Revolution 1938

Chapter 203 Our German Sky Should Be Covered With Steel Wings

"My beloved head of state, I heard that you are looking for me?"

Mustache's impassioned speech finally came to an end. A fat man who had just opened the door and walked into the basement slapped the palm of his left hand with the delicate calfskin riding whip in his hand, and walked towards Mustache .

The soles of the riding boots under his feet struck the concrete floor and made a loud and rhythmic jingling sound, which seemed extremely abrupt in the quiet basement, but compared with his rampant laughter, it seemed incongruous. So harsh.

"Marshal Goering, I heard you went to a concert in Hamburg?"

"No, my head of state, I am not a cultural person. When I hear the word culture, I want to pick up my Browning!"

As he said that, the fat man with extravagant flashing accessories had already walked to the side of Mustache, and stood intimately with him, with a strong "you understand" expression on his face.

He is the founder and maintainer of the Luftwaffe, and now Germany's greatest air marshal.Hermann Göring.

Göring was an enigma, a man of many heroes and villains, a figure of contradictions, lazy and driven, realistic and romantic, cruel and kind, Cowardly and brave, both elegant and rude, at the same time has many characteristics such as shrewdness, conceit, humor, coldness, etc., which makes people ridiculed and disgusted.

Goering is often underestimated because of his seemingly stupid and even arrogant words and deeds, but in fact Goering has also done a good job in many matters. He is actually a politician with organizational genius. , with his ability to have good public relations, he attracted industrial giants, especially civil aviation elites, Milch and Ludendorff to support the Nazi Party, serve as the mustache's diplomatic envoy, plan the German-Austrian merger, and control the large and small economic links in Germany etc.

Goering, however, was too busy.So many times, on the surface, he looks extravagant, eccentric, delusional, and sometimes even like a clown, but in fact he is capable and cunning.This is also the reason why Mustache can tolerate his disrespect and wanton behavior towards himself.

"Well, Goering, if you didn't go to the concert, then you've brought your stuff and let the lads carry it in."

"That's right, my Führer, I watched it last night, and I couldn't tell the truth about the contents of this thing. But after reading the contents, I have strengthened my mind, and what we should fly in the sky of Germany is Steel wings.

Therefore, my Führer, I strongly demand more power plants and manufacturing plants for our air force, we should use steel to make planes, just like in these movies, to drown the enemy with boundless steel wings.... "

Just as they were talking, several SS soldiers moved a wooden box into the basement.And took out the machine inside, and connected the power supply on the table beside it.

"Heil! hitler!"

After the ceremony, the basement became quiet again.And that machine has been turned on.

"My head of state, my experts have conducted preliminary research on this machine. The level of technology it contains is not what our earth currently has, and it does not seem to violate our current technological research direction.

However, please pay attention to my wording. I use this but to mean that this machine uses a technical means beyond our imagination to achieve this seemingly unsurprising function.

Although it uses electricity, we opened the back cover and found the power supply inside, we can see that those are indeed things on the earth.However, the mechanism that converts the power to the image is different from all the science and technology on our planet, and we can't even find a possible scientific basis.

So, I guess this is the product of the world axis. Those Chinese Communists must have gone to Tibet, and they must have found our ancestors, the treasures of Atlantis. From the objects inside, we found a lot of our treasures. The stuff of legend.

For example, the way this machine displays images is by projecting light onto flat glass made of crystal, which is similar to the crystal walls of our legendary Atlantis and others.

In addition, we found many metal wires on one of the green electronic objects. These metal wires are alloys of silver and copper. They are made very thin and layered on the green board.We suspect that they should be conductive lines, but what their function is, we don't know, because the contents of this machine are very important, so we dare not carry out destructive disassembly.But it is basically certain that this should be a specialty of Atlantis, orichalcum. "

Having said that, Mustache's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help himself with excitement.And Goering immediately turned on this strange machine with the little thing in his hand.Then he played a part of the content familiarly.

"This is a general teaching film for mountain combat, which mainly explains how to cooperate with the air and ground in the mountain environment and ensure that one's own vital forces can better live in the mountain environment.

But, everyone, have you seen this? "

Goering pressed the pause button at this time, then pointed to a pair of snow mountains on the screen and said.

