bully sword bully god

Chapter 435 Infinite Regeneration

The God of Death, the God of Sin, watched Shi Fang Ju Mi completely disappear before his eyes, and then released Tian Zhu. ()レ.773buy.?レ

Yuan Futu took two steps forward, and said in a deep voice: "This strongest demon is not as powerful as you said, now is the time to give me the Chaos Clock."

clap clap clap!

The boy applauded and said, "What a wonderful performance, your strength is indeed stronger than I expected, but you are not strong enough to leave here."

"What do you mean?" Yuan Futu said coldly, with anger rising in his tone.

The young man smiled and said, "Not much to say, the Chaos Clock is here, if you want to take it, come and get it yourself."

Yuan Futu frowned, and was about to step forward, but at this moment, a deadly knife shadow struck in the air, without any warning at all, but that force was so familiar and powerful.

"how come?!"

Yuan Futu's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately shouted: "One step lotus flower!" The dark lotus flower was in full bloom in front of him, and the petals, thick and substantial, were attacked by the shadow of the knife the moment they opened, and they couldn't fully open .

It is also the power of chaos, but his innate chaos essence is weaker than the pure power evolved from chaos on the sword shadow by more than one grade.

The lotus flower was doing its best to weaken the power of the knife shadow, but the carrying capacity was really limited, and it shattered without being supported for a moment. The knife shadow moved forward silently, but it carried the taste of extreme death.

"Devil bone!"

Yuan Futu didn't have time to swing his sword, so he could only use the most powerful defensive method. Flames erupted all over his body, and black magic patterns appeared on his chest, like upside-down vortexes, with colors ranging from light to dark on the outside, and the one in the center The part was as thick as ink, meeting the shadow of the knife.


It was as if an iron whip had been whipped on a rock, with a powerful sound, Yuan Futu was sent flying, a sunken scar appeared on his chest, the flesh had been shredded by the jagged blade, and a stream of blood rolled up.

And just when he was about to fall, the God of Death's hand rested on his back, taking off his retreat.

Yuan Futu felt a tearing pain in his chest, and when he looked up, he found that Shi Fang Ju Mie was standing there intact.

"It's resurrected." The God of Death said hoarsely.

The young man smiled proudly: "Since it is the supreme god and demon, how could it be possible to die easily? I forgot to tell you that it not only killed all the high-level gods and demons in the suffering realm, but also completely devoured their chaotic bodies, so for ten For Fang Jumie, you must completely destroy it, otherwise even if a grain of sand falls from him, it will be regenerated."

Yuan Futu's head was buzzing, no wonder the young man never worried about being killed in the end of the ten directions from the beginning to the end, this almost cheating method is too terrifying.

"How to do?"

The Heavenly Sin Death God shook his head and said, "There is no other way, but to keep killing, killing every tiny tissue on its body, and completely cutting off the ability to regenerate."

Yuan Futu said in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

"Not at all." The God of Death said unabashedly.

Yuan Futu glared at it viciously, "You don't want to tell me to just wait to die, do you?"

"This demon is very powerful, at least stronger than me now, unless you have advanced to the middle stage of transformation, maybe I can deal with it one-on-one, but unfortunately there is no chance for you to practice again now."

"I don't have that much time either!" Yuan Futu snorted.

The God of Death said, "I don't have the ability to completely kill it, but that doesn't mean you don't."

Yuan Futu narrowed his eyes, and said: "You also saw just now that Taiyi is not effective in fixing the universe, is there any other way?"

The God of Death said meaningfully: "The "Tianxuan Sword Art" should be more than that."

"One sword, one hundred worlds..." Yuan Futu knew it was referring to the seventh form of sword intent, shook his head and said, "I'm not sure."

The God of Death gave a strange laugh, "With the current situation, it doesn't matter whether you are sure or not. The key is whether you have the courage to swing this sword."

"Then what if it still fails?" Yuan Futu was still uncertain.

"You have seen the power of a sword called Bai Shikong. If you really fail, you will not be killed, because the Chaos Clock still depends on you to continue to exist, but at least you can't leave here for a short time."

Yuan Futu was silent for a moment, and said: "I understand."

"According to the rules, I'll hold him back." The God of Death stood up, flapping the wings behind him slightly, causing its huge golden skeleton to suspend in mid-air.

After the rebirth, Shifang Jude didn't seem to have suffered the slightest damage. While walking, the animal bone knife rubbed against the ground, breaking out fine sparks.

Yuan Futu took a deep breath, slightly closed his left eye, and then opened it forcefully, only to see a sudden change in the eyes, and three totems of Gouyu emerged that circulated endlessly, but they were the ultimate form of the Eye of Shura.

"My lord, it's up to you!"


A world of pure land with no trace of whiteness!

Time flies, and the flow of time here is extremely slow compared to the outside world. Under the endless Buddhist chanting, the old monk of the Six Paths sat here without moving for a whole hundred years.

However, at this moment, the white paper of the wordless book in front of him suddenly flipped, and a strange image appeared on the page, which was the chaotic prison world that was built at the beginning. At the same time, the white space behind the old monk of the Six Paths It burst open suddenly, and in the thick and dark chaos, the devil was grinning grinningly, struggling to poke its head out.

The clustered sharp horns on the top of the head are constantly rubbing against the space barriers on both sides, shooting out countless sparks, opening the huge mouth full of fangs, and letting out a heart-pounding laughter, which echoes endlessly in this pure land world.

One Buddha and one demon, but two opposite extremes come together, which is really unbelievable.

The old monk of the Six Paths slowly opened his eyes, lowered his gaze, and did not look at the demon head that appeared behind him, but said indifferently: "The damage done to me by the Chaos Clock has been erased, and you have also reached the ultimate level. form, I now need your power to help me obtain the power of the entire common people."

The appearance of this chaotic demon symbolizes the devouring ability of the top spirit treasure. The old monk of the Six Paths who has spent a hundred years here has completely recovered to his peak state, and has evolved this devouring ability to the extreme. It meant that at this moment, the plan he had prepared for many years was finally about to start again.

Only this time, there was no way out.

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