Revolution 1938

Chapter 248 The Size of the PLA

The applause gradually subsided, Zhou Xiangyu waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, then took a sip of tea and continued.

"Comrades, we have finished talking about the first four branches of the military. Now we want to explain the fifth branch. The fifth branch is very different from the first four. It has not yet been formally established. The Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission just decided to establish it a week ago. this force.

And the central government will decide so late because this force does not undertake the direct attack mission.Although they have a different equipment system from the past, they will hardly participate in future combat missions against Japan or marrying her.Because they are engineering troops.His full name is called the Railway Corps.

As the name suggests, the task of this force is to conduct unified management of the country's railway lines, and is mainly responsible for military railway transportation and the construction of railway lines.Of course, since they are called corps, they also have certain attack and defense capabilities.

During the three-month battle from May to August, our People's Liberation Army has completely captured the Zhangku Railway, and basically occupied most of the Beijing-Shanghai, Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo, Sujia, and Beijing-Jiangxi Railways.

In the process, we have also occupied various transfer stations and maintenance stations attached to these railways, so we have nearly 100 passenger and freight wagons and 44 locomotive heads so far.

In addition, our army also seized the original Japanese invading army and the special railway equipment they captured under the jurisdiction of the Soviet Union and Outer Mongolian troops in Nanjing, Shanghai, Zhangjiakou, Kulun and other places through fighting against Japan.

Among them are two 94-type armored trains, one Manchurian temporary armored train, and a Soviet-made 305mm train gun, as well as some other armored armed trains.

And these equipments are also assigned to the railway corps, responsible for the air defense and ground defense business along the railway. We will carry out follow-up transformation of these equipments in the days to come, such as strengthening the air defense firepower and adjusting the structural strength. At that time, they will become our area An integral part of air defense and enemy fire support.

However, these are only a small part of the responsibilities of the Railway Corps, and the main combat area of ​​the Railway Corps is in the construction of railway lines.

From the establishment of the Republic of China to the present, we have experienced Beiyang, warlords, and the current government of the Republic of China. In so many years, our country with tens of millions of square kilometers has a total railway mileage including those occupied by the Japanese army. A total of no more than 2 kilometers.

The comparison of these figures is inconsistent with the prospects of our country, which is striving to carry out modern industrial transformation.

Therefore, after discussion and research between the Central Committee, the Military Commission and economic departments, we believe that in order to improve the industrial and agricultural development of our base areas and the entire country, we must build roads and railways that meet the actual conditions of our country.

Therefore, the most basic task of the Railway Corps is to speed up the construction of main railway lines in our base areas. After our discussion with the economic department, we will definitely strive to complete Yan'an-Baotou, Baotou-Zhangjiakou, Baotou-Kulun, and Baotou-Baotou from 1938 to the end of 1939. Xining's main trunk railway.

Repair the roads from Xining to Lanzhou and from Lanzhou to Hami, and build a new railway line between the two places.And improve Xinjiang's internal railway network.

In addition, we will also build some railway branch lines leading to various economic centers and resource mines, so as to accelerate the economic development and construction within our base areas.

The above-mentioned construction requires the cooperation of various departments in our country to open up the joints of civil affairs, economy, industry and commerce, especially steel smelting, land requisition, and rational use of resources, to cooperate with the extension and development of the entire Huaxia Railway.

The central government decided to invest 1938% of our overall income in railway construction for 10 consecutive years starting from 10. In addition to education and military needs, the overall resources will be tilted towards railway and road construction. In the future, we will have such a purpose.

To get rich, build roads first.

Local economic construction must be guided by transportation construction to save all resources. First, complete the external communication and transportation construction of each base area, establish a complete supply and transportation system, and allow all materials to flow.

The base areas shall not obstruct the normal commercial flow of all materials allowed by the policy for any reason, and shall not establish so-called local protection policies, respect commercial behavior, pay taxes reasonably, and manage rationally.

All in all, before 1940, we must basically improve the economic flow between the various base areas, so that our base area economy can embark on a sound development path.

Therefore, the Railway Corps can basically be said to be our combat troops in the industrial and economic fields. They will fight in various harsh geological conditions all year round, contribute their strength to our transportation cause, and may fight for life .

