Revolution 1938

Chapter 154 Southeast Asia is not simple

The scene was silent for a long time, but in the end, General Yang Jingyu, who had been fighting in the vast ice field in the northeast, spoke first.

"Comrade Xia, didn't the central government always emphasize that we should respect the autonomy demands of the people of other countries, we Huaxia will never seek other countries' territories, nor will we expand wantonly, so we have no objection to what you said about retaking the occupied territories, but your scope Is it too big?"

"I knew that everyone would have opinions on this aspect of the content, so I started from the beginning based on the current situation in the future. Today, all the content about Nanyang belongs to the fourth-level confidential content, so everyone must not spread it outside after hearing it."

Looking around the audience, seeing everyone nodding, Xia Haian continued.

"First of all, let me talk about the issue of the Nanyang territory that we finally determined, because Southeast Asia has always been the main living area of ​​our Chinese, so our territorial issue and the issue of overseas Chinese are complementary.

According to our survey, the total number of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia is 1600 million, and most of them are not naturalized, so they can be regarded as our Chinese citizens.

As a country, it is the country's basic obligation to protect its own citizens. Therefore, we cannot ignore the interests of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, and we should pay more attention to them.Therefore, our definition of Chinese territory is that the proportion of Chinese in the local area exceeds 20%. "

"Comrade Xia, why is it 20%?"

"20% can basically represent that the local Chinese have become the main political, economic, and cultural foundation of the local area. Moreover, we must pay attention to a problem. The long-term neglect of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia by political entities in our mainland has caused their personal safety to be compromised. No guarantee, to put it bluntly, we owe them protection.

According to relevant information from the Netherlands, when the number of Chinese and overseas Chinese in a region exceeds 20%, the colonial governments such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom will raise the butcher knife against our compatriots. Organized massacres have occurred more than 2000 times, most of which were atrocities instigated by colonial governments against our fellow countrymen.According to incomplete statistics, the number of compatriots who died in historical records exceeds 2000 million.”

Speaking of this, Xia Hai'an stopped, sighed deeply, and looked around. At this time, everyone sitting under the stage also looked angry.Xia Hai'an thought for a while and threw away the documents in his hand, then said.

"Comrades, I don't want to talk about those materials anymore. What I want to tell you is that in the future, even if we have established our own republic, our compatriots will continue to be massacred by those colonists and local natives .

Although the so-called democratic republics were established in these Southeast Asian regions at that time, they did not regard our compatriots as human beings. Under the instigation of the new global colonizer, the United States, these countries wantonly slaughtered and expelled our compatriots. Looting the property of Chinese and overseas Chinese.

Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, these areas are filled with the blood of our compatriots.

Comrades, now that we are in trouble in China, the Chinese and overseas Chinese are supporting us with tight clothing and food, why?Because they know that if China is not strong, they will not be valued and respected overseas. They hope that we will become stronger, and then support them and the rise of the Chinese in Southeast Asia.

It is a pity that in the final history, our party ignored the demands of those Southeast Asian Chinese who helped us because of the sentence that we cannot interfere with the sovereignty of other countries, and ignored the butchery they faced. This is not what we workers should do anyway. of.This is naked dogmatism.

Comrades, we pursue industrialism in order to realize the rise of China again, and we believe in industrialism in the hope that we can allow all Chinese descendants to live happily under the sun.It is not for binding our own hands and feet.I hope that everyone can further understand industrialism, instead of reciting those classics dogmatically.

For Southeast Asia, the events of our Chinese living there are almost the time of our Chinese existence. In the whole of Southeast Asia, it can be said that we Chinese have written the history of Southeast Asia, from the Li Dynasty in Vietnam and the Zheng Dynasty in Siam to the present, In the last Lanfang Republic, we Chinese established countless political powers throughout Southeast Asia, so from the perspective of political continuity, we Chinese also have indistinguishable sovereignty over the entire Southeast Asia.So our goal is.

In present-day Vietnam, the French colonists were expelled to establish South Vietnam and North Vietnam. In Malaysia, the British colonists were expelled and the Malay Wu Kingdom was restored to establish the Malay Province. Borneo was occupied and Borneo was restored to the Lanfang Republic. Those who restored the old system of Sanfoqi established by the Zhang family in Guangdong established the Sanfoqi Province, and expelled the British colonists to establish the Northern Myanmar Province.

