Revolution 1938

Chapter 77 The Fall of the Flower of the Sun

() Brothers, I’m still writing. This is Chapter 1. I’m fighting for two chapters today. Everyone vote for red tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards!In addition, please collect and subscribe!

In addition, I wrote it in a hurry, and I changed it after I posted it first. Don't mind if there are typos!


The whole battle ended in just half an hour. There was no artillery fire, no slogans. In the eyes of the survivors of the Puppet Manchuria National Defense Corps, the opposite position was hell. There were no people, no life, only iron and fire. storm.

"Monster, monster..."

At this time, besides the crushed corpses and blood, only two or three kittens and remnants of soldiers were left near the charge line. One of the soldiers with a broken leg was crawling backwards while screaming nervously. , That voice made people feel a little chill in the heart on the already quiet battlefield.

Behind the puppet army's position, Ri himself, who had been watching the development of the battle with cold eyes, couldn't stand it anymore. With a wave of his hand, a string of machine gun bullets saved the soldier who was struggling in pain from the boundless sea of ​​suffering come out.It's also a rare thing to do.

"This is not a small unit of the Soviets, this is not an ordinary heavy machine gun."

Takeo Yoshikawa, who was watching the whole battle from a distance, slammed the telescope in his hand into the haystack in front of him.

"Sent a report to the headquarters of the Kwantung Army, saying that a large Soviet Russian army was found 70 kilometers outside Xinjing City, with more than a hundred people, equipped with heavy machine guns, mortars and other equipment, and urgently needed reinforcements."

"Should the Chinese casualties be reported?"

Yoshikawa turned his head and looked at the crying Fan Lao Er who was being stopped outside, and then shook his head.

"The combat power of the Chinese people is too weak to explain the problem. If we report it, the headquarters will think that we are too weak and ignore it. Let's wait until the battle is over! In addition, it is best to let Yongji Airport send a plane to suppress it. Large-caliber Machine guns, even our imperial army has no good way to deal with them, the enemy is the Soviets, not the Chinese, so it cannot be underestimated."


Now that Yoshikawa ordered, Captain Ono went down to ask the Kwantung Army headquarters for tactical guidance in person.But even he didn't expect that such a telegram directly brought earth-shaking shocks to the Kwantung Army and even the entire Imperial Japanese Army.

No matter what the Japanese outside the col were thinking, the commanders of the various armies of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Army in the col really had a different scene in their minds. They had never seen that the battle could be fought so calmly.

There are no impassioned slogans, no hysterical howling, except for calm aiming, which is to pull the trigger steadily, and there is almost no random shooting, except killing is killing. The combat team of more than 40 people in the entire position is a stable operation killing machine.Quickly and accurately fire the bullets in the handgun.

Not to mention the two quadruple anti-aircraft machine guns, the shooting speed of 600 rounds per minute is not fast, but the stable shooting, powerful ground killing, and light and accurate angle deflection make these two so-called The anti-aircraft weapons have become the most terrifying killing weapons on the entire battlefield. Wherever they pass, corpses are strewn all over the field. With them, a large-scale group charge is basically equated with death.

After the battle ended for a long time, seeing that there was no movement on the other side, the defenders on the side of the mountain pass let out a sigh of relief and announced the start of a rest. At this time, all the soldiers participating in the battle were surrounded by bullet casings.

The soldiers who stopped fighting immediately began to reload their magazines, check the amount of ammunition, and maintain equipment. Behind the position, the soldiers in charge of logistics began to deliver ammunition to each firepower point. They were very busy. Chai Shirong, who was watching the battle The others couldn't help but help, and picked up two boxes of 14.5mm large-caliber machine gun ammunition and walked towards the quadruple-mounted high-speed machine gun at the right rear of the position.

At this time, the pits on the four sides of the high-speed machine gun had been filled with shell casings, and a soldier Zeng was working hard to clear them out. The gun muzzle facing the sky at 45 degrees was curling up to dissipate the last bit of gunpowder smoke.

"Little comrade, where do you put this bullet?"

Chai Shirong, who was carrying the ammunition box on his shoulder, asked.

"Oh, here it is, it's time to change the box."

As he said that, a soldier who was checking the barrel on the machine gun rack didn't pay attention to the other party, and directly took the ammunition box and put it on the empty ammunition rack.

"Little comrade, the front shot was really good, what a good gun!"

"Oh, Chief! I didn't pay attention, I'm sorry," the soldier saluted Chai Shirong while speaking.As he spoke, he patted the machine gun under him. "This is an old guy, older than me, and I don't know where the superiors found it, but the power is still sloppy, the shooting speed is a bit slower, and the vibration is a bit louder when hit. The smoke is also a bit stronger."

"Oh, little comrade still dislikes it?"

"My original treasure is much better than him, but unfortunately I didn't bring it with me, so I can only barely use his old man."

The soldier looked at the Shura field in the distance with a little emotion, and at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the earphone hanging on the side.

