bully sword bully god

Chapter 202 Chapter 202 I want to eat you

"Ladybug Subtotal!"

Facing the monstrous divine power, Jian Twelve didn't move at all. He twirled the sword art in his hands, and his body was full of golden light. A unique and vast force, faintly erupting like thunder, is unusually fierce and domineering, as if directly piercing through the void.

The Dark Emperor's Doomsday Sword is already Nangong Qiushui's strongest ultimate move. Although she is still injured and unable to reach her peak state, she still cannot be underestimated.

The two extreme forces were on the verge of breaking out, and they were biting together like a python.

A stream of blood flowed out from Nangong Qiushui's lips, her face seemed to be painted with a layer of light gold, her feet kept moving back, every time she landed, the sea of ​​blue light would make waves several feet high.

Seeing that she was going to be unable to hold on, Xiaonan urged the heaven and earth dharma again, only to see that giant spirit god suddenly raised a sledgehammer the size of a hut, and slammed it down, and the violent true essence squeezed out the void. Deep folds.

Jian Twelve snorted coldly, as if he didn't care. Facing the two practitioners in the Tianmang realm, it was not his turn to use the king sword, so he raised his two fingers together and pointed forward to kill.

In an instant, the Fearless Sword Intent rose up suddenly, transforming into a mighty golden dragon roaring away, hitting Xiaonan's Giant Spirit Hammer, and at the same time activating the True Yuan of Transforming Heaven Realm, the Three Emperors Inscribed Golden Sword Immediately, a blazing brilliance burst out.


The giant spirit god and Xuanyin sword god, the two heaven and earth dharma figures, were shaken by the sudden ferocious power, and they couldn't help shaking. The originally illusory figure became even more unreal, and the two major practitioners, Xiaonan and Nangong Qiushui, all looked ashen. , ejected two blood arrows.

Yuan Futu, who had led everyone to flee outside the Tongtian Pagoda, felt this astonishing energy, turned around immediately, and shouted: "Sword Twelve!"

Lin Wan'er knew that he was the one Jian Twelve was going to catch in the end, and she was afraid that Yuan Futu's life would be in danger, so she held onto his arm tightly and said, "Futu, you can't let him catch you, or you will die."

Yuan Futu turned his head and said solemnly: "The suzerain is crazy, I have to face him all the time, listen, take everyone out of here first, the farther the better, only when you leave, can I rest assured escape."

Can you really escape?

In front of a strong person in the Heaven Transformation Realm, all counterattacks and escapes are futile. Lin Wan'er, who is also a practitioner, is of course clear in her heart. Knowing that this is Yuan Futu's intentional comforting words, she can't help but shed two lines of tears, and said shyly : "No... It's not easy to meet again, I don't want to be separated like this, I'm afraid... I will never see you again after we are separated."

Yuan Futu squeezed out a smile on his stiff face, and said, "I promise you, since I've come back, we won't be separated again."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ao Tianbo beside him, and found that Xiaodouzi was still in a coma on his back, and hurriedly asked: "How is he now?"

Ao Tianbo glanced sideways at Xiaodouzi, who was breathing weakly, and said: "Fortunately, I have been diagnosed and treated by Master Forgotten Sword. If I didn't have a tyrannical body, I am afraid I would have died, but there is no danger of illness now. The elders don't have to Worry."

Yuan Futu nodded slightly, and said: "Take Wan'er and leave here quickly, the suzerain is getting more and more obsessed, and now he can't restrain his murderous nature, so we must hurry up."

Ao Tianbo's mind was still clear, he grabbed Lin Wan'er's shoulder vigorously, and said, "Junior Sister Wan'er, let's go."

"No!" Lin Wan'er burst into tears, she was so heart-piercing at this moment.

Looking at the pear-blossoming rainy face, Yuan Futu's heart twitched fiercely, but at this moment he must make a decisive decision, otherwise everyone in Jianzong might be buried here.

Wang Cannian supported the seriously injured Gong Yangjue, and raised his voice: "Everyone listen to my order and retreat from the back mountain to the city at the foot of the mountain!" While speaking, he wanted to control the Lingbao to fly into the gray sky.

Ao Tianbo gritted his teeth, and was about to pull Lin Wan'er away, when suddenly a golden wave swept over, containing an extremely terrifying power, knocking everyone to the ground, and two figures also flew out, falling heavily to the ground , shattered a large piece of blue bricks.

It was Nangong Qiushui and Xiaonan.

Jian Twelve walked out from the inside with heavy and steady steps, stepped on the wet ground, his hair hanging down in front of his face, his whole body was burning with black flames, like a generation of demons alive.

"Ao Tianbo, take Wan'er back!"

After Yuan Futu shouted, the Zhuhuang Sword appeared in his hand, and his true essence circulated. Suddenly, four sword shadows of different colors appeared around him, and each sword shadow contained incomparably powerful elemental power.

Jian Twelve raised his head, looked at the thick sword shadow that was several feet long, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Whoosh whoosh!

The four-element killing array was activated, and four sword shadows roared over immediately, directly bursting the rainwater pouring down in front of them.

"Neither the two Tianmang realms are my opponents, but you are only in the realm of the law god, and you still want to hit the stone with an egg, and you are overconfident!" Sword Twelve pointed in the air, and the golden light from the fingertips burst out. The light, its formation is like a densely spread golden spider, binding the four sword shadows inside.

Yuan Futu only felt that the gold was like iron tongs, forcibly restraining his true essence, and the operation of the natal pearl suddenly became sluggish.


Jian Twelve snapped his fingers and made a crisp sound. Suddenly, the golden size was cracked inch by inch. This phenomenon spread rapidly, surpassing the sword shadow formed by the four-element killing array.

The next moment, all the power shattered under the snap of the fingers, making a clicking sound.

Yuan Futu swallowed his saliva fiercely. It seems that the power of Jian Twelve at this time is by no means what he can imagine. Looking down, he saw Nangong Qiushui and Xiao Nan both lying on the ground in pain, with a dark golden luster all over their bodies. Obviously, it was invaded by a different kind of true essence, so that it caused great damage to Yuanshenhai.

Jian Twelve moved forward again, smashing the huge stone brick in front of the sword tower with one foot, and the thick and thin cracks at the mouth of the bowl burst forward, causing an extremely deep gap in the road in front of him.

"I suddenly thought of another method. Since the Chaos Spirit Treasure is fused with your flesh and blood, then I can eat you and let your flesh and blood fuse with me. Isn't it that the Chaos Spirit Treasure is mine, so why use it?" The Heaven Swallowing Formation is so troublesome." Jian Twelve shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said, "I'm so stupid, why didn't I think of such a wonderful method before."

Hearing these words, Yuan Futu's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help trembling, feeling a sense of fear welling up, as if what he faced was no longer the suzerain, let alone the Demon Lord, but a ferocious beast that wanted to choose someone to devour.

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