bully sword bully god

Chapter 10 Chapter 10

At this moment, everyone was relieved, and seeing Yuan Futu's distressed appearance, they all laughed, and Pound even said sarcastically: "I'm still surprised, how can there be such a waste in the Baji Sword House?"

Lin Wan'er hastily helped Yuan Futu up, and asked, "How are you?"

Yuan Futu waved his hand and said, "It's good to rest for a while." He had completely absorbed the medicinal power of two third-grade Jade God Pills, and his body was not so easily damaged. The realm is absolutely unbearable.

Shen Wuyu walked over, and said with a sinister smile: "Since Fang Zhenzhen passed on the position of elder to you, he should enter the highest school of the Sword Sect, the Baji Sword House, to practice, but it seems that with your aptitude, you can't do it for the time being." Get used to it."

Yuan Futu heard a bit of contempt from these words, obviously everything that happened was prepared by this guy long ago, so he said coldly: "Then what is the opinion of Elder Shen Yuan?"

Shen Wuyu said: "As a patriarch, you can go in and out of many places without restriction. Now that you have just awakened Yuanshenhai, you can go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to have a look. There are many classics of exercises stored there, but remember that it is only on the first floor. That’s fine, the one on the second floor is too advanced, I’m afraid it’s not suitable for you.”

Yuan Futu didn't know where to offend this yin and yang weird guy, but this Baji Sword House is indeed not a place he can enter now. If this guy demonstrates it twice, I'm afraid it will really be useless, so he patted his butt and stood up , Said: "Well, I will go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to have a look, and come back in a few days."

Pound on the side sneered and said, "This sword hut can't tolerate waste, now you know what a gap is?"

Before the words fell, there was a crisp "snap", but Pang De's cheek was slapped hard.

Yuan Futu squeezed his palm pretending to be in pain, "You are really thick-skinned, your hands hurt."

Pound stood up abruptly, gritted his teeth and pulled out his sword, and said, "You bastard dare to hit me?!"

Lin Wan'er was completely startled, she stood in front of Yuan Futu, and said: "This is Baji Sword House, quickly put away your sword."

Yuan Futu smiled and said: "You humiliated the elders, so what if you hit you, Shen Yuan, tell me, is there any rule in this Jianzong that inner disciples can insult the elders, if so, then you will be in danger gone."

Shen Wuyu's face was livid, and he raised his hand to shake Pang De's sword away, and said in a deep voice, "It's because of my ineffective discipline, this slap should be slapped."

Seeing that old Shen Yuan said so, Pang De was also speechless, and swallowed all his anger in his stomach.

"That's good, don't let me see this guy uttering wild words again, or next time it won't be a matter of slapping." Yuan Futu turned around and said to Lin Wan'er: "I don't need you to be a sword servant today, I'll go Let’s walk around the Sutra Pavilion, you can just stay here and practice.” After finishing speaking, he left Bajijian Hut.

Shen Wuyu looked at Pang De, and said in a deep voice, "I haven't finished explaining Lei Chuan's swordsmanship, please sit down first."

Pang De gritted his teeth, but he had no choice but to sit down, while Lin Wan'er still had lingering fears in her heart. It seemed that the relationship between the two had been settled.


With such a slap, Yuan Futu's anger also dissipated a bit, but he could see that Shen Wuyu and Pang De were venting their anger through the same nostrils, and they had no intention of targeting him at all. It seems that the road ahead will not be so smooth.

No matter any disciple enters the Sword Sect, the teacher in charge will personally select the appropriate exercise books to practice. Since there is nothing to learn in the Baji Sword House, they can only go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to try their luck.

The Sutra Pavilion is located among the mountains on the southwest side. Yuan Futu could not fly with his sword, so he asked a disciple to bring him here. This building is much larger than imagined. It is divided into two floors, up to Baizhang, he used the token of the elders to easily pass the checkpoint and went inside. He found that there are so many scriptures here, at least tens of thousands of volumes. The tall bookshelf requires a ladder to get to the top ancient scrolls.

"That guy said that the classics on the second floor are not suitable for me, so I decided to go to see how advanced they are." Although Yuan Futu is a wild man, he can still read. After walking to the second floor, he found that the bookshelves were missing. There are many, and the collection of books inside is scattered, neatly placed on the shelf, and various element attributes are marked with notes on it to classify.

Now Yuan Futu has not condensed the natal pearl, but he can already use the vitality of heaven and earth to cultivate some superficial classics, but he doesn't know which element is suitable for him, he just flips through it casually, with a somewhat confused look on his face, if Now that Lin Wan'er is by her side, maybe she can give some advice.

"Senior brother is holding the book "Sword of Immortal Slaying", the attribute is wind, and it is a classic of third-order exercises." Suddenly, a voice came.

Yuan Futu turned his head to look, only to find that it was a young man holding a broom, wearing a loose robe and a blue square scarf, he looked quite elegant, with a few pimples on his face, but At the age of just developing, seeing himself at this time, he seemed a little shy, biting his lower lip lightly.

Putting down the classics, he said: "I am not your senior brother, my name is Yuan Futu, and I am the new elder."

The young man was surprised and said: "It turns out that I am the patriarch of the Buddha, I... called Xiaodouzi, and I am in charge of cleaning the Sutra Pavilion, please give me your advice."

Yuan Futu smiled and said, "How long have you been here?"

"I was picked up by the old man when I was a child. The old man passed away two years ago, so I received him to clean the place. Counting it, it has been ten years."

"Ten years...that's a long time, do you understand all these classics?"

"There are [-] volumes of classics in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. I can name them, but I don't understand them." Xiaodouzi lowered his head and spoke in a soft voice.

Yuan Futu frowned, as if he was standing in the treasure house, but he couldn't find his own key, so he casually walked to the window lattice, looked at the scenery outside the window, and asked casually: "The classics of exercises are divided into seven levels. What is the highest level of this Sutra Pavilion?"

Xiaodouzi was obviously familiar with these things, and said: "Most of the classics in the Cangjing Pavilion are on the first to third levels, and there are a few on the second floor that belong to the fourth level. Few people practice them, but the most advanced books of Jianzong have reached the sixth level. .”

Tier [-], although it has not yet reached its peak, it is already the treasure of the town faction in the imperial court world.

Yuan Futu raised his eyebrows, "What is it?"

Xiaodouzi walked to the window, pointed to a blue cliff not far away, and said, "There, engraved with the greatest mystery of the first suzerain..."Sword of Profound Sky".

"Tianxuan Sword Art" is the reason why Tianxuan Sword Sect is called Sword Sect.

Xiaodouzi said: ""Tianxuan Sword Art" is the foundation of Jianzong. Almost every few years, Jianlu will hold a training assessment for new entry-level disciples. Even if it is one in ten thousand, I hope someone can inherit this kind of mastery. Thorough ability, now that old Fang Yuan has passed away, the only person in the Sword Sect who has obtained its essence is the Twelve Sword Sect Masters, and in recent years, Pang De in the Baji Sword House is expected to practice, and it is said that he is about to reach the level of killing swords The limit."

"Killing Sword? It's this bastard again!" Yuan Futu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Alright then, I'll go and see."

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