bully sword bully god

Chapter 213 Chapter 213

After Qin Chuan heard these words, he was silent for a moment, then loosened his fist slowly, and said: "Li Cangtian and I are as close as brothers, and I have always been concerned about his death, but it is not a big deal for Youfang to be buried with him. This life is in vain, but I swore that I must find and kill the Lord of Chaos Spirit Treasure, that is, you."

Yuan Futu's nerves suddenly tightened, and the hand holding the Qingfeng sword was sweating, and he frowned and said, "You want to kill me?"

If Qin Chuan launched an attack at this time, then he would definitely die, and there was absolutely no chance of winning.

Qin Chuan shook his head slightly, and said, "I don't want to kill you in front of Rongxian. You have saved her life all along, so I can forgive you this time, but if there is a chance to meet again, I will never show mercy."

After finishing speaking, he turned around, and within one step, he was gone, probably in the direction of Tongtian Sword Tower.

Yuan Futu finally heaved a sigh of relief, and just as he was about to leave, he found a bloody light flickering on a mountain below, his heart trembled, and he murmured: "Wang Jian..."

Wang Jian was inserted obliquely on a bluestone, and the power contained in it seeped out, causing all the surrounding plants, trees, earth and rocks to rot.

Yuan Futu came to Wang Jian, carefully stretched out his hand and pulled it out, saying: "This magic weapon must be sealed, otherwise there will be a second Sword Twelve sooner or later."

At this moment, Qin Chuan had already appeared in front of the Tongtian Sword Tower, and Yuan Futu also arrived not long after.

"Jian Twelve...is he really dead?" Wang Cannian asked, not only him, but everyone felt the disappearance of this aura, and already guessed the outcome of the matter in their hearts.

Yuan Futu nodded.

Everyone sighed, blaming Wang Jian for all their sins, except for Yuan Futu, no one knew about Jian Twelve's other face that was attacked by rape.

At this moment, Lin Wan'er was still lying quietly on the ground. Qin Rongxian was holding an umbrella to shield her from the wind and rain. She didn't know whether it was rain or tears on her small face. Seeing Yuan Futu return safely, she couldn't help but shed tears again.

Yuan Futu came over, squatted down, stroked Wan'er's cold cheek with his fingers, and said in a shy voice: "Wan'er, Jian Twelve is dead, I have avenged you..."

"There is no need to mourn life or death, since she has already left, you don't have to be too sad." Nangong Qiushui said leisurely while sitting cross-legged.

Xiao Nan nodded and said: "Everyone has their own destiny, she is destined to live for you in this life, for anyone, the most painful thing is not to leave, but to be unable to say goodbye properly when leaving, I don't think she No regrets."

Yuan Futu nodded slightly, looked up at Qin Rongxian, and said, "Rongxian, thank you very much."

Qin Rongxian wiped away his tears and said, "You don't need to thank me, but you have to remember what you promised me."

Yuan Futu said: "Don't worry, I will definitely go to the Great Prajna Temple to get back the Holy Water of the Earth Immortal."

"It's useless. There is no earth immortal holy water in the Daprajna Temple. I have already verified it." Qin Chuan walked over, hugged Rongxian in his arms, and said, "Silly boy, you left the sect privately and went to Zhuo Is the world just looking for the Holy Water of the Earth Immortal?"

Qin Rongxian muttered: "I want my mother to wake up earlier, so I want to try my luck in the chaotic world, to see if I can find this treasure of the fairy world."

Qin Chuan stroked her smooth black hair, and sighed: "In the future, don't leave the sect privately, otherwise, if something happens to you, so what if she can wake up?"

"I don't care, I just want my mother to wake up quickly." Qin Rongxian said paranoidly.

Qin Chuan hugged her even tighter, "Don't worry, no matter how much it costs and how much time it takes, I will definitely wake her up. Promise me, don't sneak out again."

Qin Rongxian bit her lip and nodded slightly.

Ziye Canglong cupped his hands and said: "Sect Master, it's getting late, we should go."

"Let's go." Now that everything is over, Qin Chuan didn't want to stay here anymore, he turned around and said to Yuan Futu: "Remember what I said earlier, either you will become strong enough, or You can do it yourself."

Facing the master of a generation of demon sects, Yuan Futu was shocked. In any case, Li Cangtian died in his own hands. Qin Chuan's not killing himself now is considered a great gift.

Qin Rongxian didn't understand the hidden meaning of this sentence, walked up to Yuan Futu, and said, "Even if the Great Prajna Temple doesn't exist, you have to help me find it, and then find me there!"

Yuan Futu promised: "I will definitely."

Qin Rongxian nodded slightly, and kept his eyes on the pendant on his chest, "You should always keep this pendant on your body, as long as you are in danger, I can sense it, and I will come to rescue you when the time comes."

Yuan Futu smiled wryly in his heart, Qin Chuan wanted to kill himself now, and naturally he would never save him a second time, but seeing Qin Rongxian's serious look, he could only nod his head.

Xiao Zhan kept his eyes on the king sword, and said, "Sect Master, it's not good for us to leave like this, why don't we take this sword away?"

When everyone heard this, they all became vigilant. After all, this Wang Jian is the inheritance of Jianzong.

Qin Chuan held Qin Rongxian's little hand without turning his head, and said, "If you want me to become a real demon who slaughters the world, I don't mind."

Xiao Zhan's heart trembled, it seemed that even the suzerain couldn't control this magic weapon, Mei Ling'er stretched out her slender fingers and poked him on the forehead, saying: "Greed is not enough for snakes to swallow elephants, let's go."

Xiao Zhan spread his hands, and followed the crowd towards the ship suspended in the air.

Yuan Futu raised his head, letting the icy rain splash on his face, his gaze was fixed on Qin Rongxian all the time, his eyes met each other, but the distance between them was getting farther and farther away.

Xiao Nan asked: "What are you going to do with this magic sword?"

Yuan Futu raised the Qingfeng sword in his left hand, and said: "I will use the sword of the first suzerain to seal the king's sword again, and I will not let it appear in the world again."

Wang Cannian said: "This sword is really harmful and pollutes the soul. Anyone who uses it will probably be corroded."

Yuan Futu shook his head, and said: "There is not always a demon in the magic sword, the real demon lies in the heart of the person."

The reason why Jian Twelve became so bloodthirsty was not because of the demonic nature in Wang Jian, but because there was already a demon hidden in his heart, but it was released to the greatest extent with the help of Wang Jian's power.

Ao Tianbo came over and said, "Old man, Xiaodouzi has woken up."

Yuan Futu immediately turned around, and found that little Douzi with dark skin was sitting on the ground with a dull face, as if he didn't know what happened, but when he saw this veteran of Futu, he immediately laughed, revealing two rows of white teeth.

The alien primordial energy in his body has been eliminated by Wang Cannian, and it is not life-threatening. Yuan Futu touched his shiny head and said, "It's fine as long as it's okay."

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