Revolution 1938

Chapter 151 What happened to the Soviet Red Army?

"Comrades, when it comes to the issues between the Soviet Union and Japan, I would like to remind everyone before introducing them. Never equate the battle between them with the battle between us and the Japanese. Due to the form of the battle And the scale is different, there is no comparison between us at all.

The central government decided to introduce it here in the hope that everyone can understand the external situation our party is facing now, and use it as a reference for our future strategic judgment. Therefore, today I am not limited to Japan and the Soviet Union. Other international situations will also be introduced. "

As soon as Xia Hai'an's words fell, the people below began to whisper to each other.For these commanders, the international situation has never been their consideration. However, after learning advanced tactical thinking recently, they found that macro considerations cannot be ignored.

In their textbooks, their former enemy, the Japanese, is a typical example of excellent tactics and a strategy based on betting. This is why they sometimes think that the Japanese will be stupid in war.

Seeing that everyone below focused their attention on him, Xia Hai'an coughed twice, took a sip of water, and then began to speak slowly.

"First of all, let me talk about the overall situation of Japan and the Soviet Union. As of yesterday, all areas in the Far East of the Soviet Union, bordering the three provinces of Northeast China and North Korea have been caught in the flames of war, including our Outer Mongolia area."

In a word, everyone looked at each other in surprise, and everyone could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Now the warring parties have invested a total of nearly 70 troops. Among them, the Soviet Army and Outer Mongolia have a total strength of about 30 troops, and the Japanese Kwantung Army and the Korean Front Army have more than 40 troops. So far, the Japanese army still holds the initiative on the battlefield."

"What, Comrade Xia, are you sure that the Japanese army has the initiative? The Soviet Red Army would not be so weak."

At this time, General Chai Shirong, who was familiar with the situation of the Soviets, asked in surprise.

"Yes, we didn't believe it at first, but based on all the intelligence sources, we found that except for the "Battle of Lake Hassan" that was the fuse of the war in Northeast Asia, the next series of battles were all initiated by the Japanese. In a passive defensive posture.

For this reason, the central government mobilized our comrades in the Soviet Union to conduct investigations and found that the main reason for the passive defense of the Soviet army was that since the first half of 37, Moscow’s so-called counter-revolutionary operations against military units in the Far East had caused the entire Soviet military The chain of command collapsed.

According to the information we have, 90% of the mid- and lower-level commanders of the Soviet Army in the Far East today lack combat command experience, and 60% are recruits within one year. They were arrested in the name of spies, but the actual commanders were political workers with no experience in combat command.

It can be said that the current situation faced by the Far Eastern Front of the Soviet Red Army is basically similar to the problems faced by our party in the fifth anti-encirclement and suppression stage. Due to the wrong and enlarged political movement, the strategic direction of the entire army was wrong, and the tactics were wrong. The command is rigid, the composition of the troops is chaotic, the army is insufficiently trained, and the military equipment is lacking. "

Hearing Xia Haian use the fifth anti-encirclement campaign as a comparison to the current Soviet Red Army’s Far Eastern Front Army, many old comrades in the audience who have experienced that era looked downcast. At this time, they thought of those comrades who did not survive to the present them.

Looking at the solitude below, Xia Hai'an also sighed deeply. Sure enough, the influence of those years on these veterans was definitely not much better.After clearing up her mood, Xia Haian continued.

"After talking about the overall form, let's take a look at the current specific situation. Around the Sea of ​​Japan, the current Soviet Pacific Fleet is confronting the Japanese Combined Fleet in the area from the west coast of North Korea to the Far East coast. This has seriously affected the Soviet Union. Pacific Fleet support for ground combat.

At the final stage of the Battle of Lake Hassan, the Soviet Union could have withdrawn the besieged troops through the Pacific Fleet. Unfortunately, due to the arrest of the supreme commander and the appearance of the Japanese combined fleet near Vladivostok, the two Soviet divisions finally 2 brigade surrendered to the Japanese.

Since then, due to the slowness of the Soviet Union's command handover work, the troops assembled in the rear and preparing to enter the second stage lost their command. At this time, the level of the on-site commanders has clearly differentiated.

Among them, the 22nd, 39th and 75th tank brigades under the Red Flag Far East First Group Army took the initiative to fight against the Japanese 2nd Division according to the pre-war plan. The Japanese army was at a disadvantage.

Unfortunately, as the 3rd Kwantung Army broke into Outer Mongolia as a whole, it took less than a week to occupy most of the strategic points in Outer Mongolia and directly threatened the main artery of the Soviet Siberia Railway. It was completely contained on the front line of Outer Mongolia, and even the two divisions of the Second Far East Army were caught in the encirclement of the Third Army because they rashly helped Outer Mongolia to defend.

At this time, the current high-level commanders of the Soviet Far East Front Army actually made the decision to transfer the troops of the First Red Banner Far East Army, and transferred the remaining troops not engaged in combat from the eastern battlefield. The Japanese completed the annihilation of the other two divisions and surrounded them.

