() Just as more and more clues pointed the perpetrators in the three northeastern provinces to Soviet Russia in the north, the Northeast Deterrence Mission formation of the instigator had already rushed all the way back to Puhai Port.Relying on the guidance of the pre-alert plane in the sky, there is no obstacle, but the results of high-speed navigation are not all good results, at least those cadres of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation who have vomited out their galls don't think so. .

However, due to time constraints, almost all the commanders of the major labor party-affiliated armed forces in the entire Chinese land have been concentrated in Yan'an, and the rest will wait for the comrades of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance, so at last Zhong Yang gave an order , the whole group of the Anti-Union League had no time to rest, and adjusted their limp bodies, they were directly stuffed into the helicopter on the deck and sent to Hongqiao Airport. At that time, they will take a new transport fleet to Yan'an.

And when these helicopters flew across the urban area of ​​Puhai, another commotion was brewing in the old city under the rotor.

At noon on the Bund, Dai Yunong was slowly walking out of the Peace Hotel, and then looked up at the fleet of helicopters slowly passing by in the sky.He is preparing to go to Huang's garden to attend a banquet today.

The Huangjia Garden is the private residence of Huang Jinrong, the underworld veteran of Puhai. It was built in 1932 and used as a summer escape. However, it was ruined by the Japanese last year, and many pavilions were destroyed.However, since Puhai was taken back by the industrial army, Boss Huang paid some money and asked someone to repair it, and said that he no longer lived in the old house of the Huang family at No. [-] Junpei Lane, Longmen Road and moved to the Huang family. garden.

This is not because our Boss Huang is showing off, but because the big bosses of the Puhai underworld headed by Huang Jinrong and Du Yuesheng were invited in by the newly established Puhai People's Zheng Fu and drank coffee for a few days. The bosses all began to keep a low profile.

But today, Boss Huang hosted Puhai’s black and white friends in the Huang’s Garden to discuss some matters, and Dai Yunong also received the invitation. Here are the two big guys.

Since coming to Puhai, Dai Yunong has not been monitored and restricted by the Labor Party as he imagined. Instead, after he was arranged for a room in the Peace Hotel, he has never been approached again. He can only come back to the hotel room every day. Receive a policy report delivered to me and know that these Labor parties are still paying attention to me.

There is no surveillance, which makes the head of the biggest secret agent of the Republican Party Zheng Fu feel very uncomfortable. This is an unimaginable thing in his career. Our boss Dai absolutely does not believe that there will be such a thing, but whether he is on the street Going around in circles to attract stalkers, or leaving traces everywhere to test whether someone is stalking, but nothing is wrong, which makes Boss Dai very depressed.

Before coming to Puhai, his principal Jiang once asked him to find some big bosses in Puhai, but when he was about to inquire, he heard that these big bosses were all behind closed doors, so Boss Du stopped talking and handed it over. There was no feedback at all when the principal's handwritten letter went in, and Boss Huang only told that he would arrange a time, and there was no further follow-up.I didn't get the invitation until last night.Finally, he had something to say about his trip to Puhai.

Boss Dai asked the hotel waiter to help arrange a rickshaw early this morning. Boss Dai always feels a lot about the changes in the Peace Hotel.As a member of the government of the Republic of China, he once lived here before the Battle of Songhu. Although it is luxurious, it always has a lingering atmosphere of the 20s. At that time, Werther in this hotel always treated them Chinese people with a little arrogance. over there.

But today, since the Sassoon Group transferred the entire Puhai real estate assets to the current Puhai People's Government in exchange for the huge orders issued by the Government some time ago, this former No. [-] Hotel in Puhai has become The state-owned assets of zheng fu have been lost, and the style of the entire hotel has obviously undergone a huge change.

First of all, the waiters have all become Chinese and have obviously been trained.And these waiters do not have the common faults common to Chinese people in this era, the service is very good, at least when Dai Yunong passes by these waiters, these people will nod and say hello and say "Hello, sir!", Dai Yunong I thought it was just for him, but when he saw that these waiters treated several Guangdong businessmen with the same duty, he realized that this is a kind of service.

In addition, the facilities in the room have changed, and there are many things that he does not understand. Whether it is the kettle that can boil water with electricity, or the box that can take out iced drinks anytime and anywhere, Dai Yunong is very novel, let alone Said that the floor fan that can shake the head, the wind blowing from the white corrugated grid is not as strong as that in my Wuhan office, but it is more comfortable to blow on the body.

In any case, since these workers seized Puhai, the appearance of the whole Puhai has indeed undergone tremendous changes. Many construction sites suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the Huangpu River. A huge machine, these machines can easily dig away a large amount of soil, or lift heavy objects to transport him to a high place.

