Revolution 1938

Chapter 56 The Business Plan of 1938

() "Okay, after talking about military preparations, let's go back to industry and economy. Industry is the basis of productivity, and economy is the extension of industry. Both are indispensable. Industrial society itself is an economic society. It is also the reason why Marx proposed that the class struggle is primarily an economic struggle.

Therefore, our staff team refers to the history of scientific and technological development in later decades and various economic measures in agriculture and industry after the liberation of the Republic when considering future industrial construction and economic development. The 5-year development plan started this year.Now let me explain in detail.

The first is agriculture.It is unlikely that we will eliminate our current society's agricultural production methods for a long time in the foreseeable future.It is a small-scale peasant economy based on households.

Neither the farmer model of the United States nor the farm model of the Soviet Union has any practical significance in our country. 4% of the population is rural, and one-third of an acre of land is the basis of life for these farmers. If we accelerate the merger of agricultural land, the society will be in an extremely unstable state.

Therefore, we suggest adopting the combination of people's commune and contract system to improve the efficiency of rural productivity.Communes are formed with the village as a unit to be responsible for the land in the village and the daily services of the people.Agricultural land is contracted on a family basis, and rural residential land is distributed on a household basis.

Among them, the communes mainly provide farmers with corresponding agricultural technical guidance, unified procurement of agricultural products, and infrastructure construction for slack farming, while farmers themselves start agricultural production on the basis of their own contracted land.And it has full power to deal with the agricultural products produced on its own land. "

"Comrade Kaixin, I have read your information. Isn't the people's commune system that started in 56 considered the first wrong economic policy of our party after the founding of the People's Republic of China? Why do we still have to mention this people's commune system now. "

"Prime Minister, it is like this!"

"Comrade Kaixin, still call me Vice Chairman Zhou, I am not the Prime Minister now!"

"Hehe, okay, Vice Chairman Zhou, in fact, although the people's commune system at that time ended in failure, the reason for his failure was that the means of production were too single-owned by the commune, and the distribution system was combined with the wage system and the supply system. , and abolished private plots, reduced the family sideline business of members, dampened the enthusiasm of farmers for production, and affected the development of rural productivity.

In terms of overall rural agricultural guidance, social mobilization, and maintenance of the welfare of the agricultural population, the people's communes have excellent coordination capabilities.It is of unparalleled significance for us to accelerate the process of rural population entering the industrialization process, and it is also the best choice for our party's governance to go deep into the lowest level of the countryside.

Here I want to explain this problem. In the original history, our party relied on the people’s commune system to establish the party’s administrative capacity and penetrated to the village level. However, after the end of the people’s commune, in order to carry out min zhu reform For other reasons, our lowest administrative unit has gradually changed to the county level, while the village level mainly uses min zhu voting to elect the village party secretary or village head.

However, this form of vision is good, and it is right to think about min zhu, but for the rural population with low general education level, they do not understand the meaning of min zhu itself. In the hearts of farmers, they only care about income and only Concerned about their immediate gains and losses.As a result, a lot of bribery, a lot of buying tickets, and even a meal can buy votes for the whole village, men, women and children, while those who are the village party secretary and village head are corrupt, corrupt, reselling land, bullying the market, He has become a landlord wearing the cloak of a government cadre.

Therefore, this time our staff referred to these phenomena and proposed a new rural management model of people's communes and household contracting. "

"Comrade Kaixin, is what you just said true? Our cadres will really be reduced to the new landlord class?"

"Yes, Vice Chairman Zhou, please read this document. It is an investigation report in Xihe, Hubei. In it, Wang Zhengguang, secretary of the village party branch, is a party cadre but also works as the manager of the village's medicinal material company. The village's economy is dominated by compulsory domestic purchases and unified external sales. When someone in the village wants to make other investments, they will send government officials to forcibly demolish the building and drive away investors. Internally, they control all government income in the village. They even filled their own pockets with the 100 million disaster relief funds issued by the higher authorities during the snow disaster, which aroused complaints from the local people. This kind of cadre is actually a typical example of the emerging landlord class I just mentioned.”

"Kill, kill, how can this kind of people still exist in the organization? We have shed blood and sweat to build this peaceful era, just to let them ride on the heads of ordinary people and continue to suck blood and eat meat. Why don't these people be shot."

When Boss Peng heard that there were such cadres in the party, he immediately slapped the table and jumped up.

