vast as the palace, but it is not small.

"Ma'am, Mr. Mo is invited." Uncle Pu said to Mo Zifei.

The fat man suddenly shouted: "Then what about us? Only brother Zifei is invited?"

"Young Master Mo represents everyone."



Uncle Pu suddenly went to see Nalan Zhenyue, and saw Nalan Zhenyue pushing Mo Zifei with a smile, "Go, go!"

Mo Zifei turned his head to look at Nalan Zhenyue, his expression was still so gentle, but after he looked away, his gaze returned to the usual lukewarm look.

Mo Zifei went in with Uncle Park, Qianwei was a little upset, and moved to Nalan Zhenyue's side, "What do you mean by Mrs. Fengyue???"

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