bully sword bully god

Chapter 64 Chapter 64 Sword Tower Guardian

"I didn't expect a practitioner in the middle stage of Hunyuan to be able to do so much. [Absolute power..]" The sword spirit was covered with a rich earthy yellow color, and the vigorous energy formed a dense air flow that was slowly flowing.

It has been a long time since the sword spirit has spoken to him, and every time they meet, they can only fight desperately, so this makes Yuan Futu feel strange, and said in a deep voice: "My purpose is to go to a higher sword tower, I can't be trapped here !"

The sword spirit sneered, "I am the guardian of the illusion of this sword tower. Only by killing me can I enter the second floor of the sword tower, but your strength is far from enough!"

Having beheaded so many sword spirits for many days, Yuan Futu had a strong self-confidence, and said loudly: "Then you can give it a try!"

"I have existed in the Sword Tower for thousands of years, and I have been killed many times, but as long as the formation continues to operate, I can be resurrected infinitely. But there are very few, since you want to die, I will give you a ride!"

The sword spirit spoke every word, and suddenly an extremely thick elemental sword appeared in his hand, which was completely condensed from pure earth elemental force, exuding an extremely strong smell.

The surrounding sword spirits retreated one after another, as if they were making room for this decisive battle.

Yuan Futu took a deep breath, knowing that he had reached the most critical moment on the first floor, so he couldn't allow the slightest slack.


As soon as a sword struck, the khaki-yellow sword light cut through the void in an instant, and arrived in front of Yuan Futu in a blink of an eye.

"Earth element shield!" Yuan Futu opened the defensive shield without hesitation, the sword light touched the shield surface, as if a mountain was pressing down, it was abnormally heavy, and the strong impact force made him keep retreating, the soles of his feet were on the ground. Two slender ripples were drawn on the sea of ​​cyan light.

"Awesome, the powerful and pure earth energy is comparable to the peak of Hunyuan, almost reaching the realm of the god of law!" Yuan Futu noticed that the strength of this sword spirit was not much different from that of Pang De, who had not yet been promoted to the realm of the god of law. Encountered such a powerful stumbling block only on the first floor.

The sword spirit snorted angrily, his whole body was full of light, and the sword glow that was touching the earth element shield instantly became bigger, as thick as a bucket, directly shattering the shield surface.

Yuan Futu turned pale with fright, he didn't expect the condensed Earth Element Shield to be so vulnerable, he hastily urged the Gale Seal that he had already held in his hand, and used the teleportation technique to avoid the strong attack like a sword glow blasting.

There was a loud bang, and the sword light pierced obliquely into the blue sea of ​​light, and immediately set off a huge wave, almost shaking out the hidden formation.

Yuan Futu appeared more than ten feet away, looked at this scene in astonishment, and said: "You actually know the sword art!"

I have encountered hundreds of sword spirits before, but their attack methods are very simple, just relying on their own strength to cause physical damage, but this sword spirit seems to have been promoted to a higher level and began to know how to use the power of the classics .

It seems that this is another method of the first suzerain, it is really against the sky!

"Sure enough, this guy's earth elemental force is stronger than mine. Although the classics of the exercises he practiced are not as advanced as the "Earth God Art", they can exert extremely powerful lethality with the support of thick and pure elemental force... If I still use the "Earth God Art", I'm afraid I will die in an ugly way!" With Yuan Futu's current state, if he casts the Gale Seal three or four times at most, his natal beads will be completely exhausted, so every opportunity must be cherished and not passed. A lot of energy wasted.

At this time, the sword spirit trembled all over, and the khaki-yellow energy condensed in the body suddenly filled the air, and Yuan Futu felt that the surrounding space seemed to be filled with lead and iron, making it extremely heavy.

In a trance, there is almost an illusion of being trapped in a quagmire.

"What kind of trick is this? It can use the power of the earth to affect the space. I'm afraid it can only be used in the illusion of formations!" Yuan Futu shrugged his shoulders and stared, only to see the sword spirit flying over. Once again, he swung the sword condensed from the power of the earth.

Fearless Sword Intent!

Yuan Futu's left foot stomped fiercely, stabilizing his body, and the Tianyuan sword thrust out head-on, that sword intent that was fearless in the world was like a mad dragon coming out of the abyss, and directly hit the sword glow.


The sword light shattered, turning into pieces of shattered streamer that splashed everywhere, the sword spirit suddenly stopped, as if he didn't expect Yuan Futu to have such strength, and said: "You can display this level of power with your Hunyuan realm. "Tianxuan Sword Art", I really underestimated you."

However, after using the brave sword, most of the energy in Yuan Futu's natal bead has been squandered, and he can't last long at this rate.

The body of the sword spirit created by the formation illusion is composed of pure elemental force, so it is much better than ordinary practitioners in controlling pure elemental force, especially when using magic formulas.

Facing such a powerful opponent, Yuan Futu began to feel uneasy again. Looking back, the original door was not opened.


At this moment, everyone gathered on Tongtian Peak, looking at the scene that emerged on the smooth mountain wall. In a sea of ​​blue light, a flashing red dot had arrived at the entrance to the second-floor sword tower.

That red dot obviously represents Yuan Futu!

But everyone knows that the guardians of each floor will be here waiting for the challenger to come. I don't know how many people have died under the swords of those guards for thousands of years.

Nangong Qiushui was the latest to come. After taking back Yukong's magic weapon, she looked at the mountain wall with a surprised face and said, "Master Suzerain, I think this is his limit. To be honest, a practitioner in the Hunyuan realm can cut Killing nearly a hundred sword spirits and coming to the realm where the guardians are is already extremely extraordinary, but if you try to be brave, your life may be in danger."

Shen Wuyu came over, squinted his eyes, and said: "Now it seems that the patriarch of the Futu is indeed a material that can be made. It would be a pity if it was damaged in the sword tower. Please open the passage, my lord."

Xiao Nan kept silent with a gloomy face. It was his idea to let Yuan Futu enter the Tongtian Sword Pagoda to practice in the first place, so there is reason to believe that this veteran who was appointed by Fang Zhenzhen without authorization will create unexpected miracles.

After a moment of silence, Suzerain Jian Twelve lightly stroked his beard, a controlled smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "How can a person with such a strong will retreat easily? Everyone, wait and see!"

Pound stared viciously at the scene on the mountain wall, but his eyes were somewhat shocked. Obviously, he did not expect that a person in the Hunyuan realm could survive for seven full days on the first floor of the sword tower and confront the guards After such a long time, now he gradually realized what Shen Wuyu said, it seemed that Yuan Futu was much stronger than he imagined.

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