Revolution 1938

Chapter 27 This is Pu Hai

() Just as various political groups on the land of China lamented the great changes in the situation of the war against Japan, and tried their best to find out who the instigator of this change was.Japan, one of the conflicting parties, has already fallen into panic.

Jiangsu, Nanjing, it was the end of the Republic of China and the beginning of summer, but it has always been chilly in Nanjing for the past two days. There was even a little snow this morning, which caused the Japanese comfort women in the comfort station to shout Shout out to enjoy the snow.

For them, life in a foreign country is still very interesting. Although they provide comfort to no less than ten imperial warriors every day, compared to those Korean women who have slender chains on their ankles and cannot get out of the comfort room for the rest of their lives. In terms of days, it would be much better.

Not to mention those Chinese women who were robbed, just seeing them at the door in pain when they were tied into various positions for the warriors to use casually made these Japanese comfort women get goosebumps all over their bodies, not to mention Those Chinese women who were used as food, at night, often see the corpses of Chinese women whose hearts and livers were dug out alive, made into sahimi, and provided to the senior officials in Nanjing to entertain distinguished guests, and the administrators of the comfort station Carry it out and throw it in the Qinhuai River behind the yard.

However, in the past two days, the number of imperial warriors who came to look for comfort has gradually decreased, so it is rare for these 5-year-old girls to have some leisure time to play in the yard during the day, let alone such a rare opportunity to play in the courtyard this morning. Seeing snowflakes in May reminded the young girls from Kyushu and Hokkaido of their hometown. <Omg! "

"Yeah, I really want to go home. I don't know if nainai will make cherry blossom rice balls this year. It's delicious with sour plums."

"Yeah, I don't know when I will be able to go home. When I first came, I said that I would follow them home after the Imperial Army won, but now it seems that I don't know when..."

"Victory? I'm afraid it's not that simple. Have you heard that the empire's army lost in front."

"Yes, Mr. Mu was drunk yesterday and cried all night at my place. I don't even know how to comfort him."

"Mr. Xiaomu? I saw his body removed this morning by the administrator, who said that he had been seppuku under the peach tree in the yard. How pitiful, he is only two years older than us."

"Yeah, he said two days ago that he would celebrate his 19th birthday, and that he would marry me when he wins."

Speaking of sad things, the two young girls stopped talking, quietly watching the sporadic snow flakes flying among the pink crabapple petals under the crabapple tree.

However, at this moment, Lieutenant General Hata Jun-2, the commander of the Central China Dispatch Army, did not have such a good time to go out to watch the snow. The bad news from the front line kept him awake for almost [-] days.

But no matter how hard he tries and how he deploys his troops, it is an inevitable solution for Suzhou City to become an isolated island, and just looking at the battle reports that are already in front of him, it can be known that the fall of Suzhou City is a certainty, and the nearly 10 empires inside For the army, how many can come back is no longer a problem, but whether they can enter the prisoner-of-war camp alive is what should be considered.

"Report, Mr. Yamaki, please see me."

"Come in!" For two days without eating, drinking or sleeping, Hata Junroku no longer had the majesty and arrogance of the past, but was dull and dull.

"Reporting Admiral, Yamaki Gonji is reporting to you."

"Needless to say, it's not easy for you to escape from Suzhou City. Let me tell you about the result."


Seeing that Osamu Yamaki was still so ignorant of etiquette, Hata Shunroku waved his hand in disgust to signal the other party not to waste time.

"Commander, when I rushed back from Suzhou this time, Lieutenant General Inaba Shiro told me that he didn't blame the commander for transferring him back to Suzhou from the front line in Xuzhou. The 6th Mission is the most powerful and will not defeated by the Chinese."

"Needless to say, let's talk about what happened to the 13th Field Heavy Artillery Regiment."

"Hi, according to the report of the 17th Division, they discovered the problem the night before yesterday. According to the contact with the 22nd Division, the No.13 Field Heavy Artillery Regiment was destroyed by the Chinese after only one fire support. I am in Before I came back to report on my work, I went to the site where the accident happened, and there were no bullet craters or other traces of shelling at all, but there were such small steel balls everywhere." Said Yamaki, he took out a kraft paper bag from the document bag beside him, and A few small steel balls and a few pieces of shrapnel were taken out of it.

"These shrapnel were also found at the scene. There are some vague marks on them. According to multiple searches and interpretations, they are a simplified form of Chinese characters. According to the meaning, they should be a special shell produced by a company called 'Aerospace Science and Industry'. This kind of steel ball cannonball"

"Is it an aerial bomb dropped by the Air Force?"


"Well, let's talk about this matter again. Tell me about the war situation in Suzhou before you crossed the river."

"Hi! I crossed the river secretly in the early hours of this morning. There was nothing unusual on the Yangtze River. I was found and rescued by a patrol boat of the Imperial Navy in the middle of the river. I was able to see you, Commander. However, the situation on the south bank of the Yangtze River is already quite bad. .

