Revolution 1938

Chapter 147 This is Yan'an!

How will the British react? In fact, Americans don’t mind. For Americans, their purpose is just to do business. At this time, the United States is in the recovery period just after the Great Depression, with high unemployment and sluggish consumption in the country. It made everyone think that the Great Depression was coming again.However, the external environment is complicated, and the cloud of war is obvious, and the markets of all major consumer countries have shrunk.

However, at this moment, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, the Puhai Labor Party jumped out, not to mention their large-scale food purchases in the Philippines and Vietnam. After the Chinese ordered a large amount of machinery and equipment, especially oil refining equipment, the United States was boiling.

All the newspapers are speculating whether that backward China is about to take off its oil-poor hat and find a big oil field. Therefore, more and more Americans will come to this ancient country from across the ocean , came to the city that was once known as Paris at night.

But what surprised them was that this city was no longer the city they knew. Although it was still brightly lit at night, they could not find the so-called karaoke halls where dancers in tight cheongsams were everywhere. Beggars everywhere.The most important thing is that there are so many rules for doing business here, if you violate it, you will be invited in for coffee.

Later, the Labor Party wiped out the entire Japanese army around the estuary of the Yangtze River, leading to news that the Japanese wanted to abandon their strategy in Central China.Not to mention that internationally, news that these Labor Parties were created by the Soviets has been disturbing and emerging one after another.

Just when the U.S. government was finally determined to contact these labor parties under the pressure of the domestic conglomerates, another message came from Puhai, "If you want to discuss business, welcome, if you want to talk about other things, please go to Yan'an." statement.Finally, Mr. von A. Smit, the special envoy of the Secretary of State of the US Federal Government, appeared in Xi'an.

Moreover, the Americans are not willing to make this matter too big. After all, in this era, the legal government of China is still the Republic of China government led by Jiang Kaishen who is currently staying in Wuhan. There is no problem with private contact, but public visits will always cause There was some commotion, so in the end our special envoy could only go to Yan'an as the manager of a foreign company.

But Smit doesn't mind, he knows that he is not alone in doing this, Germany, Britain, even France, the Netherlands are all applying to go to Yan'an in various identities, the funniest is Italy, their representatives turned out to be The application was made in the name of a church visiting group, and the representatives from various countries gathered in Xi'an couldn't help laughing. When did the Labor Party start to believe in religion?

Just thinking of this, suddenly, Smit, who was drinking coffee on the roof of the foreign company, was disturbed by the ringing of the phone beside him.After putting down the glass, Smit stood up, tugged at the hem of his suit, and walked over to answer the phone.

"Hello! Who are you looking for?"

"Hello, this is the Office of the Chinese Workers' Party in Xi'an. Is this Mr. Von A. Smitt, Special Envoy of the Secretary of State of the United States of America?"

"'s me, what's the matter?"

"Hello, we just want to inform you that the central government has agreed to your request to go to Yan'an, and initially invited you to leave for Yan'an on the morning of June 6. We will send vehicles to pick you up at that time. I hope to confirm the number of people traveling. We can arrange vehicles."

"Er, we have our own car, can we?"

"Also, if you are sure you don't want us to send a car, we can just send people to show you the way."

Hearing what the other party said, Smit thought about it carefully, and then said.

"Since this is the case, we will have 12 people traveling. Among them, we will have 2 vehicles to travel with us. We can arrange 8 people. Please arrange another 4 people to ride."

"Okay, no problem, then please, Mr. Smit, don't leave your current residence on June 6, that is, tomorrow morning, our personnel will go directly to pick you up."

"OK, thanks!"

"Good-bye, then, Mr. Smit!"


After hanging up the phone, Smit pondered carefully. At this moment, the door behind him opened, and the little John came up from downstairs.

"Smit, according to the news just now, the Germans have received an invitation from the Labor Party, and they will send a new ambassador there."

"My cousin is really dedicated to his work, and he sent the news so quickly."

"Yes, besides, the British are also invited"

"Well, I guess everyone who wants to go has been invited."

"Then what shall we do next?"

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it later... You go and inform everyone that you're going to travel tomorrow, and all kinds of equipment have to be checked again."

When the Americans began to prepare for their trip to Yan'an, the German office in Xi'an, not far from them, was also not idle.

"Heil! hitler!"

"Heil! hitler!"

"Second Lieutenant Rhine Sean, is there something wrong?"

"Engineer Feng from Siemens called just now, and their call center intercepted calls from the Labor Party to relevant people in the United States and the United Kingdom"

"What content?"

"Invite them to visit Yan'an?"

"I just received this call, is there anything else?"

"No more. Heil! Hitler!"

Sean was about to turn around and leave.Suddenly, the man sitting at the desk raised his head and stopped him.

