() After more than an hour, it was getting dark, and the villagers lit a bonfire outside the courtyard of the Eighth Route Army headquarters. The hot ashes beside the bonfire were filled with corn brought by the villagers themselves.There are also sweet potatoes and potatoes brought by Xia Haian and others from the future. These ingredients are roasted by a high-temperature campfire, and the fragrant smell overflows in the surrounding air. The greedy little guys are stirring with branches, looking for Food that is ready to eat.

As the sun set, the men who came back from the fields led their wives and old men, took the mutton soup and steamed buns distributed by the soldiers in a regular manner, and then squatted in the open space on one side, snorting hot soup, from time to time There are soldiers walking around the people with baskets, handing out steamed buns to those folks who are obviously not full, and telling them that there is still more soup, and they can add more after drinking.

However, there are not many people reaching out to pick up the buns and add soup, because everyone knows that more folks are coming one after another, and they always have to save some for those folks. The porridge boiled in the pot, and some hot sauce in a lot of beautiful small bottles, it is also delicious to mix and drink.

At this time, ** did not wait for the food at the table, but ran to the side following the scent and looked at the hot sauce in these small bottles. Seeing that everyone liked it, she picked some up with chopsticks and tasted it.

"Comrade Kaixin, this hot sauce tastes really good."

"Chairman, this is 'Laoganma' hot sauce, which is used as an ingredient."

"Haha, if you want me to say, I can eat two big bowls of white rice just like this. Ever since I left Hunan for the revolution in Peking, I have never eaten such a good chili sauce. Let me, a native of Hunan , I feel like I have no taste in my mouth all day long."

"Chairman, it is certain that this product is delicious. This product will be regarded as a luxury by foreigners in later generations. In England, a bottle costs 12 pounds, which is basically equivalent to 200 French currency."

"It's so expensive, is it difficult to make?"

"That's not true. We only sell it for a few dollars in our country. Foreigners don't know how to make it. However, there is a soldier in our army who has a family tradition of making this hot sauce. It is better than this. We have long thought about it. It’s time to industrialize this and then sell it to foreign countries to earn foreign exchange.”

"This is good, this is good, and I will keep some for me when the time comes, and I will buy it with my wages. Comrade Kaixin, you still know how to use your brains. You can easily master the craftsmanship accumulated by the working people for thousands of years." Don't make money, let the people benefit from it, yes, yes, what are we workers trying to do, isn't it just trying to let the people of this country live a good life!"

While talking, in the distance, Xia Haian greeted the two of them to go over. The food was already cooked, and the soldiers from the headquarters were coming over to cook one after another. The changing of the guards, the rest, the leaders arranged everything, and they came one after another. They continued to sit in front of the big table put together.

Xia Hai'an, who had been prepared early today, was not idle, and took out two blue wine bottles from a box.These are the two bottles of Yanghe blue classic that he bought by himself before he got on the boat. They were supposed to drink to celebrate after the exercise, but he didn't expect to bring them to toast with the seniors he admired.

With the porcelain bowl, he poured each head one by one, then raised his own bowl and said:

"Everyone, Xia Hai'an is a junior, so let's respect the elders first." After speaking, he drank it in one gulp.

Peng Shichuan smelled the wine beautifully, waved his hand and said: "Don't respect, don't respect, we workers don't like this kind of thing, this wine is just a little bit, after this sip, the taste has not yet been tasted." It’s gone, we can’t imitate Zhu Bajie’s pie, this ginseng fruit still needs to be tasted one bite at a time.”

As soon as the words were finished, there was a lot of laughter at the dinner table.

At this time, Zhou Xiangyu pointed to the dishes on the table with a smile and said: "Comrade Hai'an, I have cooked so many dishes, and I don't want the master chef who has been busy for a long time to come over and introduce. We have a place here, let me come with you Comrades from all over the world come and eat together."

"Okay, Vice Chairman Zhou" said, Xia Haian greeted everyone who was cleaning up the stove, the soldiers were very excited to see the founders of the republic whom they grew up listening to their names, and rushed to shake hands one by one.

"Okay, okay, don't shake hands, we are not bodhisattvas in the temple, we are not so effective, everyone eats, who is the master who cooks hard, can you help us introduce?"

A fatter soldier with a crew cut hurried over.

"Chairman, Chairman, I made the dishes today. If the taste is a bit bad, don't mind. I am not a cook, but a machine gunner. I made a guest appearance today. But my family originally opened a restaurant in the town, and my father The craftsmanship passed down by me should not be bad! Try my braised pork, it's authentic!"

**After listening to the introduction, I picked up a piece of braised pork and tasted it.

"Well, the skin is crispy, the meat is tender and juicy, and the craftsmanship is good, but it's a bit sweet. You are from Wuxi! The sugar is really added."

"Oh, I forgot that the chairman is from Hunan and wants to put spicy peppers. I will pay attention next time!" The machine gunner, who was a temporary guest cook, was too busy just now and forgot this crop, his face flushed with embarrassment, and he became embarrassed.

