Since the other party came to him, if he only aimed at Yuan Futu, he might bear it down, but if it involved Young Master Yu's authority in the Immortal Pill Hall, that is to say, it involved his own interests, he absolutely couldn't back down, but he wanted to To defeat a strong man who is only half a step away from reaching the Golden Immortal, one must have adequate preparations.

On the way to the Hall of Immortal Artifacts, he heard a lot of rumors, and Yuan Futu naturally became the focus of discussion among those disciples. He heard the declaration about Mo Xing's exit, and he either accepted the challenge openly, or Just kowtow to admit his mistake, and the tense situation suddenly made this battle even more eye-catching.

In the Wanshen Sect, there were many conflicts among disciples, and those that could not be resolved privately would be fought through the Hall of Martial Arts, so such scenes were not uncommon, but most of them would interest the new disciples.

Soon, Yuan Futu came to the Hall of Immortal Artifacts, he had never been here before.

The immortal who guards the temple is not in the hall, only six or seven disciples who guard the temple maintain order and sell all kinds of immortal artifacts.

The scale of the hall is huge, and it looks like a square with a dome at first glance. There are protruding stone platforms embedded in the surrounding walls, and the fairy artifacts are placed on the stone platforms, and the wooden plaques hanging on the side are opposite to each other. The celestial artifact itself is shortly annotated and clearly marked with a price.

Here, as long as there are enough fairy stones, you can buy a top-grade earth-level fairy weapon at most, which is enough for the strong immortal level to use.

Yuan Futu is currently only a middle-level immortal. Although he has stored a lot of immortal stones over the years, the grade of the immortal artifact is too high, and it is relatively more difficult to control it. Therefore, the right way is king. In front of the counter of the middle-grade fairy artifact.

An old fairy was explaining the magical functions and prices of those fairy artifacts to some disciples. He should be the disciple in charge of this kind of fairy artifacts, and his calm words showed his strong knowledge of fairy artifacts over the years , so that those disciples were convinced.

There are many types of fairy artifacts, but swords are the main ones. This is also because there are the most sword immortals in Wanshenzong. In fact, in terms of shape and utility, fairy artifacts are infinitely varied.

After waiting for a while, the guarding disciple walked up to Yuan Futu, smiled kindly and said, "Which immortal weapon have you taken a fancy to?"

Yuan Futu said calmly: "Everything here is human-level middle-grade, is there any difference?"

The disciple guarding the temple said with a smile: "There are no two immortal artifacts in the world that are the same. Although the grades are the same, the materials used are very different. Take the flying sword as an example, some are made of hundred-refined steel. Forged from stone, although it is a little heavy, it is more solid and not easy to break, while some are made of witch hazel stone, which is extremely fast and suitable for some tricky fairy arts..."

Yuan Futu heard some tricks, nodded and said: "I see, I want a flying sword."

"What kind of flying sword?"

"A flying sword that is hard enough!"

The stronger the flying sword, the more divine patterns it can carry. Of course, this has a lot to do with the star rating of the divine patterns. If a flying sword can carry three one-star divine patterns, but if it is a two-star divine pattern If so, then there is only one.

The guard disciple roughly understood Yuan Futu's needs, and with a random move, a flying sword hovered in front of Yuan Futu with a whoosh.

"How about this one? It's made of crystal rhinestones. It has both offense and defense. It can not only guarantee the speed of the sword, but also has excellent durability."

The entire body of the sword is light blue. Yuan Futu stretched out his fingers, condensing a ray of divine soul power on his fingertips. With a light tap, the body of the sword trembled lightly, and all its information was gathered in his mind. .


Yuan Futu shook his head helplessly. Based on his current understanding of the divine lines, although this mid-level flying sword can carry two lines of divine lines, the limit on the number of lines of the divine lines is too great.

Right now, Yuan Futu has a low-grade human-level flying sword in his hand, which was given away for free by Immortal Bubai back then. It is enough for Yuan Immortal, but if he wants to defeat the powerful Mo Xing, he must prepare a mouthful that can carry it. The powerful flying sword of the new divine pattern.

The guarding disciple frowned, and said, "Actually, it's just a middle-grade human-level flying sword, so why worry too much about its hardness, anyway, when you are promoted to a high-level Yuanxian or Jinxian, you need to replace it with a new one. Advanced flying swords are just a regular transition period now."

Of course he didn't know that the only function of this flying sword was to carry the illustrated book of divine patterns. Yuan Futu said: "I only want the strongest flying sword, and I don't care about the speed of the sword and other aspects. I think senior brother should have it here."

The guarding disciple saw his firm eyes, nodded and said, "I understand."

Immediately, he took another flying sword with a strange appearance. It was polished like an ancient rock, but it had lost its luster over the long years, and there was no trace of metal or crystal. It feels like a sword-shaped stone.

Yuan Futu flicked his fingers, and a deep voice came to his mind, extremely dull, only then did he realize that the power of the soul did not penetrate it, one can imagine how high the density is.

"This flying sword has been here for at least a thousand years, but it took longer to refine it. The main reason is that it is too heavy, which will have an impact on any sword art you use, and it consumes a lot of world power, so there is no Disciples will be interested in it."

"What's your name?" Yuan Futu was already interested, judging by the strength of this flying sword, it completely met his expectations.

The guard disciple said: "'No front', the so-called epee has no front, the material for casting it can no longer be refined, but it must meet your standards."

Yuan Futu held it in his hand, and a very heavy force surged up, almost uncontrollable, but fortunately the boundary force was activated in time, and it was a little easier, and he thought to himself: "Good guy, this kind of weight can no longer Measure it in two pounds."

In the small world of Tianyuan, Yuan Futu is a perverted figure who can wield a mysterious epee sword hundreds of times stronger, easily weighing more than a billion catties, but he never thought that a mere middle-level human-level flying sword would surprise him. It seems that the world is different , different laws, everything cannot be measured by common sense.

The Immortal Guardian said: "Its price is [-] Immortal Stones."

"Twenty thousand immortal stones, so expensive?"

A medium-grade human-level immortal weapon is usually between [-] and [-] immortal stones. Although it is ten times that of a low-grade one, it is not too expensive, but this flying sword has directly soared to [-], but it is too outrageous.

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