"Peng Boss, these are still good, at least they haven't reached the level of unscrupulous, they still know to do better on the surface, and they also know to make life easier for the people in their village.

I heard that in the Siping area, there are even village cadres who are similar to those bandits now. They bully men and women in the village, buy and sell by force, and even kill people at will when they are unhappy. Even all the key positions in the village It all became the private property of his family. When he went down alone, his brother came to power, his son served as the captain of the militia, and his daughter-in-law became the women's director. When the family had dinner, they could run a complete village committee.

It's a pity that I don't have any information here, otherwise I would show it to you.The emergence of these strange phenomena is all caused by the withdrawal of our party's ruling tentacles from the countryside and the so-called village self-government or min zhu elections at the village level.

min zhu, zi you, behind these beautiful things must have solid supervision and management as the foundation, and it also needs a high level of education coverage to ensure that, in the current social state, the popularization of min zhu in rural areas is simply not enough reliable behavior. "

"Comrade Kaixin, why did our party withdraw its ability to govern from the countryside?"

"It's a long story, mainly because our Republic had a short honeymoon period with the United States in the 80s. At that time, the United States had asked us to gradually transition to a min zhu society, and the Party Central Committee at that time also wanted to try. At that time, whether the Chinese society had the conditions to realize a full-scale minzhu, so it began to carry out the plan of village minzhu autonomy, and abolished the original grassroots cadre transfer and ruling system.

And the evil result of this policy is that the people and things we saw above directly damage the image of our party in power, the common people are actually very realistic, they will not pursue the root of these ugly phenomena, they only know these people It is their village party secretary and our party's cadres in their villages. If they have problems, our party has problems. "

Hearing what Li Kaixin said, Mao Runze, who had been frowning, silently extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and then said:

"Comrade Kaixin, is this what you told me at the beginning that it is impossible to ensure the consistent health of the organization without supervision?"

"Yes, Chairman, I believe in the character of the leaders, but we can't guarantee that the party members who will be in a few years or decades will also be able to guarantee their own integrity. The self-cleaning ability of an organization does not depend on a few theories come into being, but are realized by a strong supervisory and management institution.”

"Well, Comrade Kaixin, I know this. At that time, Zhong Yang will hold a plenary meeting specifically on the issue of party style construction and cadre supervision. At that time, your materials will be sorted out, and you need to discuss it in front of our cadres. It's a little bit, the cadres you mentioned probably don't exist in this conference room, but I dare not say that there really aren't any in the entire organization.

Now continue the topic just now. "

"Okay, let me explain our rural development plan in detail. According to the rural reality in most parts of our country, the smallest unit of our grassroots organization will be the people's commune. Of course, it can also be called a village to the outside world.

The main responsibilities of the commune are to realize the most basic administrative management of our party, to carry out household registration, public security and other basic management of residents in the commune, and to be responsible for the construction of infrastructure within the entire village.It means that the commune will organize the residents in the commune to carry out the construction of infrastructure such as water conservancy, roads, water, electricity and coal during the slack season.This part is the top priority of the commune.It is also the basis for the improvement of our rural industrialization in the future.

The second responsibility is to guide the social atmosphere, explain zhengfu policies to residents, and complete tasks assigned by higher-level units. Among them, it is mainly responsible for the analysis, evaluation, and protection of the natural environment where the commune is located, and the farmers' participation in agricultural production. Provide guidance on problems, manage maintenance and rationally allocate tasks such as less agricultural machinery in the early stage. "

"Comrade Kaixin, it doesn't mean that farmers mainly rely on land contracting for agricultural production. Then the production materials should belong to the farmers themselves. Why should the distribution tasks be handed over to the communes? Isn't this what you said earlier? Is it a question of inefficiency?"

"Minister Zhang, let me talk about this issue in depth. On the issue of production materials, we suggest collective ownership of primary production materials. Why do we say that? Because, in later generations, after the end of the commune system, there have been many ignorant production materials Allocation.

In later generations of Shaanxi, there was a village that dismantled the only tractor in the commune at that time after the dissolution of the commune, and each person shared a piece of it home. Why did this unreasonable treatment of production equipment occur?Because farmers are often short-sighted and only consider immediate interests, you can call them ignorant or lack of education.But this is the reality of the situation.This story recommends that the heads of state read a short story of later generations called "The Rural Teacher", which describes this phenomenon extremely deeply, and we will include it in the materials at that time.

