bully sword bully god

Chapter 606 Asura

The injuries on the body seriously affected the flow of qi and blood, so that Yuan Futu is now very weak and his face is as pale as paper, but fortunately, his spirit has returned to normal. After checking the storage ring, he found that there are some recovery elixir in it , but they are all aimed at the world force and the soul, and are of little use to the physical body.

It is almost impossible to recover naturally from such a tragic injury.

Yuan Futu looked around and found that he was in a naturally formed cave, thinking to himself: "Is it still the land of hell, why am I here?"

He desperately recalled what happened before he lost consciousness, and suddenly a boy with an indifferent face appeared in his mind, which made him feel a little scared. His pupils couldn't help but dilate, and he looked forward, only to see the boy standing there, with a hand in his hand. Also holding a piece of fresh demon flesh.

At this moment, Yuan Futu realized that he had been captured alive by a monster, he eased his expression, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

The young man was silent for a long time, walked to the stone bed, and said in a very difficult voice, "Ah... Asura."

"Asura?!" Yuan Futu knew very well that the one standing in front of him was a demon king of rank nine. He probably had to cultivate for at least thousands or even tens of thousands of years before he could transform into form. His strength was comparable to that of Gang Immortal. There is no strong killing intent or violent aura, but an indifferent attitude.

"Namo Amitabha……"

Asura spoke again, the human language he mastered seemed to be very limited, but this sentence shocked Yuan Futu, and he said in astonishment: "It's actually a Buddha's gatha!"

The belief in Buddha will not disappear because of the difference in the world. It can be said that it runs through all the worlds, exists and flourishes in the world of Kyushu, and it is the same in the world of immortals. World Powers.

But Yuan Futu couldn't imagine, who would teach a demon to recite Buddha's gatha?

When the demon uttered such holy and solemn Buddha words, the impact was unimaginable, Yuan Futu's face became paler, listening to Asura repeating it constantly.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

The killing of monsters has been done by nature since ancient times, and there is no reason. Where there are immortal cultivators, there will be no demons, and where there are demons, there will be no immortal cultivators. Except for the special profession of beast master, the two are very different. difficult to coexist.

Ashura didn't answer, but fell silent again.

Yuan Futu thought to forget it, since it didn't intend to kill him, there is no point in persistently questioning.

Asura ate the flesh and blood of the demon in his hand, and then sat on the ground a little slumped. It looked very tired. In this evil land, all it had was endless killing. It wanted to protect this cave, and wanted to continue To survive, you must pick up the big black knife in your hand and hack down endlessly.

"Here you are." Yuan Futu took out a small Condensed Yuan Pill from the storage ring, and handed it to it.

Asura raised his head, looked through the messy hair hanging in front of him, stared at the elixir with a faint fragrance, seemed to be a little suspicious about it, but still stretched out his hand, took it, looked at it for a while, and stared at it like a hunger He chewed it in his mouth, then swallowed it in one gulp.

Xiao Ningyuan Dan is a restorative elixir suitable for golden immortals. It can temporarily restore the consumed boundary force. Because the monster has a boundary core in its body, it is not much different from a cultivator. However, this elixir can still speed up the recovery of its power .

It seemed that Yuan Futu was not the slightest threat to Asura, and it soon fell asleep, curled up beside the stone bed.

Yuan Futu couldn't sit for too long, so he lay down again, thinking what the hell was going on, that he didn't die after falling into the land of hell, but was rescued by a nine-turn demon king who could recite Buddha's gatha, it was too much It's beyond common sense.

After swallowing two elixirs, after a few hours of digestion, Yuanshenhai has recovered somewhat, and his spirit has also improved. Yuan Futu walked down the stone bed tremblingly, every step he took was affecting him. The wound, the feeling of tearing was unbearable.

However, he found some strange signs in this cave. It seemed that besides the Nine-Turn Demon King, there was another human who once lived here, and it was a woman.

On a stone platform, he saw a bronze mirror, a wooden comb, and a box of unused rouge. Under the rouge box, there were several crumpled yellow papers.

Yuan Futu took it out, looked at the beautiful handwriting on it, and found that it was a woman's diary.

From it, I learned that her name was Su Su, and she was a cultivator of immortality. After straying into the land of the underworld, she found this nine-turn demon king who had turned into a human form. Its cure is to live in this cave for decades, it seems to be to avoid something, in order to prevent Asura from being hurt again, so I gave it a fairy weapon, that is, the blade is already dead. The rolled-up big black knife turned out to be called "Black Fang".

The stone platform was covered with dust, guessing that Immortal Su Su had left for a long time, Yuan Futu realized that the reason why Asura didn't kill him was probably because of this female cultivator, so Asura was not so kind to human beings. Hateful and hostile.

There is no record in the diary why Immortal Su Su left.

Yuan Futu suddenly felt that he was very lucky. He fell into the land of the underworld with a seriously injured body and survived. He also met Ashura. Presumably this is an opportunity given to him by the heavens, so that he can leave here in the future and find Qingyangzong A tooth for a tooth, tenfold!

What's interesting is that at the end of the diary, there is a small article about the water of the underworld. This liquid has another name called "Ghost Milk".

It is the result of the birth of heaven and earth, but it can only be formed under extremely special conditions, so the entire earth fairy world is only found in the land of the underworld. Its effect is roughly the same as Yuan Futu expected, and it has a strong stimulating effect on the body , if it can be resisted and absorbed, then it will continue to grow stronger, which is called a demon.

As for the spirit and soul, there will be a very violent erosion effect, which is more like a process of restoring nature. After obliterating the mind, all that remains is the original nature of violence and killing, so hell is used to describe the land of the underworld. Not at all.

After identification, the water of the underworld is extremely poisonous to cultivators and should not be taken, but if it is the essence of the underworld...

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