"Gentlemen, have you noticed? This is Tibet, and this is Mount Everest. From this distance, it can be seen that the tentacles of the Labor Party have already reached Tibet. These films were all shot in Tibet.

We have reason to believe that these workers found the treasures of our ancestors in Tibet, where they obtained not only a large amount of wealth, but also a large amount of technology.Especially this kind of technology that is completely different from the current technology sequence of the earth.

In this way, it also explains why they were able to achieve a major reversal in Puhai, and beat the Japanese, who were superior in equipment and strength to them, unable to parry.It can be seen that the key to these technological strengths.I believe that those things that I did not succeed in bringing back must be more accurate to explain what I thought.It is a pity.

Therefore, I propose here to contact Ernst Severl and Bruno Berg, who were sent to Tibet by General Himmler, and let them go directly across Tibet to Yan'an to understand the corresponding situation, and to figure out these things while crossing Tibet The activities of the Labor Party in the local area.

In addition, as far as we know, these labor parties are not disgusted with having economic relations with us, but have opinions on our relationship with Japan.I suggest that the head of state carefully consider the alliance with Japan. Although we can jointly seize the property of our ancestors with the Japanese, but referring to the information we have obtained, I think that if we do so, we will suffer uncontrollable losses.

Therefore, I am more inclined to use economic or alliance means to obtain the technology and materials we want. "

Speaking of this, Goering has completely fallen into fanaticism and delusion, and even started to jump over the mustache and give orders, which made the mustache agitated for no reason, but in the end, the mustache held back.

Goering is always like this. He is probably the only person in Germany who can blow his beard and stare with a mustache.And, it doesn't make the moustache annoying.

At this time, in the basement, following the speeches of two heavyweights in the German political circles, everyone fell into a frenzy.

Yes, you read that right, the world-renowned rationalists and hard-disk Germans have always had mystic tendencies that the world cannot understand. There is no resistance.

Of course, this may also be the reason why Germany's technological development is always unexpected. Therefore, in their eyes, their ancestors have already accomplished these things, and now they are just restoring the glory of their ancestors.

Therefore, Germany established the direction and rationale for the development of science and technology for the whole world during the period before and after World War II.This is completely inseparable from the mysticism hidden in the hearts of the Germans, that is, in this way they will maintain awe of any mysterious things instead of ignoring them.

Of course, Germany at this time finally embarked on a completely different path from the original history, following Goering's speech, and after the entire German staff devoted themselves to research on this strange thing that can play movies.They have further strengthened their conjecture that the Huaxia Labor Party has obtained the treasure of Atlantis.

The content in these movies is all-encompassing. Although all of them are war-related, the details of the entire work reveal that they are out of place beyond this era. All kinds of inexplicable Chinese words make the translation hired by the German General Staff not even very good. Redefine the German language, and even recruit Chinese students who are already very rare in Germany.

But although these international students can understand the nouns in it, they can't explain them accurately. In the end, when the sinologists from the University of Hamburg joined.They discovered that it was not because of their linguistic problems, but that all these terms had never appeared in the history of China.

In the end, with the help of these foreign students and sinologists, the German General Staff could only use guesswork to interpret what was said in these films.

Not to mention that it is filled with a large number of weapons and equipment that cannot be explained by current technology.Therefore, when the investigation report of all the contents was sent to Goring and Mustache.They suddenly discovered that the level of their own equipment in Germany was completely incomparable with the contents of these Chinese Workers' Party movies.

Not to mention the so-called satellites that can fly in outer space, even the large transport planes flying in the atmosphere are already countless levels behind.In this era, the ceiling of any aircraft can easily exceed [-] meters.

Not to mention the air tactical content such as fighter jets breaking the sound barrier and beyond visual range combat mentioned all day long.All the pilots who participated in the investigation completely believed that these were just movies after watching the movies, and it was impossible for them to become reality.

In the end, after Goering and Mustache repeatedly listened to the reports of the following researchers, the largest diplomatic mission in German history was formed, among them were scientists, diplomats, and even personnel from the equipment department of various arms. Their target is not America or England.It was in Yan'an, a city in the west of China tens of thousands of kilometers away.


The first update, some people may say old-fashioned nonsense, I once again declare that the mystic tendencies of the Germans are not made up by me. The tasks in it are all historical facts.

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