For the current state of rural administration in our country, there is no lack of a strong administrative department to guide and regulate development. Before the emergence of our party, it was the landlord class that dominated the development of rural China, and our party should serve the peasants. Provide a more effective administrative system that can reflect fairness and justice, and point out the way for them to get rich. "

"So how to avoid the inefficient and unfair allocation and use of these collectively owned means of production?"

"We suggest that each commune has a department in charge of production materials. This department operates independently and is responsible for the maintenance and management of various production equipment. By joining the commune, farmers can get a part of the subsidy provided by the government on production equipment. They provide another part of the funds by subscribing for shares. These production materials are collectively owned, and the government and farmers each hold shares.

The use of all means of production must be carried out in the form of lease. Farmers decide the lease time of means of production according to the land contracted by themselves and the crops they plant.The value that needs to be paid during the lease can be in cash or agreed to be offset by agricultural products in kind. The lease price is determined by the government as a guide price, and the government at each level makes fine-tuning according to its own regional conditions.Rental income is shared annually.

The method of sharing is 30% of the annual net profit, and the remaining 70% is used as additional investment. Zhengfu shares are set aside as public reserve funds, and the collective part is divided according to their respective shares.The provident fund is reserved as a reserve fund until the amount of the provident fund exceeds the part invested by the government, then the original investment amount will be recovered. "

"Comrade Kaixin, what if the farmers don't have the money to buy shares?"

"All farmers who join the commune are guaranteed by the commune, and the zheng fu bank provides low-interest loans, and the repayment amount is offset by the annual share of income."

"What if this doesn't make money?"

"The risk is borne by the zheng fu. In principle, the zheng fu only invests 51%, and the 49% is borne by the farmers. The zheng fu assigns special cadres to carry out the daily management of this part, and the farmers collectively implement the daily operations.

Leaders, this method is not for making money, but for ensuring the fair use of production materials to the maximum effect.Allowing farmers to buy shares is also a reason for them to pay attention to protection and treat these equipment as their own.Of course, this is only a preliminary plan, and I still hope that the central yang will organize people to discuss it and improve it. "

The chiefs nodded their heads, and Director Liu made a few notes in his notebook.

"The third category of responsibilities of the people's communes is industrial and commercial support and development. In the entire rural area of ​​China, each commune should support industrial and commercial activities that suit their own conditions, such as non-staple food planting and processing, and animal husbandry. .

For example, we plan to let the farmers in Yan'an area carry out livestock breeding for each household. Each household raises about 20 chickens, 5 pigs or sheep, seedlings for these livestock, vaccines during the breeding process, special feed, And the final acquisition will be guided and provided by relevant enterprises supporting the siege.The final purchase price of the company will fluctuate within the allowable range in accordance with the guide price announced by the government.

Folks don’t need to spend money to buy seedlings, as long as they sign an agreement to breed. In addition to general feed, other materials in the breeding process will be coordinated by the company and the local government. In the end, the company will remove the seedlings when purchasing And material costs and then purchase at a premium, so that the company can avoid the cost of centralized breeding, and can provide an extra income for our folks. Of course, the folks raise it themselves, and the company also buys it at the price of non-contract farming, which is convenient for those Blind dates. "

"This is a good way, so we can have more meat to eat in the future." Boss Peng couldn't help making a joke after listening to this part, which made everyone laugh.At this time, Zhou Xiangyu looked at the notepad in his hand and asked:

"Comrade Kaixin, if we in Yan'an want to grow and process food, do you have any opinions?"

"Our staff team has made a detailed plan, which has special features. The climate and soil conditions around Yan'an are very suitable for the planting of economic plants such as apples, red dates, pears, and nuts. Therefore, we will plan from European and American regions. Introduce temperate economic crops such as snake fruit, brown, and blueberry, and obtain apple and pear seedlings from Shandong, Tangshan and other places through businessmen, and cooperate with Yan'an's existing local economic crop resources such as apples, red dates, and prickly pears to cultivate seedlings.

And through the establishment of corresponding enterprises, we will provide training and guidance on planting cash crops to farmers in Yan'an and wider mountainous areas, and be responsible for subsequent crop purchases.In addition, this enterprise will also develop economic crop reprocessing, establish canned food and juice processing enterprises, and sell the products produced to economically developed regions or even overseas. "

"Comrade Kaixin, it will take time to benefit from the planting of this fruit tree, and there is no way to see immediate results."