After more than ten days in Puhai, on the other side of the Shiliupu Wharf, several large wharves have been built, and many giant ships that have never been seen are docked there, loading and unloading goods, and the entire Puhai market is suddenly full. Up to now, the prices of grain and meat products have stabilized, and the market supply is obviously much more sufficient.

The Labor Party is carrying out large-scale economic and industrial construction throughout Puhai.Sitting in a rickshaw, Dai Yunong obviously noticed that the streets were getting bustling. Citizens dressed like workers could be seen everywhere. They were uniformly dressed and looked cheerful, with no signs of war at all. This made Dai Yunong very curious.

"Coachman, where are these workers!"

"Sir, you don't know. This is the student of the newly opened technical school. Every day they need to go to work in the newly opened factory by the Suzhou River. So this time is the busiest."

"Technical school, what technical school?"

"What is it called Lanxiang Technical School, which specializes in teaching people how to be workers."

"Workers also need to be taught?"

"This gentleman seems to be an official. He doesn't know how to run a factory. What is the biggest headache for the owner of the factory? Isn't it that there are not enough workers! This time, Zheng Fu opened this technical school to teach people how to drive and how to drive. Machines, how to build houses, how to cook, especially how to teach people how to drive the big machines across the Huangpu River, that thing is amazing.”

Hearing what the coachman said, Dai Yunong fell silent. He didn't expect that this batch of Labor Party was going to start a big industry. I went to visit the foreign envoys here two days ago, and I heard that the Labor Party took money from Japan. The large-scale purchase of various types of equipment with large amounts of funds provoked the raids of the major foreign firms in Puhai. This time, they took out hundreds of millions of real money, not to mention other funds.

Dai Yunong was quite surprised that these labor parties did not buy weapons but equipment, but also because of this, Dai Yunong could not stop it. Buying machines can be said to be against the regulations of the government. Who can say a few more words about buying machines? Foreigners who can't be messed with are unhappy.But looking back and thinking about all kinds of advanced equipment that I saw along the way, yes, I guess these labor parties also look down on the things that foreigners put up for sale, but where did their advanced equipment come from?

Dai Yunong has been asking a lot in the past two days, but the foreigners have no way to give him an answer. According to the clerks of several foreign firms, the equipment of these veteran workers is not comparable to that used by Britain and the United States, but look at the appearance of naval ships. , The ship is not small, but the cannons on it are too few and small, and the shape is also very strange, with countless strange equipment.

Generally speaking, it's just a show, and these foreigners don't like it. However, these old workers have captured many ships of the Japanese army and are repairing them in the dock in Hudong. Dai Yunong felt his conscience and felt that compared with the government, these workers The Communist Party's naval power is larger, so that's good, maybe it can attract the attention of Japan himself.

According to recent intelligence, Ri himself did stop near Xuzhou, specifically wanting to turn around and deal with the Puhai Labor Party.In Dai Yunong's heart, he always felt happier.

"Outside the number, outside the number, the headquarters of the Fengtian Kwantung Army was bombed, and the Japanese army suspected what the Soviet army did..."

At this moment, an immature voice conveyed explosive news to Dai Yunong's ears.

"Boy, get a newspaper!"

"Okay!" The newsboy rushed to deliver a newspaper to Dai Yunong in the rickshaw, and took a dime note by the way.

"According to reliable sources, there were several big explosions in Fengtian yesterday, the Japanese Kwantung Army Fengtian headquarters and shrine were bombed, and the smoke and dust from the explosion of the ammunition depot went straight to the sky!

According to reliable insider information, a Soviet base was discovered near Xinjing, and the encirclement and suppression campaigns by the Puppet Manchukuo and the Japanese Kwantung Army all ended in failure.Now the Kwantung Army is mobilizing more forces to encircle and suppress. "

This extra account shocked Dai Yunong into a cold sweat. Could it be that even the Soviets are going to join the competition in the Chinese battlefield?However, after reading it carefully several times, Dai Yunong suddenly had a strong sense of disobedience. The entire three provinces in the Northeast are now under the rule of Ri himself. How could this Wen Wei Po know such secret news, and who is behind this news?

Just as Dai Yunong was reading the newspaper and approaching the Huangjia Garden in the suburbs, in the Soviet embassy in the center of Puhai, the same Wen Wei Po was scattered all over the place, and a grumpy voice was venting his dissatisfaction in Russian. .

After a short time, the entire embassy fell silent. The calm Soviet ambassador to Puhai hurried to the telegraph room, intending to send a telegram to inquire about the situation in the country. To his horror, the telegraph operator read his telegram. Tell him that he was given a notification from China a few days ago, informing him that two reconnaissance troops had indeed entered the border of Manchuria, looking for the defected former head of the Far East, Liushikov.The domestic Soviet asked him to always pay attention to the movements of all Russians in the Puhai area. Unfortunately, this telegram is now lying in the file box on his desk, but he did not pay attention.

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