bully sword bully god

Chapter 706 Variables

Wearing a Taoist robe that floated like a fairy, when the man stood up, there was a sudden surge of wind and clouds, and the vitality of the surrounding world suddenly changed drastically.

"Gang Xian!"

Yuan Futu said in shock, and Li Maocai also reacted, his face was black, and he said: "How could this be so, there is actually a gang fairy-level powerhouse ambushing here, that's not what was written on the animal skin scroll, could it be that the front of the ship is Is there only one Gangxian who attacks?!"

"Is the news wrong?" Yuan Futu frowned. With Li Maocai's meticulous thinking, there is absolutely no mistake. The only mistake lies in the information on the animal skin scroll.

It is impossible to achieve [-]%, but even a [-]% difference can affect the final result.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." The Immortal Gang raised his double-edged sword with one hand and said calmly, "The place of burial is here."

The wrinkles on Li Maocai's face were all piled up. He slumped on the ground and backed away in extreme fear. He felt more and more that it was not as simple as a mistake in the news. There were problems in accepting a task of this level from the very beginning.

"Don't panic, you continue to unlock the restriction, leave this to me!" Yuan Futu took a deep breath, and the boundary force had been activated instantly.

Li Maocai is naturally timid, and usually hides in a safe place far away during battles, and he cultivates a defensive sword fairy, hoping to escape for his life. After hearing this, he immediately released a low-grade earth-level flying sword, levitating Above the head, the hazy sword light shrouded it, forming a defensive barrier, and then continued to swipe pen and ink, calculating the final result.

That Immortal Gang smiled coldly, his figure flashed in front of him like lightning, with a snort, the double-edged sword slashed down, powerful but heavy, Yuan Futu didn't dodge, the sword formula condensed, and the eight Heavenly Crystal Mother-Mother Swords burst out at the same time, Grid blocks the power of the double-edged sword.

At the same time, a platinum figure sprang out from his waist, and the mighty dragon fist was launched continuously.

"Beast Master?!"

The Immortal Gang raised his eyebrows, raised his leg and kicked a dragon punch, and took advantage of the momentum to back away.

His leg was not broken by Jin Bao. It was obvious that while cultivating boundary force, he had also minored in super-body. However, this result made Yuan Futu heave a sigh of relief.

As long as the opponent is not a strong soul, then one's strongest means can be brought out to the greatest extent.

"Look at my breath!"

Jin Bao squatted down suddenly, feeling that the whole ship was sunk by it, and then spit out a straight blue flame from his mouth.

The Gang Immortal immediately sensed the refinement aura emanating from it, and with a twist of his wrist, four divine patterns lit up on the front and back of the huge sword blade at the same time.

"No wonder using the double-edged broadsword, although the speed has been reduced, but its hardness and area have been increased, and finally achieved the effect that it can bear the four divine patterns. This guy really paid a lot of money!"

Yuan Futu is an expert in this field. At a glance, he can tell that three of the four divine patterns are the main attack. Each divine pattern has a [-]% to [-]% attack bonus. After superposition, it will be reduced, but the overall approach is also close. Thirty percent is already an extremely terrifying statistic, and the other auxiliary is to reduce the weight, which completely offsets the trouble caused by the heavy material.

It can be said to be a perfect combination of divine patterns.

Because the time was too short, Yuan Futu hadn't had time to imprint the divine patterns on the Tianjing Zimu sword, so he had the upper hand in this respect, and the opponent was obviously already a top-grade earth-level fairy weapon, so it could carry four ways.

That Immortal Gang stepped forward, swung his sword and slashed, and as the four divine patterns erupted at the same time, each sword seemed to be imbued with infinite divine power, and under the operation of the immortal law, it appeared even more imposing, even though there were ghosts and snakes in front of him , All of them were killed with one sword.

This is the upper-level earth-level immortal method "Sword of God Slayer", which can be cultivated up to the mysterious fairyland.

"Nine Tribulations Sword Formation!" Yuan Futu exhausted all his power, controlling the eight Heavenly Crystal Mother and Child Swords to form a Tribulation Sword for the first time. Even the Tribulation Vein could not be completed.

Once the sword formation was completed, its power increased sharply, and the Immortal Gang was about to be trapped in the sword formation. Only in this way could he buy time for Li Maocai.

Jin Bao kept spitting out dark blue guts, coordinating with the sword formation to restrain the Gang Immortal.

This Chiyun Sect disciple's Gang Immortal Realm has obviously reached the middle level, and the double-edged sword dance is impenetrable, completely resisting the menacing attack, and at the same time approaching step by step.

Li Maocai kept recording the results of calculations in his mind with trembling hands. There were more and more characters. The pen in his hand snapped, and a soft sound seemed to completely clear the blockage in his mind. He said: "I Got it, I got it!!!"

"Go and untie it!" Yuan Futu said.

Li Maocai nodded, and stumbled towards the giant metal door.


The Immortal Gang let out a loud roar, and the God-Slaying Sword became even more domineering, breaking through the sword array at once, and sending the two sub-swords flying out.

Jin Bao jumped up, and slammed his two dragon fists on the sword in front of him. The Gang Immortal immediately retreated more than ten feet, but he didn't fall down. Instead, he rushed towards Li Maocai at a faster speed. .

He knew that as long as he was killed, the giant door would not be able to be opened.

Sensing the fierce killing intent, Li Maocai's hands trembled with fear, how could he dare to undo the restraint.

"Tiangang Mahamudra!"

At this critical moment, Yuan Futu formed a Dharma Seal and recited the mantra of Tiangang, and the lake of spirit and soul suspended above the Yuanshen Sea suddenly boiled.

The extremely powerful power of the soul is contained in the seal, directly attacking the soul of that gang fairy.

He was completely unprepared, and felt that his eyes went dark. When it became clear again, he found that he was standing in a cold and dark world, and there was a rumbling noise all around him. When he looked intently, there were more than a dozen roads The palm prints are crushed, and those palm prints cover the sky, they are huge, once approaching, it seems like the sky is collapsing, a scene of doomsday, and the whole person feels insignificant like an ant and a mayfly when he is in it.


A total of fifteen handprints competed to suppress, and he only felt that his physical body had been torn apart.


The middle-level Gangxian fell in front of Li Maocai as if he lost consciousness, but couldn't get up.

Yuan Futu's aura was thick, and he issued fifteen handprints of Tiangang at the same time. The consumption was a bit terrifying, but the effect was obvious. The soul of this middle-level Gangxian was traumatized, and it was difficult to recover in a short time.

"Untie it quickly, there is no time!"

09 Hearing Yuan Futu's order, Li Maocai came back to his senses, swallowed hard, and began to undo the prohibition seals layer by layer.

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