"We have already prepared for this. Before that, we plan to set up a processing plant to process some local cash crops, such as this."

Speaking of which, Li Kaixin took out the mixed fruits that he exchanged from the market before the meeting.

"This prickly pear is a mixed fruit, but it is delicious, sweet and sour, crisp and juicy, and rich in various vitamins. It is an excellent fruit. But it looks really ugly. It is difficult to be used as a regular fruit. Mesa. But the advantage lies in the large quantity, and the surrounding mountains can harvest a lot every year.

The first step in the processing plant we will set up is to produce canned and juiced fruits of this type.The processed prickly pear is not ugly, tastes good, and can completely open up the market. This kind of food is still very popular in domestic big cities and overseas. Now canned fruit is popular in Europe and the United States. Basically, it is how much you consume. To such an extent, even the navies of various countries will purchase large quantities, because at sea, canned fruit is basically a must-have. "

"I didn't expect there to be such a good thing under our noses. It is different after being influenced by the economy and society. Unlike us, Jinshan doesn't know how to use it in front of us."

While speaking, Mao Runze reached out to take the prickly pear from Li Kaixin's hand and broke off a piece to taste it.

"Well, sweet!"

At this time, Li Kaixin continued to pick up some hickory nuts and other objects, and continued to talk.

"In addition, we will also introduce economic crops such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, and corns that we brought from the future in Yan'an, which can rapidly increase the local grain production and agricultural and sideline products in Yan'an, and help stabilize the living conditions of the people in the border area .

We are also actively resuming the production of pesticides and fertilizers. The technology is ready-made, but the equipment is lacking. However, this time, Ri’s own funds were seized in Puhai. We decided to go to the British to purchase equipment first. At that time, we will report to Zhong Yang, and Zhong Yang will still control the use of funds at that time. "

"We still need you to come here at that time. We are not as good at dealing with foreigners as you are. Comrade Xiangyu told me that when I heard that you took back the concession in Puhai, those foreigners dare not speak. You are better than us. Strong."

"Hehe, we should be proud of Vice Chairman Zhou saying that.

In addition, with regard to the private economy, we believe that we should not make a one-size-fits-all approach to the entire state-owned economy following the example of the Soviet Union. Instead, the government will issue a corresponding industrial private guidance list, specifically stating the industries that private or collective enterprises are not allowed to set foot in, while other industries are allowed to be private.

Subsequently, the government is setting up state-owned enterprises in these industries as guidance and supplements for the entire industry, which can not only ensure a certain degree of economic freedom, but also promote competition and maintain market vitality.It can also prevent key industries from causing market security problems due to over-opening.

For example, we plan to build an energy base in Yan'an and rationally utilize the oil resources of Yanchang Oilfield and Changqing Oilfield.According to our information, the maximum output of Yanchang Oil Mine can reach 200 million tons per year.The Yanchang Oilfield is part of the Changqing Oilfield. The entire oilfield has a total oil resource of 85.88 billion tons, a total natural gas resource of 10.7 trillion cubic meters, and is also rich in coal, rock salt, coalbed methane, uranium and other resources.

Therefore, we will build a super-large energy industry base around the existing Yanchang Oilfield, involving oil extraction, processing, natural gas exploitation and utilization, petrochemical refining, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, plastics, rubber integrated production facilities, and nuclear energy development and utilization, etc. aspect.It can solve the energy and material supply needed for industrial and agricultural development for the entire Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia region.

Our opinion is to carry out the construction of this industrial base as soon as possible. We have carried some equipment in the future, and entrusted the British to purchase other equipment. For this reason, we also hope that Zhongyang will carry out an integrated industrial layout for the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia region. Transfer relevant scientific research and technical personnel to join this project.

In addition, we plan to open several technical training schools in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia area, specializing in training technical personnel in welding, mechanical operation, machine manufacturing, engineering vehicle driving, cooking, etc. We have already decided on the name of this school, it will be called 'Lanxiang'...

In addition, I also hope that Zhong Yang will summarize the situation of the existing base areas and formulate a minimum wage and welfare guarantee system for local workers to ensure the legitimate interests of the workers' brothers.Guarantee the basic welfare system, improve the taxation of enterprises, and provide a solid foundation for the development of industry and commerce in various industries in the country.

Finally, it should be explained that some of the means of production must be state-owned.The most important thing is land and mineral deposits.All land must be state-owned, and only the right to use it is leased to others.