Therefore, the establishment of this unit will also be the development needs of each base area. Our central government requires each base area to gather all the railway-related talents in the base area, especially the comrades in the Republic of China area. You will get a card after the meeting list.

Those are the existing railway construction talents of the Republic of China government. I hope that everyone can find them and persuade them to join our railway construction tide. Don’t waste yourself in the inefficient government behavior of the Republic of China government. wealth of knowledge. "

After Zhou Xiangyu finished speaking, he picked up his tea mug and took a big gulp of water, then said.

"Comrades, even if we have officially introduced the five major arms of the PLA system, the content is very complicated and impactful. Of course, I also know that everyone is a little hazy, and maybe everyone can't remember it now. .”

After saying this, there was a burst of laughter.Zhou Xiangyu waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Of course, after the meeting, I will send you a full-text report for everyone to discuss, but right now, my report is not finished yet.

In addition to these five major arms, the Central Military Commission also has three major units directly under the Central Military Commission. I will give a brief introduction here.

The first large force, the special operations force, is an offensive armed force directly under our Military Commission. There are only a small number of them, only 3000 so far, but each of them has unique skills. They are all elite fighters we have selected from various forces.

Their combat missions are mainly to attack behind enemy lines, detect and destroy strategic points, infiltrate behind enemy lines, seize strategic points, and capture or kill enemy bandit leaders.It is a small-scale but dangerous strategic and tactical operation.

This force will be the backbone of our future campaign attacks, and small-scale conflicts will be carried out around this force. It is likely to be an important way for our future military operations, and it will also be an important force that affects the outcome of the battle.

Therefore, the construction of this army also requires everyone to continue to coordinate in the future work, especially for the successors of various Chinese martial arts schools and everyone, please contact them in future work and encourage them to come In Yan'an, the Military Commission hopes to absorb the advantages of these martial arts schools to create suitable fighting techniques for our special operations forces, and provide certain convenience for the inheritance of these martial arts schools in the army.

The second army is our information team. This army has fewer people, but their technical content is extremely high, even exceeding the technical requirements of our Second Artillery Corps. They are our military development in this world. The forefront of the experimental force.

The main task of this force is to carry out the development and research of military electronic information technology, develop radar and wireless communication technology, and carry out the acquisition and collection of military information around the world.Lay a solid foundation for the future development of military informatization in our army.

Therefore, we hope to gather the best mathematical talents in this force to carry out topics such as information encryption, decryption, information transmission, radio basic research, and information intelligence research, and will establish the most advanced military intelligence force.

In order to achieve these goals, we will also require the leaders of each base area to acquire corresponding mathematics and cryptography talents in the future development process, so as to speed up the construction of existing troops.

Having said that, we will talk about the last force, which is the logistics support force directly under our Military Commission. They are mainly composed of two parts: military medical treatment and military logistics.In the follow-up development, we will build complete military medical institutions in each military station, carry out medical research, integrate the advantages of both Chinese and Western medicine, and establish our military medical system.

The military logistics part is to establish a unified military logistics system near each city and base, relying on the current transportation and economic departments to provide a strong backing for our army's logistics support.

And based on this, we will occupy our army's military food, military clothing, design and manufacture of auxiliary ordnance and other tasks, and cooperate with our military industry department to establish our most excellent military logistics system. "

Having said that, Zhou Xiangyu slowly closed the report in his hand, then raised his head and continued.

"Comrades, the development of our party's military cause in the first half of this year was rapid, benign, and even more magnificent.

However, everyone must also see that we are also facing difficult choices, especially in terms of logistical support and the quality of soldiers, there is a very obvious gap with the armies of Western powers. , must be based on the development outline provided by the central government, earnestly and diligently, and complete the development plan we have formulated.

Not afraid of hardships and dangers, not afraid of dangers, with a spirit of sacrifice to complete various economic, military and urban development goals issued by the central government.thank you all. "

After saying this, the whole auditorium erupted into warm applause, which didn't stop, and Zhou Xiangyu closed the report, tidied up, and then waited for everyone's applause to stop.

"Comrades, this is the end of the military report. Let's take a break and have lunch. In the afternoon, we will make a government development report for the first half of this year on the development of the base and the economy. Thank you."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Xiangyu motioned everyone to end the meeting, and all the people walked out of the hall to the cafeteria in an orderly manner.


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