In the sky above Tongtian Forest, the scarlet thick cloud collapsed suddenly, and a figure slowly emerged. Immortal Dragon Slayer looked at the ancient tree shrouded in bright yellow light below, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Just as he had imagined, the time for Dongming Immortal to break through was a step slower, and he was obviously at the most critical moment. Once he was disturbed, he would definitely suffer endless backlash, and he would die immediately.

This couldn't be better for Immortal Dragon Slayer, but it's so easy that he finds it hard to enjoy himself. After all, he has just broken through to the Holy Immortal, and his confidence is bursting, and he desperately wants to fight a real master to prove his own strength. How powerful is the power, but it is a pity that there is no strong man of this level in the entire Yunlan Immortal Kingdom.

After killing the Immortal Dongming, the Wanshen Sect will be expelled from the Yunlan Immortal Kingdom sooner or later with the dragons without a leader, and Tu Long, who has become a saint, can lead the Qingyang Sect to lead the Qingyang Sect to take the lead among thousands of sects. , His ideals are the most powerful sects that exist in the first-class fairyland. Maybe it will take tens of millions of years or hundreds of millions of years, but this historic step must be taken unswervingly.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Shenjian was already in his hand, his eyes were cold and fierce, with endless killing intent, just a simple blow of the sword could kill all the people hiding in the tree hole, without any harm. suspense.

The sword rises and the sword falls, and an arc of light cuts down from the void. Compared with the past in the realm of Xuanxian, this arc of light is illusory and almost transparent. There are only strands of dark golden light lines that are difficult to detect with the naked eye flowing inside. It's all the difference between clouds and mud, but the breath released seems to be crushing the world.

Suddenly, a sword light pierced through the void and hit the arc of light.


The arc of light trembled violently amidst the loud noise, but it was not shattered, because currently there was no power to shake a holy fairy.

But that blade light was really fierce, as if it contained infinite power, even though it exploded inch by inch above the arc of light, it still changed the original landing point of the arc of light with an extremely tough attitude.

When it hit the ground, it could be seen that the Wanzhangtongtian tree collapsed, and even the trunk was crushed by the released force. From a distance, the damaged area showed a perfect fan shape, and that tree The crucial old tree is still intact at the end of the fan.

Immortal Dragon Slayer turned his head sideways, stared with great interest at the immortal cultivator wearing heavy armor and exuding an awe-inspiring aura standing in the distance, and said with a sneer, "Have you finally decided to betray the Emperor's Mansion, Long You?" General?"

Under the cracked and mottled helmet, General Longyou looked indifferent, holding the Yanyue Saber in his huge palm, and said in a deep voice: "My duty is to protect the fairy kingdom, not the imperial palace."

"Is there any difference? As a general, you are ordered by the Immortal Imperial Court to work for the Imperial Palace and maintain the order of the Immortal Kingdom, but you remain indifferent when my Qingyang Sect is suffering. Instead, you take action when I punish the wicked. Blocking, you are acting like this, what is it if it is not rebellion?"

Facing this general Xuanxian, Immortal Dragon Slayer didn't have the slightest fear. To be exact, he didn't have to be afraid of anyone at all.

Long You said: "This Immortal Kingdom is full of filth and filth, it has long been in chaos, and even the forces of the Emperor's Mansion have been dragged into this muddy water. I have hesitated for a long time between the Immortal Kingdom and the Emperor's Mansion. Now, it’s just finally a decision.”

"Are you not afraid of dying in Huangquan?" Immortal Dragon Slayer realized that Long You already knew everything, and the murderous intent on his brows became more and more intense.

"Since I can no longer return to the imperial court, what a pity to lose my life." Long You slowly bent his knees, and made a posture about to sprint, while holding the Yanyue Saber behind his back.

At this moment, he suddenly recalled the intense conversation with Yuan Futu in the cave, and began to feel that what that guy said had some truth.

No matter at any time, you must do your best for the future of this fairyland with the most powerful and full attitude, ignoring any rules and orders. This is definitely not simple obedience, but a heartfelt guardian. Only in this way can he be regarded as a qualified general of the imperial palace and a qualified imperial guard.

Looking back, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

In an instant, the footsteps moved, trampling the void again and again, making a thumping sound, and the blade sparked a series of bright sparks during the dragging, and bright yellow light patterns emerged on the blade surface.

"I'll take you to try it out."

Immortal Dragon Slayer smiled coldly, leaned forward suddenly, and swept into the void with an extremely elegant posture, holding the Xuanyuan Divine Sword flat on his chest, and stabbing forward.

This sword didn't show a shocking scene, only the few wisps of dark golden brilliance that were not obvious flowed endlessly.


In Long You's hand, the Yanyue Saber seemed to have no mass, and the speed of swinging it was extremely fast, and it instantly hit the divine sword Xuanyuan.

What he practiced was the heaven-level immortal technique "Wuhuang Ba Dao Jue", which is the benefit of the imperial court in the fairy world. Even a small imperial court guard can easily practice this top-level immortal technique. However, it is much more difficult for the door, and almost only the suzerain level is qualified to practice.

As soon as the knife fell, several streams of air collapsed, shaking the void and trembling, but the Xuanyuan Divine Sword seemed to be fixed there, not moving at all. All of a sudden, the Yanyue Saber flicked away, pointing directly at the vital point of Long You's abdomen, intending to destroy his primordial spirit sea.

He is also a sword fairy, Long You is walking on the road of violence, and has no means of defense at all, so this armor dharma robe is his only barrier, but as soon as he touches the edge of the Xuanyuan sword, the thick earth-level fairy dharma robe immediately cracks , quickly disintegrated like an earth wall that had been eroded by wind and sand for many years.

Long You's face was still as calm as before, as if he had predicted it earlier, and immediately avoided it, but the divine sword also changed its direction, swiped straight, and would cut it in half in the next moment.

"go with!"

It was too late to swing the Yanyue Saber, Longyou gritted his steel teeth, swung a heavy fist and slammed it on the blade, and at the same time used his strength to retreat a distance of tens of feet.

"on one's last legs."

Immortal Dragon Slayer raised the divine sword high, and said softly: "Dari Liuli opens the sky sword!"

The heaven-level immortal technique was launched with the power of a holy immortal. Long You suddenly felt that the whole world was shaking, and an extremely terrifying aura permeated the surroundings. He suddenly raised his head and found that a gap had been torn in the depths of the sky. A complete dark golden sword body was protruded, and it was densely covered with ancient and obscure spells and talismans.

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