Revolution 1938

Chapter 244 The Size of the PLA

"Comrades, these are the only two large aircraft carriers we have now, namely the Beiping and the Puhai. The full load displacement is 11 tons, and it can carry more than 80 fighters of various types. There are a total of 7000 combat personnel stationed on the ship, including pilots." There are people around, and the speed exceeds 30 knots."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience immediately became lively, and all the participants were whispering to each other, discussing this unprecedented weapon.

"Comrades, please be quiet. If you go on like this, you won't have time for today's lunch."

At this time, Zhou Xiangyu made a joke on the stage, and then continued.

"In addition to the aircraft carrier, we also have a large number of other ships, which are responsible for the encirclement of the entire aircraft carrier formation.

This is, the destroyer that bears the backbone of the fleet defense. There are two types in total. This is one of the large ones, with a total of 8 ships.With a full load displacement of 7000 tons, about 300 combatants, and a speed of 32 knots, it has extremely strong long-range air defense, anti-submarine, and anti-ship capabilities, and can provide ground suppression firepower for beach landing operations.Moreover, it also has strong detection and communication capabilities, and can be used as a command ship.

This is another type of destroyer, a total of 6 ships, mainly responsible for air defense operations, with anti-submarine and anti-ship capabilities, and also has ground attack capabilities. This type of ship has a displacement of 6000 tons, about 260 combatants, and a speed of more than 32 knots. It is also the middle force of the entire fleet now.

This is a smaller combat ship in the fleet. It is a frigate. There are also two types, one of which is more and is a newer type. There are 20 ships in total. They are mainly responsible for patrolling the surrounding memory of the fleet.

The ship has a full-load displacement of 4200 tons, 180 combatants on board, and a speed of 27 knots. It will be the main defender of my country's coastal areas in the future.

The other type of frigate is less, there are only 2 ships in total, and it is a relatively backward ship, but it can also be used. It is mainly used for early warning patrols in the main coastal areas.

In addition to the above-mentioned main combat ships, our navy now also has a number of underwater submarine units and speedboat units.

Among them, there are three large submarines, one is responsible for strategic ground attack, and the other two are responsible for tactical anti-ship operations.There are 5 small conventional submarines, divided into two types, mainly responsible for sea area patrol and anti-submarine and anti-ship operations.

There are another 6 new speed boats, which are mainly responsible for anti-ship operations in the near-shore area, and undertake the training of junior sailors on board. At that time, interested comrades can go to the cabin.

After talking about offensive ships, our fleet also has a large number of ships that support the army's operations. Among them, we have 22 landing ships of various types, including two large attack ships with strong command capabilities, which can launch Helicopters of various types.And can carry out unified command in the theater.

In addition, our fleet also has 11 professional logistics supply ships and 135 civilian-modified logistics ships. Their total tonnage is enough for all our current bases to supply materials for a month. Now, they are rushing to the ocean to transport Back to cheap food and industrial products.

All of the above are all kinds of ships developed and developed by our overseas comrades through their own efforts.

When we fought in the Puhai area in the early stage, our fighters also captured a series of ships that the Japanese Third Fleet docked in Puhai.

They are the heavy cruiser Izumo, the Notoro water carrier, the heavy cruiser Yakumo, the destroyer Urakaze, the light cruiser Tenryu, the gunboat Antaka, the gunboat Seta, the gunboat Hira, the gunboat Hozu, and the gunboat Katada. , light cruiser Abukuma, light cruiser Yura, destroyer Asakaze, destroyer Matsukaze.A total of [-] ships, large and small.

They are now undergoing modernization at the major shipyards in Puhai. When the transformation is completed, we will rename these ships for the whole party and put them on the front line of the war against Japan. "

This sonorous and powerful oath has just been uttered, and it has received warm applause from the audience. All the cadres attending the meeting are all looking at their palms, expressing their excitement, while Zhou Xiangyu on the stage is smiling. He signaled everyone to be quiet first.

"Our naval force, in addition to these ships, also has a marine force active in the sea. Their full name is the Marine Corps. Their organization is basically similar to the current army force, but they are not governed by the Ministry of the Army. Jurisdiction, but only within the Marine Command chain.

They are mainly responsible for various types of island capture operations in the future and other land-to-ground combat requirements in designed ocean areas. Therefore, in addition to basic land warfare techniques, they will also focus on training in water combat, various ship control and other items in their daily training. At least, each of them can swim. "

Maybe it was to adjust the atmosphere in the venue, or maybe it was to prepare for the serious issue to be discussed later, at this time Zhou Xiangyu made a small joke with a relaxed mood.When everyone's laughter stopped, he said in a low tone.

"Comrades, what we have seen just now are all the achievements we have made now, and they are all our advantages. Now, I will explain the disadvantages of the army and navy.

Why should I talk about the disadvantages of the army and the sea together?The reason is that they all have the same problems.

The biggest problem for our army and navy is the shortage of soldiers, especially qualified soldiers or crews are almost impossible to find.

why?Some of our comrades would say, how can there be no people? As long as you give them guns, where can you not find good soldiers?

Comrades, this kind of thinking is extremely wrong. We are now building advanced combat troops, and the common feature of both the army and the navy is that there are more and more technical equipment, but more and more people know how to use them.

Whether it is to operate a ship or a cannon, it requires basic cultural literacy and scientific and technological knowledge. At the very least, soldiers must know how to count, and our biggest problem now is that our base areas were originally in the countryside, and the cities have only recently been occupied. some.

Regardless of whether it is before or now, whether it is a city or a country, it is extremely difficult for us to find literate fighters, which is why the current personnel tension is caused.

Therefore, the central government finally decided to recruit technicians from the whole party and the whole army to join the army.All comrades participating in the meeting will have a new requirement after returning to your work position, which is to vigorously develop education, and through daily development and education, provide our troops with a large number of fighters with a certain level of knowledge, which will enable us A top priority for our military buildup. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Xiangyu stopped and looked around at the somewhat silent people in the audience. He saw will and commitment in their eyes. This kind of firmness finally let go of the worry that had been hanging in his heart. The comrades in the party Finally, they didn't show disapproval as he feared.


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