Among them, buildings on residential land can be privatized.The owner of the house can rent or transfer the house, and the owner of the house can pay zhengfu the land use right fees involved in the house in the form of property tax, so as to ensure the normal circulation of domestic houses and prevent excessive residential mergers and hoarding. "

"What if there are people hoarding houses and relying on renting out to offset property taxes?"

"Our opinion is that the property tax is collected in a step-by-step manner according to the family unit. When the per capita area of ​​each family is less than 30 square meters, the property tax for the owner of the house is exempted, and the amount is charged as much as it exceeds. Divide it into many steps, so as to avoid property tax. Excessive hoarding, once there are too many houses, it will inevitably lead to a large proportion of property taxes, so how much rent should be charged for this house to make up for property taxes.

This has many advantages. Among them, a family is defined as two generations of parents and children. That is to say, if it is a large family, once the population of more than two generations will not be included in the calculation of the population, then a large house will lead to high taxes. Therefore, those large families can be encouraged to separate, and conflicts between family interests and laws and regulations can be avoided in advance.

This is also to use the means of economic struggle to promote the transformation of the remnants of feudal society into an advanced socialist society and avoid excessively serious violent conflicts. This article is aimed at the rural population, especially the landlord class.It is also the most convenient way to smash the rule of the landlord family.

Therefore, there will also be restrictions on rural land ownership, that is, land contracting must also be carried out on a family basis, that is, a family can only be counted as one unit, and if it is a big family, they can only have one quota regardless of division , they will only enjoy one piece of welfare in the commune, and they will suffer a lot. "

"Should we also limit the amount of land that a family can contract?"

"We don't think this is necessary. After the land is contracted, there must be output before there can be harvest. The commune system first guarantees that every family has land, and each household has a fixed amount of private plots. On the basis of contracting more land production. So no family would be free to do long-term labor on someone else's field.

Through the allocation of production resources, the guidance of production directions, and the support of non-staple food farming, our commune ensures that most families have sufficient labor income. kind of problem.

The land itself has a land tax, although our goal is to cancel the land tax, but in the early days of the establishment of society, the land tax is inevitable, and the land tax itself is also a way to encourage the landlords to voluntarily give up excess land, so gradually, the landlord class It will slowly disappear, and the commune contract system will automatically eliminate the biggest cancer in the history of our Chinese civilization.

Moreover, due to the concealment of the economic struggle, we will not cause the entire society to be too turbulent during the implementation process. Those enlightened and far-sighted landlords will take the initiative to transform themselves into supporters of socialism and join the road to industrialization, while those Landlords who are stubborn and openly oppose the party's agricultural policy are seeking their own death, and we must resolutely eliminate them. "

Li Kaixin was so excited that he clenched his fist and slammed it on the conference table, causing everyone in the conference room to burst into laughter.

"Comrade Kaixin, I thought you were sympathetic to the landlord class. I read your materials and always criticized our party's land policy, but now it seems that you are doing worse than us. They have a way out. Don't let them be jealous."

"It's impossible not to be jealous, but this is the right path of history. On the road to industrialization, if we simply knock it down, we might as well use policies to guide and regulate everyone's behavior. We, the Labor Party, are not unreasonable. It's just a matter of reasoning. If you are still messing around, then we will not be polite. This is called courtesy when you come and go.

We do this to let those people who have not yet come under our jurisdiction know that our Labor Party has a responsibility, is reasonable, and gives a way out.It is not what the Republican Party advertises.Speaking of this, we still need to step up publicity.People's hearts are fleshy. After a long time, those who follow our path will know that the future will be better, and other people who watch will know that it is better than the Republican Party. The road will be easier to walk, not easier to walk. "

"Comrade Kaixin spoke very well." At this moment, Mao Runze took the lead in applauding. "For those who support and understand us, our Labor Party is to find a way out for them, to find a way out, and for those reactionaries who do not repent, we will resolutely defeat them so that they will never stand up."

"Yes, Chairman!"

"Okay, today's meeting has been going on for a long time, and everyone is tired. Tomorrow, everyone will rest. The day after tomorrow, the cadres from various troops and base areas will basically arrive in Yan'an. We will hold an enlarged meeting to arrange and implement details. Today everyone Come here and have a meal together, Comrades Hai'an and Kaixin brought us something good, let's have a good meal."

After hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.They all stood up and walked outside the meeting room.

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