bully sword bully god

Chapter 610 No way to escape

Those huge monster corpses with a rotten smell fell from the sky and landed beside Yuan Futu. He couldn't help but feel a wave of fear, and quickly stepped back to try to distance himself, but for the giant-like Lord of Huangquan, this was no different. Struggling to death, he took a step forward, and the shadow formed by the soles of his feet completely enveloped him.


Asura let out a hoarse roar, stepped on his feet continuously, and climbed up to Lord Huangquan's shoulder like a dexterous monkey. And powerful.

Even though it only has one arm left, it is still at the level of a rank nine demon king, and its attack power is still domineering and ferocious.


Lord Huang Quan's right palm suddenly struck, pressing Asura tightly on his shoulder, and then holding it in his hand, holding it firmly.


Yuan Futu turned pale with shock.

Asura couldn't move, and a head emerged from the fist of Lord Huangquan, with messy hair fluttering in the wind, revealing that dirty and indifferent face, but at the moment it became extremely ferocious, as if it was under severe pressure. pain.

The lord of Huangquan continued to exert force, intending to crush Asura into a fleshy pulp, but the demon's body was as steel as iron, obviously it was much more difficult than imagined, and at this moment, purple lines of light suddenly appeared on the surface of its fist , more and more prosperous, as if storing endless energy.

It turned out to be Jieli!

Demons have boundary cores, which can absorb the vitality of the world and then transform them, just like the sea of ​​primordial spirits of immortals, which is not uncommon, especially for rank nine demon kings.

Every monster is an extremely powerful immortal cultivator. Their use of world power is primitive and pure, and it is entirely for the purpose of making the body, which is inherently superior, stronger.

As the light streaks became stronger, the strength in Lord Huangquan's hands also increased exponentially, and Ashura finally let out roars unbearably.

It looked like a young man, and the sound it yelled was the same, it was soul-stirring, under the crushing force of this kind, there was no suspense for the bones to be broken, and the blood gushed out from the seven orifices, which was extremely tragic.


Yuan Futu, who was at a loss what to do, was completely enraged when he saw this scene. The fear in his heart was swept away, and he rushed forward without thinking about himself. The power burst out suddenly with the swung palm.

Divine Soul Attack, Collapsing Soul Palm!

The invisible palm strength formed fine cracks in the void, extending like a spider. Those cracks were extremely difficult to detect with the naked eye, let alone the huge Lord of the Underworld.

Yuan Futu's spirit attack under the rage, but he didn't have much confidence that he could use this soul-cracking palm to cause substantial damage to this monster. He had only one purpose, to save Asura first.


The palm force hit his face, and the red eyes of Lord Huangquan dimmed suddenly, as if he had suppressed the bloodthirsty killing intent. His huge body was trembling, he stumbled back two steps, and finally sat slumped. On top of a mountain of demon corpses, he gradually let go of his hand.

Asura fell to the ground, its body has been completely deformed, it can be imagined that all the bones inside are broken, but the only remaining left hand is still tightly holding the black tooth, which seems to be more important than its life.

Yuan Futu rushed over, helped it up, and said: "It hurts the soul, let's go!"

Asura's injuries were too serious, he couldn't speak anymore, he slowly raised his black teeth and pointed towards the west.

Yuan Futu immediately understood, carried it on his back and rushed towards it, but luckily, he didn't encounter any other monsters along the way, but this made him feel a little strange, this is clearly the land of hell, it should be the rampant monsters , Why didn't even see one of them.

Those waters of the underworld continuously gathered to form a river, flowing turbulently. Yuan Futu moved along the river at a high speed. He felt Asura's blood dripping on his clothes, and his breath was even weaker and hard to detect.

"If it goes on like this, it will definitely die. I must find a shelter as soon as possible!" Yuan Futu looked intently, and found that there was a mountain wall in front of him, which was like a city wall, which could not be crossed. And the water from the rolling Yellow Spring poured directly into a cave at the bottom of the mountain wall, and it was unknown where it led.

Right now, there was no way out, Yuan Futu stood in front of the cave, trying to use his spiritual sense to perceive the situation inside, but found it was futile, the depth inside was far beyond his imagination, and the sides of the mountain wall were endless, there was nothing to see. There is nowhere to hide.

dong dong dong dong!

There was a violent sound, and the lord of Huangquan was trampling on the ground, rushing towards him, and let out a roar that shook the sky.

Its recovery time was shorter than Yuan Futu expected, and this was the effect after the soul was eroded. It seemed that whether it was the body or the soul of a monster, it had an innate and powerful advantage over human beings.

Yuan Futu watched the filthy water from the Yellow Spring roaring in front of him, and thought to himself that since he was in a desperate situation, so what if he gambled his life again, he turned his head and asked: "Whether it's life or death, it depends on this time." Now, can you still hold it?"

Asura didn't answer, and didn't even know if it understood Yuan Futu's words, it just stuck to his back forcefully.

"I understand."

Yuan Futu nodded slightly, his gaze became resolute, and at this moment Lord Huangquan had arrived in front of him, he saw his right foot raised above his head, and then kicked down angrily, shouting: "Lan's foot!"


With one leap, Yuan Futu jumped into the Yellow Spring River, was instantly swallowed by the filthy yellow water, and was drawn into the dark and deep cave.


When this foot fell, the ground on the left side of the river collapsed, and the strong force spread out, shattering the surrounding strata hundreds of feet in diameter, so that the underground river of the Yellow Springs hidden under the ground gushed out of the cracks. come out.

Lord Huangquan felt extremely angry, he stamped his feet and beat his chest, his roar seemed to shatter the clouds in the sky.


The water of the Yellow Spring is a catalyst for demons, but it is extremely poisonous for cultivators. Yuan Futu once again felt pain all over his body as if being burned by a raging fire, and his consciousness was eroded so badly that he quickly lost consciousness. If it goes on like this, it only takes half an hour for him to be completely reduced to a dead body.

However, no matter how turbulent the river was, Ashura was always sticking to his back and never letting go.

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