The above goals are to restore our old Chinese genus and take back our country's inherent territory since ancient times.In addition, in the northern Philippines, we also need to help our Chinese and overseas Chinese compatriots in their nation-building efforts and help them establish their own republic in the northern Philippines.Overseas Chinese leaders have made relevant requests to us on different occasions.

The other is to take back Taiwan and the South China Sea Islands, and help Sulfur Ball restore the country. We have already contacted relevant people from the Sulfur Ball government in exile in Puhai, and have made preliminary contacts on the restoration of the country. "

"Comrade Xia, according to what you said, we are almost enemies of the great powers all over the world. Is this beyond our capabilities?"

"Yes, if it is now, we can be sure that we have the ability to destroy these great powers, but we don't want a broken world, and we don't want an era full of enemies. Therefore, the execution time of the above goals will be mainly determined in the second It began when the Western powers had no time to look around after the outbreak of the First World War."

"Comrade Xia, will World War II really happen?"


Xia Hai'an smiled, then clicked on the originally projected map, and then clicked on a slideshow.

"The Second World War actually started long ago. In a broad sense, our war with Japan is also part of the Second World War. In the Second World War, the Axis powers were mainly Japan, Germany, and Italy. To go deeper, the Second World War was actually a war in which militarism conceived to gain world domination.

Judging from the current situation, Japan has already fallen into the abyss of militarism, and Germany has been flooded with militarism since the mustache came to power. As for Italy, he is just a soy sauce, so don't mind too much. "

"Comrade Xia, what is soy sauce?"


At this time, Xia Hai'an realized that she was a little casual, touched the scum of her newly shaved hair, and then said with a smile.

"Soy sauce means dawdling, not working, and the type of sarcastic remarks on the sidelines. It mainly means that Italy has no right to speak in this so-called Axis alliance.

But for us, these are not important, the important thing is when the Second World War broke out, for us, what we need to avoid is to show our strength to the world in an overly explosive manner, because that would be dangerous. A certain possibility will cause the eyes of the world powers to focus on us and reduce the possibility of a world war.

Fortunately, we want to thank the inherent greedy nature of capitalism and the natural contempt for China by the world. You may have heard of it. Now there is a saying that our Chinese Labor Party received support from the Soviet Union to defeat the Japanese. Many people know Comrades with the truth are somewhat aggrieved and want to refute.

What I want to say is, don’t mind, this is a good thing, let those Western powers guess, as long as we persist until the outbreak of World War II, then it will be the starting point for us to return to the forest of world powers, and our Chinese Workers’ Party will eventually lead us The nation regained the glory of Tang and Song Dynasties. "

After saying this, the entire conference room burst into applause, which lasted for a long time.Xia Haian waved his hand to indicate that it was almost done, and then turned off the projector on the stage.

"Commanders and comrades, this is the end of today's briefing. Tomorrow we will give a specific explanation on the battle. I hope you will not be late. Now I have to go. There is still a task of receiving foreign guests waiting for me. I will not Discuss it with everyone."

"Comrade Xia, walk slowly..."

Following the greetings of the crowd, Xia Haian left the conference room and walked towards the newly built guest house not far away. Various foreigners are divided into several small groups, waiting outside the door of the guest house.

Seeing Xia Hai'an walking out of the command post compound, Li Kaixin, who was waiting not far away, hurried over to meet him.

"Old Xia, you're finally done. Hurry up, I'll be waiting for you. Vice Chairman Zhou has already gone to receive foreign guests."

"It's okay, let them wait. The guest house has just been built, and the smell inside is strong. It's always good to have more meetings."

"You, those foreigners are not easy to deal with. I'm afraid Vice Chairman Zhou won't be able to deal with it."

"How is it possible, who is Mr. Zhou! Those foreigners are no good, unless Roosevelt and Stalin come, otherwise I don't worry about it."

The two of them walked towards the crowd not far away while talking. At this moment, they may have seen the two of them approaching. Vice Chairman Zhou had already greeted the foreigners and walked into the guest house.


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