Just before I crossed the river, the enemy broke through the defense line of the 17th Division stationed in the north of Suzhou City near the Yangtze River with superior force. When you prepare to counterattack, you will be bombarded again.

Moreover, the other party can clearly know our movements at night, and the night attacks of the warriors are often discovered far away, and they are killed by a large number of heavy machine guns.Therefore, I was entrusted by Inaba Shirozhong, and I hope that the commander will send air force support, and I can deploy troops from the northern Jiangsu area to support them. "

"Okay, I see, you go down first!"

"Your Excellency, Commander!"

"Needless to say, you go to rest." Saying that, Hata Shunroku waved his hand, signaling Yamaki to step back.Hearing the movement inside, the door outside also opened, and the orderly signaled Shan Mu not to insist.

Seeing that Hata Shunroku didn't want to pay any attention, Yamaki Gonji could only follow the orderly out of the office and closed the door behind him.

"Hehe, is the air force supporting? I don't know if the air force has been lost long ago. Now there are no air force fighters in the south of the Yangtze River. They are shot down without even seeing the shadow of the enemy. Where can the empire get so many planes to waste? .”

While talking to himself, Hata Toshiroku sorted out the evidence brought by Miki and packed it into a file bag that had been prepared long ago.Then he took out a piece of letter paper and bowed his head to write.

Not long after, two days of hard work made Hata Shunroku exhausted, so the content of the letter no longer had gorgeous words and sentences, but simply recounted the content that Osamu Yamaki brought back.After finishing writing and putting the letter paper into the document bag and sealing it, Hata Shunroku seemed to have exhausted the last bit of strength, so he casually picked up the telegrams and newspapers that had been spread on the desktop for several days.Talked to himself.

"**The 12th Brigade lost more than 70% of the battle!"

"The 15th Division requires tactical guidance, hehehehe"

"15th Division surrounded by enemy forces"

"The 22nd Division lost more than 70%. They returned to Suzhou to rest. Can they still rest? It's already a turtle in a urn."

"The [-]th Field Heavy Artillery Regiment has lost contact and needs air support. Hehe, hehe!"

"The third flight group reported that the fighter planes have been completely lost in the continuous battle, and they can no longer support the various theaters. They should replenish the losses as soon as possible."

Seeing this, Hata Shunroku no longer had the energy to read on, so he threw the telegram in his hand on the ground, and then stared blankly at the ceiling.

"If I had known, why should I lie in this muddy water?" There was a sound of a drawer while speaking, and then a gunshot echoed in the building of the Central China Dispatch Army Headquarters.

The orderly outside the commander's office was not too surprised when he heard the gunshots, but after hesitating for a while, he opened the door and took out the document folder that Lieutenant General Hata Toshiro had sealed. A car drove towards the airport outside the city.

At the same time, a young soldier who was cleaning the stairs in the corridor of the headquarters looked hesitantly into the corridor after hearing the gunshots, and then lowered his head to continue his work until he saw the two orderlies leaving in a hurry.


The next day, in Wuhan, continuing the news of the victory of the previous few days, today's major newspapers published the news that Lieutenant General Hata Toshiro, the commander of the Central China Expeditionary Force of the Japanese Army, committed suicide. Rumors were said to be a rumor, and there are a few Chinese who can understand and are willing to listen to the Japanese radio station. The sound of firecrackers and gongs and drums can be heard everywhere in the three towns of Wuchang and Hankou since the morning.

Since the appearance of the Nanjing Fleet, newspapers and teahouses are no longer full of laments, followed by news of victory every day.What could be more delightful than these.


Puhai, by the Huangpu River, Zhou Xiangyu, accompanied by Xia Haian and other members of the headquarters, was flying a helicopter overlooking the reborn Puhai from the air.

"I heard this morning that Lieutenant General Hata Toshi-six of the Central China Dispatch Army of the Japanese Army committed suicide yesterday?"

"Yes, Prime Minister, I heard that the news was sent to Wuhan yesterday by a special agent from the military command. Our electronic department also confirmed the news when listening to the Japanese army's telegram."

"Okay, now the Japanese army in central China will be leaderless, so the battle to regain Hangzhou and Suzhou will become easier."

"Hehe, don't worry, even if the old boy Hata Junliu is still alive, he can't save the 6th Division. The enmity in Nanjing can't be solved by annihilating just a few divisions, nor is it over if he commits suicide."

"Hehe, after reading so much information, I really understand your feelings now. If it were me, I wouldn't let Xiaori off so easily."

"Well, okay, Prime Minister, let's not talk about Little Japan, let's take a good look at the scenery today, look, this is Puhai."

Following Xia Hai'an's fingers, Zhou Xiangyu leaned over and looked at the Bund under the helicopter. Under the sunshine, those buildings full of exotic styles radiated vigorous vitality, which made people feel enlightened.

"Yes, this is Puhai."

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