Revolution 1938

Chapter 127 The Soviet Union Is Not a Reason to Sell Out the Organization

() "Who can tell me why Lushikov is in Yan'an! Who can tell me?"

Accompanied by Stalin's roar, the sound of various broken objects in the office spread throughout the Kremlin. At this time, the main persons in charge of the Far East affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including Nikolai Ivanovich Ye Ruofu was trembling on one side of the office.

"Why don't you talk? Are you all dumb?"

Amidst Stalin's ferocious rage, Yezhov, who had been directly in charge of hunting Lyushkov, could only stammer.

"Comrade Stalin, no one knows how Lyushikov came to Yan'an, but according to the feedback from comrades in the Chinese Workers Party who maintain good relations with us in the Soviet Union, Lyushikov did not run over by himself, but He was sent back from Manchuria. <The incident should be the one dedicated to rescuing Liushikov. After analyzing this, we found that in the original Changchun incident, the annihilation of the special operations team we sent was probably intentional. And for."

"Yeruofu, what do you mean, don't play around."

"Comrade Stalin, according to the facts that we have uncovered that Blyuchel is a spy of the Japanese, the army in the Far East has long been a sieve, and everyone is mixed in. <The incident should be a conspiracy of the Japanese , They colluded with Bliuchel and others to frame the members of the special operations team sent out to hunt them down, and used their bodies to forge signs of our invasion of Manchuria, preparing for Ri himself's aggressive tendencies towards our entire Siberia region.

In particular, the existence of Blueher and others led to the fact that the entire Far East did not make corresponding defense preparations at all when Ri himself was so obvious in combat preparations.According to the news this morning, the 40th and 32nd Infantry Divisions and the [-]nd Armored Brigade, which were besieged in the Lake Hassan area, have surrendered to Ri himself.

In less than 10 days of fighting, the two divisions surrendered in an organized system. This has created an unprecedented shameful record for our Soviet Red Army. We have reason to believe that the military chiefs of these troops are basically Bliuchel's subordinates. I also surrendered to the Japanese invaders, so I suggest that the commanders of all levels of troops in the Far East should be strictly discriminated and screened, and the troops should be purified as soon as possible to ensure their purity to the revolution.In addition, we should also arrest and interrogate the family members of these traitors. I suspect that they are also Bleuchel's accomplices. "

"Is there any basis for your guess?"

"Comrade Stalin, this is no longer a question of evidence, but the reality before us. The affairs of the entire Far East have long been on the verge of corruption. Your loyal friend, Comrade Atosnovsky, is alone in the Far East. He has already They sent many telegrams to explain to me the urgency and seriousness of the current situation in the Far East.”

After hearing these words, Stalin fell silent, and his blood-red eyes revealed a trace of bloodlust.

"I ordered the 1st, 4th, 12th, and 13th Infantry Divisions on the Western Front, the 3rd and 5th Cavalry Corps, the 12th Artillery Division, and the 5th and 7th Armored Divisions to go to the Far East theater immediately.

Marshal Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny, the Deputy People's Commissar of National Defense, was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Far East Theater, responsible for the full command of the entire Far East Theater, and led the Eastward Group Army to march to the Far East.

In addition, the Red Flag Far East Front Army and related leading organizations were abolished. The current Red Flag Far East First Group Army was reorganized into the Red Flag Far East First Du Li Group Army, with General Shteln as the commander-in-chief. The current Red Flag Far East Second Group Army was reorganized into the Red Flag Far East Second Army. For the Du Li Group Army, the command personnel will not be changed for the time being.The other remaining units were reorganized into local fronts. "

Following Stalin's order, the Far East Army Corps, which hadn't appeared until August in history, appeared in the Soviet military sequence in advance, while the Western Front Corps, which hadn't appeared until 8, The eastward advance was also started early.The entire Far East region has long been out of everyone's imagination and has begun to shift in a new direction.

"Yeruofu, you still haven't explained to me why Liushikov appeared in Yan'an."

Ye Ruofu, who originally thought that Stalin would stop asking questions, was taken aback, and then explained.

"Comrade Stalin, you should know that the army in the Far East has always been inextricably linked with the Northeast Anti-Japanese War in Manchuria. To find Liushikov in Manchuria, he definitely needs the support of these people from the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance.

I think it must be during the battle when our special operations team was betrayed by Blyukher, these comrades of the Anti-Union tried to get Liushikov out.Due to the Japanese Kwantung Army's preparations for combat in our border areas, the Chinese Workers' Party had no choice but to send Liushikov back to Yan'an first, because as far as we know, in order to attack us, the Chinese Communist Party was already fighting with the Republic of China Zheng fu negotiated peace and relaxed the level of security in the Huaxia Theater. "

"Bastard, I knew that these lackeys of capitalism would never take the survival of the country seriously. Faced with such aggression by the Japanese themselves, they actually went to negotiate peace with the enemy, why should we help them.

