bully sword bully god

Chapter 273 Chapter 273

He was alone in the boundless ocean, and when he saw the turbulent waves, he suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart. He only felt that his insignificance and the vastness of the blue waves formed a contrast like clouds and mud.

"The sea is boundless. This is not a tactic, but an artistic conception. If you can comprehend it, even with your fingertips, you can burst out with a force as huge as the ocean."

In the sky, Yun Lie's deep and thick voice sounded majestic and full of strength. Yuan Futu restrained his mind and tried to keep his mind as calm as possible.

"It's not the tricks...but the artistic conception." He pondered this sentence carefully, and suddenly felt that it was similar to the sixth-level code of "Tianxuan Sword Art", in which the mystery has already surpassed the scope of tricks. The shape of the mind shows strength, not to mention the "Sea Emperor's Art of Heaven" which is at the peak?

The waves are tumbling, as if there is a huge force in them, constantly forming large and small turbulent eddies, and the white water currents pull Yuan Futu in any direction randomly, making him feel dizzy, and immediately display the innate power of chaos , evolved into the earth essence to form an earth element shield on the body surface.

Talismans circulated on the thick earth element shield, its defensive power should not be underestimated, but when a wave hit, it was like paper paste, it split instantly, turned into glass-like fragments and fell into the sea, never to be seen again.

"How could it be?" Yuan Futu didn't expect the power of this wave to be so strong, almost stronger than a master of Tianmang realm, another wave hit, and it was about to shatter his body.

"Mysterious heavy sword!"

Yuan Futu swung his sword sparing no effort, the power contained in the sword was like a ten thousand jun mountain, and he pushed forward suddenly, but the moment he encountered the waves, the light suddenly dimmed, as if a mud cow entered the sea and disappeared immediately.

"The sea is boundless, since it is boundless, it can contain all tangible and intangible things in the world, including your sword intent." Yun Lie's voice reappeared in Yuan Futu's ear.

Yuan Futu became at a loss, only felt that there was no way to use any tricks in this vast ocean, he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Where is Xuan Ao?"

Yun Lie's voice came, "This vast ocean is transformed by the boundless mysteries of the sea. If you want to comprehend it, you must break through this ocean and find its essence."

Yuan Futu's expression froze, he looked at the boundless ocean, and thought to himself, is this the crystallization of the sea god Yunlie's comprehension of the seventh-order classics for a hundred years?

"The mystery of the seventh-level classics surpasses the restrictions of all the classics of exercises, and the "Sea Emperor Tiandi Jue" restores the essence of the water element and unearths its true peak power. Wang Yang, but to comprehend the essence of it depends on your good fortune, this is the only chance."

Yuan Futu roughly understood what he meant. Mystery is not something I can teach you just because I understand it. The key lies in the comprehension and talent of the learner. Children may not be able to understand.

That's why Yun Lie was very worried. He doubted that this cultivator in the Void Realm would be able to comprehend this level of realm, so he said this was the only chance.

"Nothing in the world can stump me!" Yuan Futu was persistent and stubborn, but this was not because a toad was yawning and talking nonsense, but because he already had extremely strong self-confidence.

Yun Lie's eyes were hidden in this vast ocean, watching him silently, but suddenly, he noticed an aura that seemed to come from ancient times, which made him feel like he was in the primordial world, where chaos had not yet opened, and everywhere It was a scene of silence.

"Huh? What kind of power is this?" The former Sea God was shocked.

Yuan Futu closed his eyes, and tried his best to mobilize the hidden power in the golden core. At this time, with the frenzied absorption of the eighth-grade exquisite core, the chaos had already expanded, and once activated, it immediately burst out.

When the left eye opened, a deep chaotic light almost penetrated the ocean world.

Asura Eyes, reappear!

Yun Lie's eyes widened, and he suddenly noticed that the turbulence on the ocean had changed, as if it was going backwards. This sense of time passing made even a master of the Heaven Transformation Realm feel excited.

"Since we can't break through the secrets in the vast ocean, let's start from the beginning. I'd like to see how your mystery was formed!" With the power of the eighth-grade Linglong pill, Yuan Futu's Shura eyes appeared extremely sharp, as if Analyzing the law of Wang Yang's formation and change, he vowed to find out the key.

"It turned out to be... a Chaos Spirit Treasure!"

Sensing this power, Yun Lie couldn't help gasping, and said in a deep voice: "So, maybe he can really inherit my mantle, and even cultivate this seventh-order classic to the peak. Could it be... he Is he the real master of the sea after the Sea Emperor?"


The center of the Sea God Kingdom is where the Sea God Temple is located, and below the temple are the prisons that have been opened up one after another.

These prisons were built after Yun Mengxuan left. Back then, Yuwen Xinghao ascended to the Seagod position with a non-sea emperor bloodline. Many ministers and people of the clan strongly opposed it, and he was finally imprisoned here.

Up to now, Yun Mengxuan and Long Ao have also met the same fate.

In the deep prison, the humidity is thick, and there are extremely thin cracks on the seemingly dilapidated walls, but the direction of the cracks is extremely strange, and they fit together to outline a strange pattern on the wall.

Yuwen Xinghao was wearing a light black gown, and when he stretched out his arms, the mighty true energy filled the air, making the pattern shine brightly, but it was a forbidden magic circle.

This magic circle is extremely exquisite, immediately making this seemingly dilapidated prison impenetrable, it is almost impossible to break it from the inside, and even if someone wants to crack it from the outside, unless it is Yuan Futu who can crack it with Shura eyes. , otherwise it would be impossible without the strength of Tianmang Realm.

But in Sea God Nation, apart from Yuwen Xinghao, no one has such cultivation.

Yu Yi sneered and said: "There are shackles cast by the 'Sea Nether Stone' and the seal of the magic circle of Lord Sea God, you stay here and wait for the judgment."

Yun Mengxuan stared at Yuwen Xinghao viciously, wishing to goug out his flesh, and said coldly: "You are the one who is guilty!"

Yuwen Xinghao said: "As long as it is less than a month, you will die. At that time, you will be executed in front of the altar of Tianhai Palace in front of all the people of the Sea God clan to establish my position as Sea God. From then on, Sea God There is no such thing as the Sea Emperor's bloodline in inheritance, and you will eventually be lost in the dust of history."

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