"Second Lieutenant Sean, please wait a moment, I have a question for you."

"Please tell me, Major"

"How did you feel as an American when you joined the SS?"

"Major Tim, I was a German before the Americans, and I am willing to contribute my whole life to the revival of the Germans."

"Don't worry, Second Lieutenant Sean, I don't doubt your loyalty. I just want to know the thoughts of comrades like you. After all, you are not alone here."

"Major, do you mean Engineer Feng from Siemens?"

"Yes, according to the information I just got, he is the cousin of the Secretary of State of the United States who is here this time, and he always needs to make some preparations in advance."

"Engineer Feng, I don't know. After all, he is not our comrade, but a simple technician."

"Okay, I understand, just understand! You can go down."

"Heil! hitler!"

As Second Lieutenant Sean turned and left, the office was once again quiet. Major Tim frowned as he looked at the information in front of him.Talked to himself.

"It looks like it needs to be cleaned up properly, and the things are being targeted before they leave Huaxia..."

Regardless of the reactions of these foreigners, Yan'an at this time is very lively.

With the gradual establishment of the Puhai Northward Group, Yan'an at this time has become a bustling construction site.Along the Yanhe River, diagonally opposite to Baota Mountain, the rocky beach beside the river here is bustling with people and horses and horses walking together.Because the first thermal power plant in Yan'an will be erected here soon,

"No, no, you are wrong, you can't install the transformer so early, or you will have problems connecting with the generator set later,"

It stands to reason that those western visitors would not arrive until tomorrow, but at this time, there was a foreigner with a huge nose shouting at the construction site.

"Old Shen, if he's like this, are we okay?"

"No problem, let him call. I have built a lot of this kind of small power plants, and I can do it with my eyes closed."

"Then why did you let him come with you?"

"No way, they bought the main engine of the generator. The service attitude is very good these years. After buying the machine, an engineer immediately followed. Those British guys are really unreliable. Ask them to buy equipment, but they changed hands. I have never heard of the French, or Sim Industry, so I don’t know if it works.”

"Mr. Shen, this Sim Industry is not a small company. It was the first company in France to play with electronics. Unfortunately, after the German occupation, it was completely destroyed. At that time, this company mainly made brakes."

"Really, it's good if it's reliable. Have someone looked at those devices? Is there any problem with our own transformer group?"

"It should be fine, but unfortunately, the factory in Puhai is still under construction, otherwise we can use our own equipment,"

"Don't worry about this. We are starting from scratch now. It would be nice to be able to build a transformer group in less than two months. This is done with our ready-made materials."

"Puhai Iron and Steel Plant, the equipment should be able to be debugged next month, and the installation will be completed in 3 months. This was an unimaginable speed at our time."

"It's normal. There are more than 1 people on it, all kinds of heavy equipment are assisted, and many of the original sites don't need to be rebuilt, they are all ready-made. The flat land and the relocated pipeline racks have long been there. , and Lao Jiang did not remove the blast furnace when he moved, but just blocked the feed inlet. I started equipment debugging in three months, and I think this speed is still slow. It takes three months for our Huaxia man-made house?"

"Mr. Shen, you are joking."

"Is there? I presided over the construction of the third phase of the Handan Iron and Steel Plant. From design to equipment installation, the whole process took only 133 days. The third phase, four blast furnaces of 42 cubic meters, I erected in [-] days."

"Mr. Shen, it's not the same now as it was then. You didn't go to see it. The technicians sent by the British supplier are so rigid. They have to drink the so-called afternoon tea every afternoon. If they don't drink, they don't work. In the end, Mr. Wang went up by himself." Command installation."

"It's a mistake for you to ask the British to buy things. In this day and age, of course you should buy German products."

"Fascism is prevalent in Germany now, and political influence must always be considered. If our seniors know that we do business with fascism, there will be no chaos."

"What fascism, of course we have to buy the best equipment when we spend money on it. You don't care what the other party came from, pedantic!"

"Hehe, Mr. Shen, this is up to you to solve, I don't dare to say more."

"I will. Tomorrow afternoon, it is said that there will be an economic-related meeting. At the meeting, I will specifically point out this issue."

"Okay, Mr. Shen, let's go. I basically don't need you today, let them toss."

As they said that, the two left the construction site, leaving only the big-nosed Frenchman continuing to call out in distorted Chinese...


Today is coming, many friends said that the development of the plot is slow, in fact, I think it is okay, there is always too much to explain at the beginning, so everyone watch patiently, the important content is fast, fast.

Well, throw all the tickets, gifts, rewards and so on to the old man!You old-fashioned stiff necks are still not healed, but didn’t you give everyone a double update yesterday!

Well, welcome everyone to join the reader group, group number: 139461990

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