As a result, from Outer Mongolia to the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, a large number of strategic gaps appeared in the defense of the entire Soviet Union in the Far East. According to our calculations, Japan has been preparing for a long time. There are three divisions and three divisions by the Sea of ​​Japan, and there are still four divisions in the entire Northeast region that are ready to attack.

At this point, we can see the significance of the strategic contraction of the Japanese army in Central China. Those who participated in the battle in Central China are the main divisions of the Japanese army. Although we wiped out some of them, the rest still have high combat effectiveness. .According to our recent intelligence analysis, they will gradually retreat into North China and strengthen their garrison in North China.

In North China, as far as we have observed the exchange of radio signals, some divisions and a large amount of technical equipment have been transferred to the Kwantung Army, especially the Air Force, and a large number of transfers have been made.It is foreseeable that the Japanese army will launch a larger-scale attack on the Far East of the Soviet Union.And now the only advantage of the Soviet army, air power, will gradually be suppressed by the Japanese. "

"Comrade Xia, can the Soviet Union stop the Japanese attack? Do we need to help them!"

"If we talk about the current strength of the Soviet Union's Far East, I think it is completely impossible to block the Japanese attack, but the Soviet Union is a country with a wider area than ours, and the Far East is only one of their regions. If the Soviet Union's war machine is fully activated, The Japanese's war potential is not as good as ours, how could they defeat the Soviet Union.

According to our information, Moscow has mobilized nearly 7 troops from 2 divisions and 10 armies from the western front to form the Eastward Army to support the Far East.They will directly launch an attack on the Third Army that the Japanese broke into Outer Mongolia through the Siberian Railway, and liberate the current plight of the Second Red Banner Army.

In addition, according to our intelligence in Xinjiang, some troops of the Xinjiang warlords supported by the Soviets have secretly crossed the border and entered the Soviet Union. They will serve as flanking harassment missions for the Soviet army. "

"Xinjiang, the Soviet army?"

"Why, comrades don't know? Now there is a Soviet mechanized reinforcement regiment, the Red Eighth Regiment, in the Hami area, and the Soviet Red Army is also stationed in Shufu, Hotan, and Setula, Heiheizijianggan and other places on the Sino-Indian border A garrison of nearly 1000 people.

In addition, Sheng Shicai's army can basically be regarded as the armed forces of the Soviets. Their equipment, military salaries, and even the middle and low-level commanders are all provided by the Soviets. These troops add up to three divisions with nearly 3 people, and one Aviation regiment nearly 4 aircraft. "

"However, Sheng Shicai did not have our comrades there. Comrades such as Mao Zemin and Chen Tanqiu were there. There were also many comrades from the West Route Army that Sheng Shicai helped recruit, and many comrades were recuperating there. It should be counted as our party. ally"

"I don't want to comment on whether it's a friend. The central government has already notified most of the comrades to come back before the reorganization work started. Comrade Mao Zemin is probably having a meeting with the economic and technological experts of the reorganization working group. Life is hard."

In order to adjust the atmosphere and avoid this problem, Xia Hai'an casually made a small joke, which caused the audience below to roar with laughter.

"Comrade Xia, so the problem with the Soviet Red Army is actually not that big?"

"Yes, according to our speculation, although the Soviet Red Army suffered a lot due to out-of-band command and lack of preparation in the early stage, with the arrival of reinforcements and the establishment of a new command system, the Soviet Union should reverse the current defeat, at least , will ensure the stability of most parts of the Far East.

The only possible problem is the safety of the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan.After all, compared with Japan's sea power, the Soviet Union's Pacific Fleet is too weak. It is very likely that in the near future, we will hear news that they were sunk by the Japanese army. Then with the support of the Japanese navy, the Japanese army is likely to be able to occupy most of the The area sandwiched between the three eastern provinces and the Sea of ​​Japan. "

"So what about us, are we just watching?"

"No, of course we will do it, our targets are two, Xinjiang and Outer Mongolia.

We have now prepared potential control areas between the base area and Inner Mongolia, as well as between the base area and Xinjiang. Later, as the war develops, we will attack the Japanese troops in Outer Mongolia and fully recover the lost territory of Outer Mongolia.

In addition, in Xinjiang, Sheng Shicai adopted a pro-Soviet policy after all, which created a good administrative foundation for us. According to reports from our left-behind comrades in Xinjiang, Sheng Shicai has now gone to Hami, and it is very likely that he will lead troops into the Soviet Union. Choose the right time to send troops to occupy Xinjiang and realize the complete sovereignty of Xinjiang. "

After saying this, the people in the audience who were stunned by the central government's plan fell silent. After a long time, the comrades who participated in the meeting asked slowly.

"What if our comrades in the Soviet Union think we are an aggressor?"


Xia Hai'an smiled, and then clicked on the laptop on the stage to call up a military plan and start talking.


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