bully sword bully god

Chapter 276 Chapter 276

Traveling through the tunnel, Yuan Futu was calculating the time in his heart. It has been nearly a month since he returned to the ruins. He was afraid that Yun Mengxuan would have died at the hands of Yuwen Xinghao, but he still kept the time in his heart. With a glimmer of hope, if there is really no way to recover everything, then the entire Sea God Kingdom will be lost in this bottomless abyss.

This day will be of great significance to all the people of the Sea God Kingdom. They were called by the Sea God Temple and came to the newly built Tianhai Palace.

There is a huge square in the Tianhai Palace, all of which are paved with dolomite on the seabed. The cloud filaments in this kind of stone flow and come alive, making people feel as if they are on the sea of ​​clouds.

All the Sea God clansmen stood on the city wall outside the square, with tens of thousands of eyes fixed on the two people in the center of the square.

Yun Mengxuan knelt on the ground, her hands were bound by the shackles cast by Hai Mingshi, and Yuwen Xinghao had also arranged a very strong restraining formation here, and she could not escape even with wings. Her hair was disheveled, her face was pale and chapped. The skin on her lips was split open, and she looked haggard. She raised her head and looked at the familiar people of the Sea God Clan. Her heart seemed to be cut by jagged teeth, and she was in extreme pain.

Long Ao was kneeling next to him, his face had long since lost all color. He was seriously injured at the beginning, and it was a miracle that he was able to survive until now. Ashes.

In front of Tianhai Palace, all the ministers and generals had arrived. They had been informed in advance, but now they could not help being extremely shocked to see Her Highness the Princess who had been missing for ten years.

On the steps, there is a crystal seat exclusive to Sea God. Yuwen Xinghao sits there high and high. After a month of retreat, his condition has almost recovered, and the Tianhai Palace was completely completed a few days ago, and everything is in accordance with His plan was carried out without any mistakes, and this kind of absolute control made him feel very satisfied.

Yu Yi stepped forward and said loudly: "The rebel general Long Ao and the former princess Yun Mengxuan conspired to assassinate Lord Sea God a month ago. The crime is serious. Now, according to the laws of the Sea God Kingdom, he will be executed in front of Tianhai Palace to prove the truth." Kamui."

Many people of the Sea God Clan had never seen the honor of Her Highness the Princess, but now they heard it, and everyone turned pale with shock.

"His Royal Highness... isn't she missing?"

"How could Her Royal Highness and General Long conspire to assassinate Lord Seagod?"

"Impossible, Her Royal Highness and the previous Lord Sea God love the people like sons, it must be the ghost of Yuwen Xinghao!"

"He is not worthy to be our Sea God!"

Yuwen Xinghao's ascension to the throne of the Sea God with the blood of the non-sea emperor violated the traditions of the Sea God Clan for many years, not to mention that the construction of the Tianhai Palace has already made the people's lives difficult and unpopular. The fuse was set off, and the raging anger burned from the hearts of all ethnic groups.

Shouts and curses rang out, if not for the palace guards who had already been stationed here, riots would have occurred in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Yun Mengxuan was also moved.

Yu Yi frowned, cupped his hands to Yuwen Xinghao and said, "Lord Sea God, if this goes on, the scene may not be able to last."

"As expected." Yuwen Xinghao smiled lightly, "I just want to see how unwilling they really are. Yes, I do not have the blood of the Sea Emperor, but I have something more convincing to them."

As he spoke, he spread his palms forward, and an ancient tome suddenly emerged. With the activation of the true essence, the tome suddenly released a vast light, making the surroundings seem to be immersed in a magnificent azure world.

Yuwen Xinghao stood up and raised his voice and said: "Whoever can possess the "Sea Emperor's Art of Heaven" is the successor of Lord Sea Emperor and the true master of the Sea God Kingdom. You can see clearly that the one in my hand is It is the seventh-order classic that was once famous in the imperial court, and the blood of the Sea Emperor is important, but this is the iron law that must not be violated since ancient times, do you still have any questions?"

These words exploded in everyone's ears like thunder, and the noise suddenly became silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on the ancient book.

Yun Mengxuan bit her lip fiercely, Yuwen Xinghao was more mean and shameless than he imagined.

Seeing this, Yu Yi shouted in a sharp voice: "Master Sea God has the "Sea Emperor Heavenly Emperor Art" in his hand, and he is our real leader. Anyone who dares to resist will be executed according to law. There will be no mercy!"

Indeed, this ancient book is more convincing than the blood of the Sea Emperor. No one knows how Yuwen Xinghao got it, but the book is indeed in his hands, and all the people seem to see it from this blue world. Like gods, they bowed down piously one after another, they could only believe in it, and dared not speak much.

Seeing this scene, Yuwen Xinghao laughed arrogantly.


A not so powerful voice came from the square.

Yun Mengxuan turned her head and found that Long Ao was trembling all over, obviously irritated by the current situation, but he had no ability to stop him, he could only use all his strength to say these four words, and then collapsed to the ground.

"Uncle Long!"

Yun Mengxuan moved her knees, came to the side of Long Ao who fell to the ground, and cried out in a hissed voice: "Uncle Long, don't die, you said you would hold on!"

Long Ao finally couldn't bear it any longer. Lying on the cold dolomite, he felt more relaxed than ever. He tilted his head, looked at Yunmengxuan Lihua's haggard face covered with rain, and said shyly, "Uncle Long is useless." ...you can't kill Yuwen Xinghao...you can't save Lord Seagod..."

Yun Mengxuan shook her head desperately, "No! No! Uncle Long has already done enough, it is Xuan'er who is useless!"

Long Ao's cloudy eyes were full of tears, "The most useless thing for me...is that I can't even protect you...but no matter what...I hope you can live..."

"Uncle Long, even if you are going to die, Xuan'er will accompany you to the underworld." Yun Mengxuan's voice was already choked up.

The corner of Long Ao's mouth curled into a pale and stiff smile, his gaze began to slacken, and Yun Mengxuan in his eyes was like glass falling to the ground, torn apart, gradually blurred, and finally disappeared along with his life.

"Uncle Long...Uncle Long..."

Yun Mengxuan pushed Long Ao's body, constantly pushing, pushing hard, all the people of the Sea God Clan watched this scene, and most of them shed tears of sympathy.

"Uncle Long!"

All the grief and indignation turned into this cry, which was so heart-piercing.

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