"You old Mao doesn't like it, but I like it. For many years, after leaving my hometown, I haven't eaten real thick oil red sauce. Let me try it..., yes, it tastes good, it's very similar to my grandmother's. , Comrade, with your skills, if you go to Puhai to open a restaurant in the future, there will be absolutely no business."

Zhang Luofu on one side is from Nanhui, Puhai, and his ancestral home is Wuxi. Naturally, he likes this braised pork with sugar. Now Yan’an is in short supply not only of sugar, but also of coarse salt. Zhang Luofu has not tasted the taste of his hometown for a long time. , Taste it at this time, and naturally feel a lot of emotion.

Seeing that someone liked it, the temporary chef naturally became more confident, and began to introduce the dishes on his table.

"Everyone, today is home-cooked food, nothing expensive!"

"Home-cooked food is good, home-cooked food is good, go with wine! Hahaha"

"Let me introduce to you, this is braised eggplant in oil. Unfortunately, the eggplant is dehydrated and may be a bit hard. This is tomato scrambled eggs, and this is chestnut chicken. The chestnuts were exchanged for rice in the market today. This is Homemade tofu, the tofu is freshly ground and made first, and the taste is very good. The favorite of all our soldiers is the freshly made tofu in this cooking cart.

This is shredded cabbage, I added Hunan bacon and Laoganma to it, the taste is the best.The last dish is goulash, which is a famous dish. As the saying goes, eating goulash every day is industrialism. "

"Oh, little comrade, why do you say that goulash is industrialism?"

"This one……"

Seeing the temporary chef being questioned by Qin Bangxian, Xia Haian couldn't help scratching his head and smiling wryly.

"Director Qin, there is an allusion to this goulash being industrialism. It was at the end of the 20s, when Khrushchev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, visited Hungary and said in a speech at a mass meeting that when industrialism Communism, Hungary can often eat 'Gulashi'. This 'Gurashi' is the goulash in front of us. But this is improved according to the taste of our Chinese people, and it is far from the famous European dish.

However, this allusion is very long. At that time, Khrushchev looked down on us, so he said a sarcastic saying: China’s industrialism turned out to be a big pot of clear water soup, and the Soviet Union wanted to implement industrialism, at least it was goulash.

At that time, I couldn't listen anymore, so I wrote a poem, in which there are a few lines: "I don't see Qiu Yuelang the year before last, I signed three treaties, and there is food, potatoes are cooked, and beef is added. No need to fart, Just look at the world turned upside down. Once the poem was published, it became a household name all over the country, and then the saying that goulash is industrialism has been passed down."

"Haha, Lao Mao, you still do this kind of thing, writing poems and satires, people have to understand it!"

"I think this is the way I, Mao, don't make irresponsible remarks about China's affairs. If it was you, Lao Peng, I guess it would be even worse. Maybe the Soviet Union's president Comrade Secretary will come to China to argue with you!"

The bickering between ** and General Peng pushed the atmosphere to the climax, and the folks who were full at this time also helped clean up and distributed food to the folks who came later.The night in Yan'an has not been this lively for a long time.


But when everyone in Yan'an gathered in front of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, in Hangzhou, thousands of miles away, the atmosphere at this time was completely different.

Following the order of Wuhan Chairman Jiang, Gu Zhutong, the commander of the third war zone, immediately ordered his staff to plan and formulate an attack plan for the remnants of the Japanese army entrenched in the Hangzhou area, and set the goal of the campaign to capture the city of Hangzhou .

However, Gu Zhutong, the supreme commander of the third war zone who has a line of fire with the Japanese army that stretches more than 2000 miles, doesn't really believe in the news from Wuhan. The Chinese squadron.

Therefore, although there are countless evidences, as one of the five tiger generals of the Republic of China, who has always been known for being cautious in using troops, he has always shown caution in planning the campaign.

In his vision, the 10th Army under the jurisdiction of the 28th Army stationed in the east of Zhejiang and Wentai, the two armies of the 70th Army, the 79th Division and the provisional 13th Brigade will be the main force in this battle.

The other combat forces belonging to the third war zone are mainly supported on the flanks and used as a reserve team. After all, in addition to Zhejiang, he is also responsible for the defense of Jiangsu, Anhui and other places that have just been ravaged by the Japanese army, and there are not so many Power can be called upon.

And although he doesn't believe that the Japanese army lost so quickly, it seems that the connection between the Japanese army in Zhejiang and the Japanese army in Jiangsu has indeed been cut off. Of course, now that he is so cautious, he also has to be wary of the mysterious one who claims to be able to Ri himself beat the Labor Party army running around.

Although there is the Labor Party's new 4th Army in the jurisdiction of the Third War Zone, they are just a group of farmers with guns, not as good as the militia in their hands.How could it be possible to beat Ri himself away with such skill.In Gu Zhutong's mind, these so-called industrial troops must be an excuse used by some organization to attract everyone's attention.

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