Yuan Futu frowned deeply. It seemed that Tang Zhentian's soul injury could not be healed unless he had a top-level elixir, but it was even more difficult to find it than a heaven-level foundation-building pill. So although Tang Haotian was trying his best to find it, he hoped But it is extremely slim, and even if it is found, I am afraid that no matter how many immortal stones there are, it will not be possible to buy it.

"Then what are your plans for the future? If you need help from the Tang family, just let me know." Tang Yao's gloomy eyes have regained their former brilliance. It seems that as long as Yuan Futu is still alive, this is more exciting than anything else.

Yuan Futu's face suddenly became fierce, and he said: "This time I can come back alive, so I must make the Lei family and Qingyangzong pay ten times the price for what they have done. Me, destroy the whole family!!!”

When he said these words, he seemed to have returned to the man who hunted fiercely in Kunlun Mountains.

Mr. Xu said in amazement: "Do you want to deal with the Lei family and the Qingyang sect that is second to none?" In his opinion, Yuan Futu is just a golden immortal, and immortal cultivators of this level can catch a large number of people in the entire Yunlan fairyland. How could there be any waves.

However, Tang Yao didn't think so, and said, "If you have any ideas, I will definitely support you with all my strength!"

Yuan Futu said in a deep voice: "It is not so easy to overthrow such a huge family and sect, but it does not mean that it is impossible. As long as you have enough cards in your hand, you will be able to severely injure them."

The purpose of the collusion between the Qingyang Sect and the Lei family is still unknown, but it involves the safety of the imperial palace and even the lord, and the more chaotic the future of the fairy kingdom, the easier it is to find opportunities from it. Yuan Futu now holds very important Information, as long as there is a lack of verification.

"The power of the Tang family may be used in the future, so you must hold on. Even if there is only one shop left, you must guard the first floor until the end. You must not give up lightly." Yuan Futu said solemnly.

Tang Yao was also full of confidence, and nodded vigorously, "I understand, I won't let you down."

There was a gratified smile on Mr. Xu's face, and he kept the clouds open to see the moon. Although it was not clear yet, for the Tang family, at least the coldest midnight had passed. At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, Regarding the Treasure Appreciation Conference a month later, what instructions does the Eldest Miss have?"

Tang Yao frowned and said, "Let's give up this time, we don't have any treasures to show off for others to appreciate."

"Treasure Appreciation Conference?" Yuan Futu asked curiously: "What is that?"

Old Xu sighed and said, "It's a grand event on the first floor of Yunlan, initiated by the Emperor's Mansion, as long as it is a family with shop resources, it can participate. To put it bluntly, it is an exhibition of treasures. I have participated in it many times before. Although it is not as big as the Lei family, it will not be too embarrassing. But this time, in order to maintain the operation of the chamber of commerce, all valuable goods have long been sold. There are no more rare items to display."

"This is a good opportunity to revive the Tang family, why not participate?" Yuan Futu said: "Just in this treasure appraising meeting, let those aristocratic families know that our Tang family is not dead, and we can also use this to attract some customers. .”

Tang Yao shook her head and said: "There is nothing left to sell. If you insist on participating, those low-level things will only make people laugh. I have also thought about it for a long time. After all, this is the first time the Tang family has given up on the Appreciation Conference."

Elder Xu nodded and said: "These days the Lei family has used thunderous means to oppress us in the Chamber of Commerce, but most of them are operating secretly, but the Treasure Appreciation Conference can clearly establish their throne in the Chamber of Commerce, so it is said that it took a lot of money this time. Kung fu, a rare heaven-level fairy artifact has been brought in, which has already caused a sensation."

Even the lowest-grade heaven-level fairy artifacts cost more than 1000 earth-level fairy stones, that is, [-] million human-level fairy stones. This is already a terrifying figure, and the Yunlan Immortal Kingdom can only be regarded as third-rate in the earth fairy world. , so it is very rare for an immortal weapon of this level to appear.

No matter how big the Lei family is, it would be very difficult to obtain this kind of fairy artifact. Guessing it was supported by the Qingyang Sect, Yuan Futu thought to himself, took out a jade bottle from his bosom, shook it After a few clicks, he said, "Use this when the time comes, I don't believe I won't be able to earn some face back."

It seems that he has full confidence in the things in the jade bottle.

Mr. Xu took the jade bottle, opened the bottle cap curiously, looked inside through the mouth of the bottle, and found a few drops of hot golden liquid, like gold after smelting.

"This is the essence of the underworld. It is a treasure of heaven and earth conceived in the land of the underworld. It was obtained by me by chance. It not only has the powerful effect of improving the hegemony, but also has the miraculous ability of flesh and bones. It is very expensive to think about it, but It is unknown how much value it has, so I ask Mr. Xu to evaluate it." Yuan Futu said.

"The Essence of the Underworld?" Tang Yao didn't know this rare treasure, and asked, "Which realm is it suitable for?"

"There is no requirement for the realm, but the effect will be different. After I took it, my physical body was directly promoted from Yuanxian to Jinxian realm. It is very powerful, and the ability of flesh and bones alone, presumably those cultivators will also do it. Crazy." Yuan Futu said.

Mr. Xu's excited hands trembled, and he said, "Good thing, good thing, I can't estimate the price. I have to ask the professional appraisers of the Tang family to do it. It just takes some time."

The essence of the underworld in the jade bottle is only part of it. Before Yuan Futu left the cave, he had already emptied all the treasures of heaven and earth, and the quantity was much larger than they imagined.

Professional appraisers will conduct extremely detailed tests and evaluations on the applicable scope and effects of this natural treasure, so it will take a long time.

"One month should be enough." Yuan Futu asked.

Elder Xu nodded, "That's enough. Even if you don't sleep, you have to dig out its value. I think if you have this kind of thing, even if you can't steal the limelight from Lei's family, it won't be too embarrassing. The guy knows that our Tang family has not fallen to that extent!"

Tang Yao said: "On the one hand, the Treasure Appreciation Conference is to show the strength of the Chamber of Commerce, and on the other hand, it is also to provide those cultivators with rare commodity bidding opportunities. If there are cultivators who really want to buy, they will No problem?"

Yuan Futu waved his hands and said with a smile: "Of course it's no problem, I can make a lot of money for it!"

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