bully sword bully god

Chapter 225 Chapter 225 Black Dragon Tribe

Yuan Futu picked up those few spirit stones, and just by putting them in his hands, he could feel the powerful elemental power hidden inside, even stronger than his own true essence.

Lingshi, like a practitioner's natal pearl or golden elixir, will naturally evolve into elemental power after absorbing enough energy from heaven and earth, and store it in its own space.

The element power of low-level spirit stones is relatively weak, almost the same as that of those who have not been promoted to true essence, but the strength of high-level spirit stones will reach the strength of true essence. And the size varies.

Like the spirit stone currently in Yuan Futu's hand, its grade has reached level seven, and the storage inside is already extremely abundant. Although it has not reached one percent of the capacity of the golden core in his body, as long as there are enough spirit stones, it can support No matter how big the magic circle is, there is no problem.

The biggest advantage of the spirit stone is that the naturally derived element properties inside it are extremely pure, without any mixed ingredients, and there is no need to evolve it in the golden core, but except for Yuan Futu, who hides the chaotic spirit treasure, other people can only use it. But can not absorb.

Xiaodouzi stared at the few spirit stones, and suddenly said in surprise: "Brother Futu is indeed right, there really are high-quality mineral veins here!"


When Shi San heard these words, the muscles on his face couldn't help twitching.

Yuan Futu turned his head and glanced at him, then set his eyes on these high-quality spirit stones, nodded and said: "But these spirit stones are distributed in a wide range, and if they are all mined, it will inevitably affect the Qinghe tribe, but No matter what, I have to get the old patriarch to agree to the relocation."

This high-quality mineral vein means that Jianzong will continue to run for thousands of years, and it must be taken down!

Shi San said: "It seems that there are really two people here who are looking for something. Although I don't understand it very well, I know that the old patriarch is a well-behaved person, so he will not give up this land that has lived for thousands of years."

"Don't be in a hurry, it's getting late, let's go back to the tribe first." Yuan Futu put away the spirit stone, and arranged a simple formation to seal the gap, lest the power of the elements inside escape and be attacked by others. Practitioners noticed.

It didn't take long for everyone to return to the tribe. It was already dusk, and the residents of the Qinghe tribe were resting quietly in their houses after a busy day.

Yuan Futu and Xiaodouzi returned to the wooden house, and saw that Shui'er had prepared delicious food.

Xiaodouzi said with a smile: "These days there is a girl named Lao Shui'er."

Shui'er looked at Xiaodouzi's smile like a spring breeze, but became a little shy, and said: "Brother Xiaodouzi saved Shui'er earlier, it's too late to be happy to cook for you, how can you work so hard."

Yuan Futu sat down, picked up the steaming steamed stuffed bun and gnawed on it, although at his level he didn't need to eat food at all, but the taste of this world always makes people linger, and asked: "How is the old patriarch?" gone?"

"The old patriarch is still in the ancestral hall, and he hasn't come out all day... Ah, by the way, I haven't brought food to the old patriarch, Shui'er is leaving first." Shui'er said, and walked out with a bamboo basket door.

Xiaodouzi also sat down, shook off his cheeks and molars, and began to eat like a cloud.

Seeing his eating, Yuan Futu couldn't help being amused, and said jokingly: "How is it, Miss Shui'er's cooking skills are not bad?"

"Of course, of course, it's so delicious, I can keep eating like this forever." Xiaodouzi smiled honestly, his mouth was full, so his words were a little slurred.

Yuan Futu nodded, "Miss Shui'er is not only good at craftsmanship, she is also beautiful, isn't she?"

"Of course, of course..." At this point, Xiaodouzi seemed to have sensed something, swallowed his mouthful of food suddenly, coughed up from choking, and muttered, "Brother Futu...you're making fun of me again."

Yuan Futu laughed out loud.


In the night, the moonlight is like mercury pouring down the ground, passing through the branches and leaves in the dense forest, sparingly sprinkled on the ground.

A steed horse galloped wildly in the forest, its hooves stepped on the soft ground vigorously, kicking up a few traces of mud. Shi San sat on the horse's back with a cold expression.

It didn't take long before he arrived dozens of miles away. The trees in front of him were gradually thinning out, but in front of him, a large-scale tribe appeared. A wall several feet high was built around the tribe, all of which were piled up with huge stones. On the central gate, there is a banner with a black dragon on it, majestic and majestic.

This is the most powerful black dragon tribe here.

Shi San came to the door, got off his horse, and said to the oncoming guards: "Little...little man Shi San, I need to see the patriarch."

The guard obviously recognized this smart, black and thin guy, so he led him to the house where the patriarch lived.

The patriarch of the Black Dragon Tribe is an extremely fat congenital martial saint, two meters long, but weighing an astonishing three hundred kilograms. Sitting on a large stone seat, he gnawed on a bloodshot leg of lamb while watching The black and thin Shi San sneered and said, "Your tribe has not paid taxes for several months, yet you still dare to come to see me, aren't you afraid that you will never return?"

Shi San was not only shrewd, but also very courageous. Facing a congenital martial artist, he still kept his mind clear and said, "That old guy has no money, and the residents below are all just eating and waiting to die. Where is there any savings, besides, didn't the patriarch promise me earlier that as long as I receive the money, he can let me join the Black Dragon Tribe?"

The patriarch snorted, and said, "This amount of money is not enough to fill your teeth. How can you join us? Is it just for this matter that you came to see me this time?"

Shi San is a shrewd person, so he knows how to survive and hopes to develop in a better environment, such as the Black Dragon Tribe, but he doesn't have enough money to join, so the Qinghe Tribe has become a victim. Since last year, the Black Dragon Tribe has been Shi San was also the one who began to collect taxes from the Qinghe tribe.

He is an orphan and was picked up by the old patriarch, but he is not as grateful as Shui'er. On the contrary, because of a beggar experience in his childhood, he has an almost greedy desire for a better life.

Shi San was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Patriarch, although I don't have any money, but I know one thing, I think you must be interested in knowing, and let me join."

The patriarch frowned, shaking his fat body, and said curiously: "Tell me, if I'm not interested, then you can stay here, and I will let the clansmen erect a tombstone for you."

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