Inform Comrade Znesensky that our support to the Chinese government must end as soon as possible. We cannot give our military equipment to others. That is a crime against our Soviet.

Tell Comrade Znesensky that the materials and funds promised by the government of the Republic of China in the agreement must be returned in full.And I stopped the equipment we had prepared or the weapons and equipment already on the road, and I will use these weapons to arm more Soviet soldiers. "

"Yes, Comrade Stalin, I will do it right now."

"No, Comrade Yezhov, I haven't finished.

In view of the fact that Liushikov has arrived in Yan'an, he immediately sent a report to Yan'an through Industrial International, explaining the crimes committed by Liushikov, and asked them to clarify their firm opposition to the Trotskyites, and let them send Liushi as soon as possible. Kov was sent back to the Soviet Union for trial.

For this reason, let the comrades of the Industrial International International quickly arrange the route for Liushikov to be escorted back to the country, and arrange it as soon as possible. By the way, Comrade Georgi Dimitrov of the Industrial International International has arrived in Moscow? "

"Comrade Stalin, Comrade Georgy Dimitrov is supposed to arrive in Moscow tomorrow afternoon, according to the arrangements for the formation of the Industrial International."

"Very well, bring him to see me as soon as he arrives. I am not satisfied with the recent actions of Industrial International. They are taking risks."

"Yes, Comrade Stalin. I will meet Comrade Dimitrov at the railway station."

At this time, Stalin had obviously recovered from the state of excitement just now. Hearing Yezhov's answer, he waved his hand to indicate that they could leave, then returned to his seat, and picked up the thing he had just dropped He knocked the corncob pipe on the table, then put it in his mouth, leaned on the seat and closed his eyes to rest.

Ye Ruofu and the others looked at each other, then quietly exited the office and closed the door.Just a few days after Yezhov's telegram was sent, a series of discussions arose about Liushikov's future in Wangjiaping, Yan'an, thousands of kilometers away.

The former headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Wangjiaping, and now the Military Reorganization Committee. In the meeting room at this time, Mao Runze was discussing with Commander-in-Chief Zhu about the stationing arrangement of the Northward Group that was moving from Xi'an to Yan'an. Suddenly, the door of the meeting room Being pushed away, Zhou Xiangyu walked in with the folder in his arms.

"Old Mao, the Soviet Union sent us a telegram, take a look."

"Soviet Union, what kind of monsters are these old men? Two days ago, they suddenly said that they would come to inspect the military preparations of the Eighth Route Army. Later, they asked about the relationship between the Puhai army and the Industrial International. What are they singing today!"

"Hehe, see for yourself! It's hard to say!"

While talking, Zhou Xiangyu took out a telegram and handed it to Mao Runze.Mao Runze stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray.Then took over.

"Ha, it's time for Liushikov to come here. This Liushikov has just arrived in Yan'an for a few days. How did the old man know?"

"Perhaps it was revealed by Ri himself, take a look at this!"

As he spoke, Zhou Xiangyu handed over another report.

"Zhongyang Teke has uncovered a Japanese spy agency in the past two days and captured two secret agents, one of whom is a cadre of our Cultural and Propaganda Department, and the other is the owner of the Wangjiaping Hotel. The news from Liushikov is that they gave Ri personally sent it out, and even exposed himself in order to send the news, that cadre of the Cultural and Propaganda Department even used a secret radio station during the day, and was discovered by our comrades in Puhai with radio detection equipment."

"Hehe, it seems that we in Yan'an are not at peace, Lao Zhou, let's see if the internal organization has been further studying the secrecy regulations. In addition, the news about Lao Maozi may not come from Ri himself."

"Old Mao, how do you say this?"

"Liushikov has only been here for 2 days, and Ri himself only found out yesterday at the earliest. Before he can distinguish the credibility of the news, Ri himself will not consider how to deal with the purpose of this news, so if you want to get rid of it so quickly from Ri There is only one possibility for me to pass the news to Lao Maozi, and that is that there are Soviet agents in the top management of Japan.

So I think the Soviets will know so quickly that it is not the problem of Ri himself, but the problem of some comrades in our organization.

Lao Zhou, the task of rectifying and unifying the thinking within the organization must be advanced. The Soviet Union is not a reason to betray the organization. If this problem is not resolved, our follow-up strategic arrangements will be full of problems! "

After Mao Runze finished speaking, the entire conference room fell silent. Several people read each other with several telegrams, thinking about the future overall arrangement.


New Year's Eve!Happy New Year everyone, the old Taoist is here to wish everyone auspicious Year of the Horse and good luck in everything. In the new year, there will be a lot of red envelopes, a lot of money, pies from the sky, and gold and silver from the earth.

Anything else... Indifferently ask for a monthly pass, there are only 2 days in this month, and the monthly pass will become invalid if you don't use it anymore, everyone will forget it for the old man, and please collect it again, ask for a red ticket, haha.

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