bully sword bully god

Chapter 295 Chapter 295

Combined with the unique conditions brought by the Chaos Spirit Treasure, Yuan Futu created a kung fu method that only belonged to him. This kung fu method cannot be judged. No one can evolve so many kinds of elemental true essence at the same time, so no one can cultivate successfully, and its value cannot be reflected. 【..】

The success of Yiyi Lianhua is of great significance to Yuan Futu. He firmly believes that as long as he continues to practice, he can at least resist all moves involving elements within the same realm.

Four years have passed in the blink of an eye from retreating to the present, Yuan Futu's progress is very fast, to be honest, his talent is not extraordinary, most of his ability to come to the present is due to many times wandering on the edge of death The adventurous encounters and hard-working cultivation attitude, and those advanced experiences stored in the mind have played a great role, otherwise it would not be so easy to comprehend the true meaning of dripping water alone. Dacheng, but it took a full hundred years.

Four years, for practitioners, it was nothing more than a passing gap. After Lianhua's first glimpse of the door, Yuan Futu did not leave the customs, but concentrated all his energy on a new cultivation point, that is, the formation method .

Yuan Futu is very interested in formations, because this is the most critical link in the casting of spirit treasures, and almost all masters of practice in history have already been experts in formations, such as the first suzerain of Tianxuan Sword Sect, Zhuo Shizhong The God of Desolation and the Emperor of the Sea in this mysterious seabed.

Now, the formations that Yuan Futu can display include Xuantu Gale Formation, Myriad Beast Demon Formation, and Four Elements Killing Formation. Among them, the Xuantu Gale Formation is a second-order formation, but with his current cultivation in Tianmang realm, it is It's a little childish, and the four-element killing formation needs to rely on the power of Zhu Huangjian. As for the ten thousand beast magic formation, it is an eighth-level formation inherited by the wild god, which includes the profound meaning of seven elements. With Yuan Futu's current state, it may even be [-]% of it. can't exert its power.

In Yuan Futu's mind, there are memories and experiences of his predecessors. There are hundreds of formations alone. If he wants to study formations now, he must practice gradually from low to high, so that the foundation will be stable.

"The second-level magic circle is useless to me, so let's start with the third-level magic circle."

Yuan Futu frowned slightly, and searched carpet-like in his mind. It didn't take long before he found a third-level magic circle that was more suitable for his appetite among hundreds of magic circles, named Fenghuo Shenlei Great Formation.

This array includes three elements. For ordinary practitioners who want to arrange this small array, they must rely on spirit stones or spirit treasures that can derive other elements.

But Yuan Futu didn't need it, he could easily derive true essence of various elements.

The wind, fire, and thunder array contains elements of wind, fire, and thunder. Among them, the element of thunder is the dominant element. It is an extremely aggressive array. Once cast, it is very powerful. If there are enough spirit stones to support it, To achieve the effect of a large formation, the destructive power is amazing.

The formation base of the small formation is also the elemental component required by this magic formation. After Yuan Futu cultivated a step of lotus flower, his control over the elemental essence has improved a lot. With the five fingers turning, the three The light of the color suddenly emerged, like a dense mist, sinking and floating.

Then outline the pattern, and with the beating of the fingertips, the three-color mist suddenly condenses horizontal and straight lines, interlaced and overlapping each other, and gradually takes shape.

Yuan Futu carefully controlled the weight of the elements inside and the delicate balance, a slight deviation may cause the pattern to collapse.

Finally, it comes to the link of the dot matrix eye, and the formation eye is the heart of a magic circle, which is the core dominance. Generally, when a large formation is arranged, the position of the formation eye will be extremely hidden. Experts will set up another formation or even several formations to hide it Get up, but for Xiaozhen, it doesn't matter that much.

The pattern was about the size of a millstone, suspended in the air, Yuan Futu's expression was slightly dignified, he was silent for a moment, then he suddenly stretched out his index finger, and poked fiercely into the pattern.


A purple penalty ball suddenly glowed brightly, and the entire formation began to operate with it as the core, and the dark blue wind and red fire were also actively flowing inside.

In an instant, a terrifying elemental aura rushed over.

Yuan Futu raised his foot and took two steps closer, and then activated the magic circle. Suddenly, he felt a scorching air flow, which became more and more fierce under the urging of the wind element, almost melting him completely, and then came from above his head. The thunder rang, and the fierce Zidian roared like a strange snake and python.


Yuan Futu opened the Tianmang Realm's Earth Element Shield in an instant, but the round shield surface was shaking slightly. It seems that the power of this third-level magic circle should not be underestimated.

This level of attack was more in line with Yuan Futu's expectations, and the small formation formed by his Tianmang Realm's true essence was powerful and powerful.

However, at this moment, Yuan Futu frowned slightly as he stared at the formation pattern. The attack power of this Fenghuo Shenlei formation is indeed stronger than other third-level formations, but if you want to face the enemy, even It is difficult for opponents of the same realm to cause devastating damage, so there should be a lot of room for improvement in this regard.

However, the magic circle is the hard work of the past masters who spent countless years of time to realize it. How can it be so easily reformed?

Yuan Futu simply sat down cross-legged, bowed his head deeply, and meditated on the method, but the time was passing faster than he imagined.

In the blink of an eye, another year passed.

Yuan Futu sat cross-legged motionless, with his head lowered, and his fingers continued to outline the pattern of the third-level magic circle on the ground, day after day, until the light white marks turned into deep dents .

Until one day, Yuan Futu suddenly stood up, and couldn't wait to say four words, ""Tianxuan Sword Art"!"

"Tianxuan Sword Art" is a classic of sixth-order kung fu. Although the mystery in it has not reached the realm of true meaning, it has transcended the restrictions of moves and has become an existence of artistic conception.

And it is precisely because of this that it is possible to exert its power on the magic circle.

Yuan Futu was very eager to confirm the idea that he had been meditating for a year, and soon he arranged a large formation of wind, fire, god and thunder in the void.

Under the support of the thick true essence, this magic circle shines brightly, constantly emitting a sturdy elemental aura.

Yuan Futu's eyes narrowed, he pulled out the Zhuhuang Sword, took a deep breath, and stabbed fiercely at the formation pattern.

Suddenly, a fearless sword intent soared into the sky.

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