"Skywatcher, pay attention, at 11 o'clock, there are two enemy planes, arrival time 5, altitude 1000, at 6 o'clock, the Wooden Bull and Horse Squadron enters the field, time 20, altitude 4000, be careful not to accidentally injure! Be careful not to accidentally injure!"

Hearing that it was coming to work, the soldiers who were standing there sighing immediately took action. Several people checked that there was no problem with the equipment, and asked Chai Shirong and others to hide in the bunker behind.At this time, in the distant sky, two black spots have appeared in the vision of several people. <The Type 95 biplane fighter jet at Yongji Airport not far away is a new type that Japan just put into the Chinese battlefield at the end of 37. This aircraft has certain tactics against all kinds of aircraft owned by the Huaxia Air Force in the original time and space advantage, so they are almost the overlord in the northeast sky at this time.

Moreover, the Chinese rebel forces in the Northeast did not have any anti-aircraft firepower, which made the air force directly under the Kwantung Army even more arrogant. They never flew above 1000 meters, so even if they were about to reach the goal of this mission On the ground, there was no formation of helicopters flying toward them in the sparse clouds above 3000 meters.

Today's weather is good, and far away, two Japanese pilots have already discovered that a huge base is erected in the depression surrounded by mountains on three sides.Vaguely.Outside the large tent in the middle of the base, many people were bustling with each other.

It turns out that these Soviets have already built such a large base in the hinterland of Manchuria.Originally, this mission was just for their air force to investigate the enemy's situation, but as a pride in the air who is dedicated to fighting, it is really not in line with their usual style to leave without firing a single shot.

One of the fighter jets pressed the wings on both sides, signaling the other to follow up, and then pressed the nose and flew towards the crowd. The Japanese Air Force's machine gun bullets like the ground personnel running in a panic most.What the air knight likes to see most is the blood splashed by the machine gun bullets of those who are powerless to resist on the ground.

The plane is gradually entering a dive!In the sights, the black crowd gradually enlarged, and the air whistles at both ends of the wing gradually let out the sound of whistling, but, strangely, the crowd did not start to disperse as the pilot expected. ran, but just looked up at them.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Just when the pilot had this idea, his eyes suddenly turned red, and blood gradually filled his eyes. The world in front of the goggles suddenly began to shatter like a spider's web, and glass and sawdust flew everywhere.

"Shot! How is it possible!"

With a surprised request, the pilot who was hit in the lower body looked down hard, only to see that the lower part of the cabin had disappeared, exposing the ground hundreds of meters below.The parts below his waistline have long since disappeared, disappearing together with the detached fragments in the vast woods under the plane, and part of the waist hanging by the cable tie on the seat is exposed outside the half of the seat that is missing.The blood and colorful intestines are gradually detaching from the body and falling down. The scene is like the carp banner I saw when I was a child!

It was the pilot's last thought, who never knew she would think of the carp streamer from her childhood before she died.The plane crookedly fell on the mountainside with black smoke, a fireball was thrown up, and then a thick smoke was slowly drawn.

The other Japanese fighter plane pulled up urgently because it didn't dive just now, escaped the high-speed machine gun shot from the other side, and worked hard to climb higher.

This is obviously an experienced pilot. Under the action of frightened and frantically secreted adrenaline, he used a serpentine maneuver without warning, narrowly dodged the two streams of machine gun fire behind him, and was only slightly wiped out. The small piece of the lower wing, fortunately, does not affect the flight. When it climbs to a height of 2000 meters, the anti-aircraft firepower underneath will no longer fire, and it seems that it has escaped a life.

As soon as the pilot pushed the lever, he immediately changed direction and fled to the airport. At this time, he no longer had the heroic bravery just now. What he had was just panic and the idea of ​​telling the base about the situation as soon as possible.

"Missed, it's a pity, I will be escaped!"

Chai Shirong, who was watching the battle from below, hammered his right fist at this time to calm down his nervous mood.

"Don't worry, I can't run away, and we don't control the rest."

At this time, the operator of the quadruple anti-aircraft machine gun had already leveled the muzzle, then pulled the bolt and ejected the bullet.After jumping off the machine gun tower, he said this casually.

Just when Chai Shirong was skeptical of this sentence, he saw a black spot with white eyes suddenly appeared behind the enemy plane in the air.Fly straight to the fleeing Type 95 biplane fighter.

"Be careful!" Takeo Yoshikawa, who was also watching the battle from a distance, exclaimed in shock.I saw that the fighter jet in the sky might have also discovered the problem, and suddenly pressed its nose, as if diving to get rid of it, but the black spot following it seemed to have a foresight, and it also turned the same way, and with a flick of its tail, it slammed into the fighter jet. go.A cloud of fire appeared in the sky instantly, and scattered pieces of wood wrapped in sparks flew around like fireworks.

"Sinai...!" A curse sound like howling a wolf came from Ri's position!Along with this roar, there was also the beep... beep of the Japanese telegraph operator in the wind!

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